Lux's Farewell

Chapter 146 [0143]

Chapter 146 [0143]
Victor didn't realize why this was until he was escorted to the Law Enforcement Bureau.

Is it because of Singed?
shouldn't be...

No matter how much Victor thought about it, he couldn't understand under what circumstances Singed could commit such a major event that even his former students would be implicated.

In his heart, compared with other Zaun people who commit violent crimes and commit crimes, his teacher is simply a white lotus...

What bad thoughts could an alchemist who spends years in a laboratory have?

Soon, in the Law Enforcement Bureau, all his doubts were answered—the law enforcement officials handed over some copies of documents that were not confidential materials to Victor, and asked him to confess and be lenient.

Victor, who took the document, widened his eyes more and more.

Illegal practice of medicine is not counted as minor crimes that do not go back to the past before the establishment of New Zuan. The main crimes of Singed are reflected in the following points.

War crimes: Subjectively and objectively knowing the effects of their products and knowing that they are used for war purposes, but still providing gas bombs and low-light stimulants to the Noxus for economic gain.

Crimes against humanity: If the low-light potion has its positive side and can be used as a prescription drug when necessary, trench gas bombs are completely anti-human products and must be completely banned.

Intentionally hurting people to death: The experimenters in Singed's laboratory are nominally voluntary, but many of them are actually bought, and they all fall within the scope of being voluntary.

Crime against public safety: When negotiating with Lux, the use of dangerous trench gas bombs almost caused irreversible and serious damage to Zaun.

Looking at his teacher's "brilliant resume", Victor was completely dumbfounded.

Victor knew that Singed had always had the side of a mad scientist—he was ruthless in experiments, and he was extremely fanatical about any results and progress, but he never thought that the teacher who once supported him would actually still There will be such a twisted and terrifying side.

This made Victor feel a little horrified while being surprised. This kind of dehumanization is not what he wants to see...

Victor, who put down the materials, suddenly didn't know what to say. Facing the gaze of the law enforcement officer, he could only explain his purpose dryly.

I didn't come to rob the prison, and I didn't have any conspiracy, I just hoped to get some help in alchemy.

Then, while the other law enforcement officers looked at him suspiciously, a young man with a tuft of white hair on his head pushed the door open.

"Victor has been bailed out, and the letter of commitment has been signed." The visitor took out a letter of promise, handed it to the leader of the law enforcement officers, and then turned to look at Wei, "Don't forget to come back tonight. For dinner, Bao Bao said that she has prepared special dishes for you."

"...Understood, Ike." Wei rolled his eyes helplessly, "I hope that by then, you won't be the one who ran away halfway."

The next moment, under Victor's surprised gaze, Ike gave him a warm hug.

"Victor, don't say anything when you return to Zaun!"

In a sense, Victor and Ike have a relationship of "carrying guns together". Although Ike had a prejudice against Victor at the beginning, when Victor, Jess and Ike were three people that night When they work together and use the undeveloped Hex device to mine and save people, they are comrades in arms fighting side by side.

That dark mine was their trench.

In fact, after the establishment of New Zaun, Ike also tried to find Victor and wanted to bring him back to Zaun. According to him, Victor is a man who can get along with him. superior.

It's a pity that both Victor and Jess are Piltover's treasures, especially after Camille has completely taken over power and Hextech has become a new growth point for Piltover - Victor's previous applications for "visiting relatives" , In fact, Camille personally refused.

After the mining incident, Jess already believed that he had nothing to owe Zaun, and with his association with Mel, he had gradually entered the upper echelons of Piltover.

But Victor was different.

After all, he was born in Zaun, and he also mastered the key technology of Piltover.

Camille didn't want him to have unreasonable thoughts—if she hadn't had the idea of ​​easing the relationship between the two cities, she would never allow Victor to set foot on the land of Zaun again.

Of course, Victor didn't know all this.


With Ike as a guarantee and signing the guarantee, Victor and Skye left the Law Enforcement Bureau smoothly.

(During the period, Ike also asked about Skye's identity, and then signed an additional guarantee-but his subtle glances between the two made the little assistant seem a little uneasy.)
And from Ike's mouth, Victor finally learned the details of his teacher.

"He's going to be sent to Ionia?!" Victor's eyes widened in astonishment, "Why?"

