Lux's Farewell

Chapter 149 [0146] Secret meeting

Chapter 149 [0146] Secret meeting
The atmosphere at dinner was quite lively.

Whether it is a hot pot, or a young man who has just ushered in a new stage of life and is giving advice, it is easy to mobilize people's emotions.

With these young people, Victor even became a lot more cheerful, and told them some interesting things he had experienced.

(During the period, Victor mentioned that he had made many wind-up toys, such as wind-up boats, which caused Skye's eyes to shine.)
However, when everyone was almost full and BANG BANG began to organize "after-dinner activities", the atmosphere suddenly changed.

In the astonishment of Victor and Skye, the others began to find excuses very tacitly.

"Ah, my stomach is not feeling well..."

"I'm going to be on patrol tonight."

"I still have an academic meeting to hold..."

Even Clegg, the most honest, raised his hand to indicate that there would be a safety check on the construction site—everyone seemed to avoid this after-dinner event in fear.

what's the situation?
Are after-dinner activities scary?
Just when Victor and Skye were wondering, Ike finally stood up and said sternly, "I'll talk about your after-dinner event next time. After all, there are guests here this time."

Bang Bang finally glanced at Victor and Skye resentfully, curled his lips and didn't bring up the issue again.

As for Victor, although he was a little curious, he didn't continue to ask after all.

After simply tidying up the public dining room, everyone came to Ike's room. After laying a blanket on the floor, the after-dinner tea party began.

There is no theme, just continue to chat about the world.

Well, if I have to say it, it's mainly that Mellow is bragging and Bumble is poking his cowhide.

In the past three years, Melo has studied the Shurima language (and many dialects that are close to minor languages-the kind that can be spoken but not written), and he just followed the official caravan and went to Shurima not long ago. Nashi Lamei is the most knowledgeable one among them.

But knowledge belongs to knowledge, this guy’s habit of bragging has not changed at all, and he often starts to be unreliable when he talks, and every time this time, Bang Bang will stand up and pierce his cowhide with impeccable logic.

At this time, Ike would show a helpless expression, while Wei laughed heartlessly.

As for Craig... This guy is obviously big, but unexpectedly lacks a sense of presence. All his attention seems to be on the nuts Ike prepared in advance, and he ate them very happily.

It seems that the guy who ate nearly two catties of meat at night is not him.

It was nearly midnight before the crowd parted.

At this time, it was too late to return to Piltover, and Ike said that the results of the special application would be available soon, so Victor and Skye simply lived in Zaun.


After settling Victor and Skye, Ike let out a long breath.

Instead of returning to the youth dormitory to rest, he quickened his pace and ran towards the city hall.

Most of the people in the city hall have already left work, and only a few offices on the upper floors are still lit. After Ike registered at the security office, he strode straight towards the lights. He had already made an appointment to see Lacus in the afternoon. .

"Ike, you submitted a special application this afternoon?" When he opened the door and entered the room, Lacus seemed to be maintaining his saber, "What happened?"

"I did meet a very unexpected thing, Miss Lacus." Ike nodded, then sighed softly, and sat down on the chair opposite Lacus, "I met Victor today."

"Victor? Come to Zaun?" Lux was a little surprised, "Madam Piltover is willing to let him come to Zaun?"

"That's because Mr. Victor is probably running out of time." Ike no longer had the joy of being with his friends before, "Last time he was in the mine, he inhaled too much poisonous gas, and his entire respiratory system was seriously injured. question……"

Then, Ike briefly told Lux ​​about Victor's situation - after hearing about his current state, Lux couldn't help frowning.

Speaking of which, Lux's feelings for Victor are still very positive.

Although it is a bit of a "traitor" to say that a person who was born in Zaun ended up working for Piltover, but to be honest, Zaun at that time was indeed not a place where Victor could display his talents.

Moreover, judging from the fact that he went to the mine to save people with Jess and Ike later, it is not that there is no place for Zaun in his heart.

In this case, even if Victor and Jess released Lacus pigeons for better experimental conditions, Lacus was understandable.

But having said that, Victor's identity is indeed a bit sensitive now.

Piltover's vigorous development of Hex technology cannot be concealed from others.

And Victor is undoubtedly the core personnel of this technology. When such a person came to Zaun, what Ike saw as a friend was his time-limited plea for help, but Lux saw more.

In addition to resorting to alchemy technology, there may not have been temptations from Piltover behind Victor's actions.

Realizing this, Lux stroked the hilt of her sword silently, and Ike was not in a hurry, just quietly waiting for an answer from Lux.


In Ike's eyes, Lux was thinking.

