Lux's Farewell

Chapter 148 [0145] Young people's dinner

Chapter 148 [0145] Young people's dinner
Together with Skye, Victor followed Ike and left the Alchemy Association building.

They didn't go too far, and they came to the place where they had dinner——Standing outside this building, looking at the gaudy graffiti on the wall, Victor suddenly felt a subtle familiarity.

Although these graffiti are all red, not the same as the graffiti in Victor's memory of Zaun, those exaggerated lines and slogans with unclear meaning made Victor feel a vague kindness.

This is Zuan!

"Is this your home?" Looking at the graffiti on the outer wall of the building, Victor asked with great interest, "Go to your house for dinner... Do you want to cook? Alchemists are also helpful in cooking?"

"This is a youth collective dormitory." Ike shook his head upon hearing this, and explained in a low voice, "We have made an appointment, and we will use the public dining room for a small gathering."

"Youth dormitory? Public dining room?" Victor blinked, "What is that?"

"Youth dormitory is a dormitory for young people who have just completed their education and have not yet turned it into wealth." Ike opened the door and waved to the aunt of the doorman, "Small single rooms for free living, there are Independent toilet and kitchenette, hot water supply—but the kind that will move out after getting married.”

"The public dining room is the big kitchen you can book to use?"

"Almost, it's mainly used for dinner parties. You need to register and make reservations in advance. It's a coincidence that you came."

Victor nodded, and followed Ike to sit in his single dormitory for a while. To Victor's surprise, Ike seemed to be very interested in sculpture. Colored.

Some of these figurines are known to Victor (such as his own, Jess’s, Vander’s, and Wei’s), and some of them are unknown to Victor.

"Haha, how's my craftsmanship?" When Victor looked at the figurines, Ike showed a very proud expression, "How about it, do you want one?"

"You did all of these?" Victor's eyes widened in surprise, " they also need to study sculpture?"

"As a hobby, it's a combination of work and rest!" Ike waved his hand nonchalantly, "As long as your hands are steady enough, it's not difficult to carve such trivial things."

Steady enough?
For some reason, Victor suddenly thought of his former teacher—although Singed was usually a thin and shriveled old man, his hands could be said to be quite steady.

So, he shook his head without asking further questions.

Soon, Ike packed up his things and brought Victor and Skye to the public dining room.

When they pushed the door open, there were already two people busy here.

"Mylo, Boom!" Ike walked briskly, "I brought two new friends!"

Victor and Skye waved to them, and their eyes naturally fell on the two young men who were washing vegetables.

They both looked about Ike's age.

The girl named Baobo is slender and has amazingly long blue hair--the front half of the soft hair is fixed by a headband, and only a bunch of stubborn dull hairs stand up; the back is braided into two A long braid.

When the three of Ike pushed the door and entered, she was washing the dishes and humming a song. The two braids trembled to the beat of the music, making her look extremely lively.

After hearing Ike's voice, Baobao turned around, revealing a delicate little face—but it seemed that she hadn't slept well before, and her eye sockets were obviously a little dark.

After seeing Ike, Baobao showed a very happy look, and then he noticed Victor and Skye.

"Oh, there's a new customer!" After Baobo turned around, another person who seemed to be blending the seasoning also turned around, "Hello, I'm Mellow, this is Baobo—hey, you It looks a bit familiar, have we met somewhere?"

This is Milo, a young man not much bigger than Bobo.

"In Ike's room." Victor smiled, "His sculpture skills are good."

"Ah—I remember!" Melo snapped his fingers, "Are you that...Jace?"

"I'm Victor."

Calling the wrong name, Melo rubbed his hands together in embarrassment: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Victor."

Beside him, Bobo raised his face slightly, with the corners of his mouth down, showing undisguised disdain: "Mei Luo, you misidentified the person again—the fifth time this month."

"Shut up, explode!" Milo retorted very naturally, "It's better than you blowing up the lab five times this month!"

Blow up the lab five times?
Hearing these words, both Victor and Skye's brows trembled involuntarily.

"That's just the result of a necessary experiment." Baobo said indifferently, "Miss Lacus never said there was any problem with this, but you are just chattering here... By the way, Ai Ke, did you remind Vi?"

"I told her that she will come after get off work." Ike nodded, "Don't worry, she will definitely come—I heard from the Law Enforcement Bureau that she was deducted wages again this month. She will never give up the opportunity to grab a meal."

"Hahahaha!" Hearing that Wei was being deducted from wages again, Mellow gloated from the sidelines, "But it doesn't matter, Vander will take care of everything—as long as Wei can stand his nagging..."

"Shut up, you." Bobo stepped on Melo's foot without hesitation, "Don't say a few words and no one will treat you as a dumb person. If you like to talk so much, wait until the next time the caravan goes to Belguen , you can talk as much as you want with the Noxians!"

