Lux's Farewell

Chapter 147 [0144] Weak body

Chapter 147 [0144] Weak body

When Ike brought Victor and Skye to his office and poured them two cups of coffee, the two looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

It is almost impossible for a 16-year-old young man to have his own private office with a surprising size.

"Don't show that look, Victor." Ike sat dishonestly on his desk, his legs shaking rapidly, "My situation is quite special... It's not easy to explain to you, anyway, under normal circumstances, I You won’t have your own office—let’s talk about you, what kind of alchemy technical support do you need?”

"What I need is the support of alchemy technology that can improve my physical fitness." Victor said calmly while holding the cup, "It can make the weak body have enough recovery and immunity to cope with the next body modification technology."

"The same technology as that lady? Hex body transformation?" Speaking of this topic, Ike raised his brows in surprise, "For the lady who fished the three of us out of the mine, my I was so impressed..."

"It's that kind of technology." Victor nodded, "But unfortunately, my current body can't bear even the simplest transformation."

"So you hope to get a little help in alchemy, and use alchemy potions to improve your physical fitness?" Ike understood what the other party meant, "at least improve your physical fitness enough to support a transformation."


Victor didn't speak, acquiescing to Ike's judgment.

"To be honest, most of Zaun's alchemy human experiments have stopped." Ike scratched his head, showing a distressed expression, "I know several drugs with similar effects, but without exception, they are strictly controlled. The prescribed drugs must be under the double supervision of a doctor and a pharmacist before they have restricted use."

"Understandable." Victor nodded, "Are there any requirements for using these drugs?"

"Some special conditions need to be met, and there are very strict regulations." Ike stood up and began to rummage through the bookshelf, "Let me look for it—here, "Zuan Special Alchemy Drug Management Regulations" ", you need to pass the joint certification of at least three doctors and pharmacists, and meet the necessary conditions before you can be qualified for use, and then use the medicine under the supervision of a doctor and a pharmacist, take a single use, and cannot take it away ..."

After opening the rules, Eckling read a lot, and the more he thought about Victor, the colder he felt.

Without Ike's detailed explanation, he already understood the extent of Zaun's restrictions on these drugs from this management regulation. It is almost impossible for him to rely on it to enhance his physical fitness and survive Hex's body modification of!

After Ike read the long list of regulations, Victor fell silent.

Ike put the rule back in its original position, only to shake his head in the end.

The office fell into silence.

Skye, who had always been transparent before, looked at the two silent old friends and finally blinked—she chose to change the subject and break the suffocating silence.

"Mr. Ike, I heard that Zaan has a special plant cultivation major... I wonder if I can visit it, or have some academic exchanges."

"Plant cultivation?" Ike looked at Skye in surprise, with a hint of guard in his eyes, "Does Piltover know about this... Yes, Zaun's plant cultivation major is still very good. Great, finally absorbing the endless haze thanks to those amazing plants."

"I also have a research on plants." Skye pushed his eyes and took out a notebook from his bag, "It's a pity that the college can't pass it—I think maybe plants can replace animals in some aspects, To deal with various extreme situations, the characteristics of their growth and withering are easier to directly observe..."

Ike's eyes widened in disbelief, and his eyes fell on Skye's notebook involuntarily.

The notebook has obviously been deleted and edited, and Skye has smeared in many key places-obviously, this part involves the core technology of Piltover and cannot be shown-but even so, the rest of the part still makes Ike feel quite surprised.

Unbelievable even.

Perhaps in the eyes of Mrs. Piltover, Skye's research is of little significance—the Hex crystal is indeed polluting, but everyone just regards it as the source of power for the machine.

However, from Zaun's point of view, Skye's idea can only be said to be the same as the hero's point of view.

"Very interesting and insightful idea, Miss Skye." Ike couldn't help picking up his notebook and quickly rummaged through it, "Let me see... a wonderful way of thinking, directly activated by the source of energy The vitality of plants, strengthening life—is this the research direction of you and Victor?"

"It's just my thoughts." Skye said shyly, "Victor...he can always think further than I do."