"Because Ionia has more power to judge him than Zaun." Ike looked calm, "I'm afraid you don't know how terrible damage the trench gas has caused to Ionia... and, for Many things before the establishment of New Zuan are not so clear."

Ike didn't hide this point - the trial of Singed has always been a topic that Zaun cannot avoid.

While in theory his gas bombing of Lux deserved the death penalty, the problem was never with that part, it was with the previous one.

Whether Singed's actions before the establishment of New Zaun should be investigated or not is a question.

Pursuing it involves the issue of not teaching and punishing, and it is unreasonable not to pursue it, so in the end Lux ​​made a decision to send him to Ionia.

Before the establishment of New Zaun, he served his sentence in Ionia. If the Ionians mercifully spared his life, then Zaun would directly give him a happy attack on Lux in the follow-up.

By the way, I can also sell Ionia a favor, which can be regarded as waste utilization, killing two birds with one stone.

Victor blinked his eyes, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't say it - after reading those materials, he really had no way to defend Singed.

Singed himself admitted that he knew the effects of the gas and what the Noxians were using it for, and he deserved it in every sense of the word.

"Don't think about him anymore." Ike patted Victor's shoulder lightly. "I heard you came to seek help in alchemy? Tell me, I might be able to help you!"


Victor froze for a moment.

"Why, look down on me?" Ike took out a medal from his pocket, heaved a sigh of relief, wiped it and put it on his chest, "The youngest alchemist of the Zaun Alchemy Association, how about it, this title is cool Not cool?"

"Didn't you work as an apprentice in a machinery factory before?" Victor hesitated, "Isn't this a bit different from an alchemist?"

"I said, I'm a genius." Ike looked very high-spirited, as if he was the guy who found the academy and took the initiative to pick up the cutting machine. "In terms of rune alchemy, few people in Zaun are better than me. Qiang, if you need any help, just ask!"

"I—cough, cough, cough!" Victor couldn't help coughing twice, "I'm afraid that won't work, what I need is help with the human body..."

"Your body can't hold it anymore?" Seeing this scene, Ike finally frowned. "You are also from Zaun. You should know the dangers of those alchemy potions. They don't match your physical condition."

"I don't want to use medicine to transform myself." Victor waved his hand and explained in a low voice, "This involves some confidential projects of Piltover, I'm sorry I can't disclose it, in short, I need something that can enhance my body's physical tolerance Alchemy technology help."

"Enhance the body's physical tolerance?" Ike touched his chin, "Well, how about it, come to the Alchemy Association with me and sit for a while, I'll see if I can help you think of a way—if it's for the words of your body."

"Then, thank you very much." Victor nodded, "Let's go."


It seems that because of the mention of Victor's body, the three of them fell silent—Ike stopped showing off his achievements, Victor focused on observing the new Zaun, and Skye took a step behind, looking at Victor worriedly.

Soon, the three of them turned two streets and came to the Alchemy Association in Zaun.

This is a very imposing building with a narrow top and a wide bottom, which looks a bit like a flask at first glance.

The exterior wall of the Alchemy Association building is different from the surrounding buildings. There are no shades of red graffiti on it, but it maintains the original gray color of the beggar's version of the forbidden magic stone.

But when Victor approached and took a closer look, he could find that above the gate, there were squares of solid color like mosaics.

Seeing this unique shape, Victor subconsciously asked, "What is that?"

"That's an alchemy mark." Ike smiled. "According to the standards of the Alchemy Association, a memorable achievement will leave a square outside the building in its most prominent color—now we have only filled a dozen or so squares. blocks, but I believe that this building will be covered in various colors sooner or later in the future!"

Victor blinked in surprise.

This is indeed a very interesting idea. Select the representative color of the alchemy results, make a color block and leave it outside the building, as if everyone used alchemy to build an alchemy building...

This is a genius idea, and in a sense, it is much more interesting than the statues all over the Piltover Academy of Science and Progress!
"When I have a chance later, I will find the previous journals for you and tell you about the color blocks that are already there." Ecra opened the door, "Come on, go to my office and sit for a while, don't waste time here .”

 Karya's Small Classroom Zaun Alchemy Guild Building:

  Not long ago, this wonderfully shaped building won the first award for the best architectural design in Zaun - whether it is a designer or an alchemist, everyone is very satisfied with it.

(End of this chapter)

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