"Cut! Ordinary people, I'm too lazy to make jokes!" Melo swiftly withdrew his foot, then curled his lips in disdain, "The Noxus just got kicked out of the shit by the Ionians, did you see my joke?" ?”

"You laughed the happiest when the newspaper reported the day before yesterday, even your gums were exposed."

"Nonsense, no matter how I smile, I won't show my gums..."



Once Baobao and Milo started bickering, they couldn't stop bickering, which made Ike a little embarrassed-he was used to it usually, but now there are guests after all, so it's not good after all.

However, Victor and Skye didn't care much.

Victor has rarely had any friends since he was a child, and he only finds this kind of laughing and joking way of getting along with him new.

As for Skye, she envied this easy communication even more than Victor did.

Neither of them is the kind of guy who abides by etiquette—and, Bobo and Melo look like they are about seventeen or eighteen years old. There is nothing wrong with this kind of young people who are lively.

Amid the noise, Victor and Skye briefly introduced themselves, and then, just as they asked if there was anything they could help, the door of the public restaurant was pushed open again.

"Sorry, there are no live ones of the magic marsh frog. I only bought the peeled and frozen ones. I heard from the boss that what to do with them has become popular recently... Dry pot magic marsh frogs, the fresh ones are out of stock early—hey, there are customers ?”

"This is Craig!" Ike dragged the big man who had just pushed the door in with a lot of ingredients to his side, "Super reliable Craig, Zaun's future construction star! He built the building of the Alchemy Association!"

"I'm just one of the builders, sir, you must be Victor?" Clegg freed up a hand, twisted the goggles, and changed them from dark glasses to transparent ones, "I Have seen your sculpture—this is your wife?"

"Uh, I'm just Mr. Victor's assistant!" Skye's face turned red instantly, and he waved his hands in a panic, "Isn't—uh, not Madam..."

There was no expression on Craig's goggled face, but Ike, who was familiar with him, always felt that the corners of this guy's mouth were slightly raised.

Then, just as Skye asked with a blushing face if he could help, another member of the party came.

"Ah, I'm finally off work, thank God, you don't know how hard it took me to persuade Van der not to come... Hey, Mr. Victor is here too."

Wei, who opened the door and came in, looked at Victor and Skye who also appeared here. Even though he was mentally prepared when Ike took the initiative to pick them up, he was still a little embarrassed.

"Wei!" Victor didn't mind at all, "Meet you again!"

At this time, Skye finally spoke at the right time: "Is everyone doing the dinner by themselves? I also have a few special dishes!"

"It's ready!" Ike glanced at the stove, "Today we have dinner in Zaun's big pot, and the ingredients are almost ready, so we can start eating when we light the fire!"


The so-called Za'an big miscellaneous pot is the special hot pot of Za'an.

This kind of delicacy, which is between shabu-shabu hot pot and malatang, is one of the few dishes in Zaun, the gourmet depression of Runeterra, that can be called a delicacy.

This kind of delicacy, which was born together with Xinzuan, was originally intended to allow hard-working workers to eat more vegetables in one meal, and to improve everyone's enthusiasm for work.

After the water is boiled, put all kinds of spices and dishes that can be collected into it, and serve with fried noodles-although the taste is different every time, as long as the fire is turned on and water is added in time, it will be delicious. Cook all the way down.

With the end of the three-year plan, the living conditions of the Zaan people have improved significantly, and the Zaan people have gradually become more particular about the miscellaneous pot.

Not only are there more types of vegetables, but the fried noodles that are easy to fill your stomach are gradually replaced by various fried meatballs. After signing a meat supply agreement with Belgüen last year, Zaan has its own slaughterhouse. Fresh, thinly sliced ​​mammoth lamb is also added to the stock pot.

In addition, there are some things that a few people like that often appear in the big miscellaneous pot. For example, Wei likes to eat the magic marsh frog very much. According to her words, the scalded magic marsh frog, after being served with sauce, is simply delicious. The delicacy of the world is priceless.

Now, Wei, Bobo, Craig, Melo, and Ike, five young people who grew up together and are now heading in different directions, sit around a scrubbing room with Victor and Skye. In front of the shiny cauldron.

As the soup began to roll and the heat began to rise, Ike was the first to raise the juice in the glass high.

"To Victor!"

"To Victor!" x4
 Kalya's Small Classroom · Gourmet Depression in Runeterra:
  There are two places in Runeterra that can be called gourmet depressions, one is Zaun and the other is Bilgewater.

  The former is because there is really nothing to eat and there is no food heritage; the latter is because the whole city is filled with a lingering stench, and any food mixed with this smell will spoil your appetite.

  There are more changes at night.

(End of this chapter)

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