"It's not farther, it's just more realistic." Victor finally said, "Actually, I also thought about using Hex crystals for self-enhancement, but unfortunately, compared to body modification, it is more difficult to do that. .”

Has it gotten this bad?
Looking at the thin and stooped Victor, Ike didn't continue to dwell on this issue, but took the initiative to change the subject.

"But you don't have to be too discouraged, I can try to submit a special application for you, about the special use of alchemy potions and so on - if you don't mind, maybe we can have dinner together? Many of my friends are in , everyone can get to know each other, you haven't been back to Zaan for a long time..."

Victor blinked and was about to say no, but finally nodded.



Ike, the "youngest alchemist", seemed to be very idle. Throughout the afternoon, he was almost chatting with Victor, looking for the internal journals of the Alchemy Association to read to him, and discussing the development and changes of Zaun with him.

This kind of communication made Victor's mental state much better, and it also relieved Skye who was worried by the side.

Speaking of...

Ever since Jess and Victor had different research directions and separated into two offices, it had been a long time since they talked about academics and ideals together like this.

It's not that Jace and Victor drifted apart, but that they took different paths.

In fact, Skye knew very well that without Jace's activities and support, it would be difficult for Victor's experiment to have such favorable conditions.

In the past three years, Victor has achieved very little, but his resources have never been cut off - this is inseparable from Jess' support.

But if possible, Skye still prefers Jace to chat with Victor.

Only his unconstrained imagination and amazing creativity can benefit Victor—unlike himself, who wants to help, but can only do data recording and analysis.

Skye never expected that in Zaun, Victor actually had such a friend.

Although many of Ike's habits seem to be sloppy and outrageously idle, listening to his conversation with Victor, Skye has to admit that his mind is as flexible and meticulous as Jess and Victor's. genius.

Realizing this, Skye's mood relaxed a lot, and the regret of "not being able to have dinner with Victor" gradually disappeared.

Compared to sitting with himself who is not good at words and tasting ordinary Zaun cuisine, maybe this kind of communication full of wisdom is what Victor needs more?
At least it can cheer him up a little!
Besides, didn't Ike say, can he submit a special application?
He is the "youngest alchemist". If he can apply for a special alchemy potion, Victor can achieve a hex body transformation - the kind that doesn't need to be wholehearted, just replace it with artificial breathing system and legs. up.

Thinking of this, the little assistant let out a long breath, and then quietly clenched his fists.

"Be patient, Skye!" Looking at Victor and Ike who were talking in front of her, she cheered herself up silently in her heart, "For Victor, it is the best way for him to support Hex's body transformation." Most importantly, as for the others... you can avoid them!"

"Victor is still young!"

"Besides, I have survived for so long..."

Just when Skye mustered up his strength again, Ike, who had been chatting happily with Victor before, suddenly collapsed from his large desk.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to the bathroom." He said with some embarrassment, "I'll be right back!"

Victor nodded.

Ike seemed to be in a hurry, and after opening the door, he strode out of the office.

He did go to the bathroom.

But after that, he didn't go back to the office directly, but found the front desk.

"Help me arrange it." Ike's expression was extremely serious. "Tonight, I need to see Miss Lacus—a special meeting."

The smiling front desk receptionist immediately became serious when she heard the words—she confirmed with Ike again, and then quickly filled out a document and handed it to Ike.

Ike took the file, kept the time on it firmly in mind, then nodded, took out a copy of the latest periodical from the newspaper column at the front desk, put the folder in it, and then turned around Go back to your office.

"It's almost time." Ike, who pushed the door in, smiled again, "Let's go, let's go back to have dinner together... Wei, you have met today, and today is just a dinner party, and I have several friends who want to meet see you."

"Want to see me?" Victor was a little surprised, "I...why do you want to see me?"

"Of course it's because we used to fight side by side!" Ike quickly packed a lot of periodicals into his backpack, and laughed loudly, "The few of them were buried below that day, and they were in such a mess!"

 Kalya's Small Classroom Zaun Alchemy Guild Journal:
  Because there are not many results, the journals of the Zaun Alchemy Association have no less than alchemy-related content-even Victor saw a joke column on it.

(End of this chapter)

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