But in fact, Lacus was not only thinking, but also secretly discussing with Karya.

"Is this a temptation from Piltover?"

"It must be." Kalya's tone was extremely certain, "If it was really just to treat his illness, Piltover would have let him down a long time ago."

"But I don't understand." Lux was a little puzzled, "What can Victor test? Ike said it just now, he maintains his professional ethics, does not disclose the part about Hex technology, and does not inquire about alchemy. The principle of technology is simply to seek technical support once."

"Testing... Maybe it's our attitude towards Hextech." Kalya quickly thought of the core of the problem, "Do you still remember what I said, the defeat in Noxus is a foregone conclusion? Now, Piltover actually needs Zaun more, they can't live a hard life without our cohesion."

"So they want to use Hextech as bait?" Lux said with some surprise, "That's impossible... that's the lifeblood of the people of Piltover."

"When fishing, the bait will be eaten, but the float will not." Kalya chuckled, "The people of Piltover don't know the nature of our rune tree. In their eyes, what is Zaun's core competitiveness now?"

"It should be a new alchemy industry, right?" Lacus blinked, "After all, our products are sold under the banner of [alchemy products]."

"The people of Piltover don't know that our industry has just started. If you were a member of the Piltover Council, what do you think Zaun would look like?"

"If I were a member of Piltover..." According to Carya's thinking, Lux began to think, "Zuan should be a city that relies on the export of high-quality alchemy products in exchange for food and other necessities."

"Then tell me, in your eyes, is Zaun poor?"

"Of course I'm poor. I'm so poor. If I hadn't just signed a cooperation agreement, I wouldn't even be able to eat meat."

"Would such a city yearn for abundant commodities?" Kalya continued, "Will it yearn for more golden hexes, gold hexes that can buy more external products?"

"Naturally, I will desire it." Lux replied naturally, "In fact, it is the same."

"Look, that's the end of it." Kalya laughed again, "Piltover has everything you said."

"You mean, the benefits that Piltover really intends to give up are abundant commodities that can meet the needs of the people of Zaun?" Lux was a little dazed, "Hextech is just for us to see?"

"If I were that Gray Lady." Kalya's tone seemed to have insight into everything, "I will definitely bundle Hextech and rich commodities together, and conduct trade negotiations with Zaun—and then when it is implemented, To please and attract the people of Zaun with merchandise, and send the lowest-end hextech possible."

"How can I accept this kind of negotiation agreement!" Lux's tone was a little unbelievable, "Wouldn't Zaun be the same as before?"

"First of all, not everyone is aware of this." Carya's tone was a bit inexplicable, "Secondly, once the communication starts, Piltover's products will cause extremely serious damage to Zaun Shock - as long as they are willing to spend a lot of money to occupy the market, the people of Zaun will only vote with their feet."


"Although the people of Zaun can eat enough now, the daily necessities are actually quite poor. It is difficult to compete with products from Piltover, or products from other regions in Zaun that are imported through the Sun Gate and then resold to Zaun." Kalya continued. , "In this regard, Piltover has a great advantage."

Lux froze.

As Carya said, according to the survey not long ago, after the completion of the three-year plan, Zaun's food supply has been basically guaranteed, and the basic living needs have a bottom line, but that's all.

Zaan's textile industry, daily necessities industry, agricultural and sideline food processing industry, furniture and household facilities manufacturing industry and other industries are still in the "barely usable" stage.

Although looking at Runeterra, compared with those areas in feudal society or even primitive society, the living standards of Zaun people are actually quite good, but this does not prevent Piltover from forming an absolute crush on Zaun in these industries .

If Piltover is willing, he can indeed directly deal a dimensionality reduction blow to these industries in Zaun through a price war.

But what is the point of doing so?

Monopolize these industries and then grab profits?
Is a mere market in Zaun worth the effort?
Although she vaguely felt that this might have a big impact on Zaun, Lux obviously didn't realize what this impact meant.

However, Carya knew.

He explained it to Lux very seriously.

In terms of consumption, once the gate is opened, it cannot be closed. It seems that the excellent products of Piltover have entered Zaun, but in fact, along with the products, there is demand.

The people of Zaun have no reason to refuse a more comfortable life, and it is impossible for Zaun to suppress their desire.

And a more comfortable life needs more golden hexes, which is justified.

As long as Zaun needs Jinhex, then Piltover will be able to make his request generously.

As for what the requirements are...

There is no need for Karya to say here, Lux also knows: they hope that Zaun will also become a part of the Hex technology production line.

In other words, go back to where you used to be.

On the economic level, today's Zaun actually still doesn't have the ability to wrestle with Piltover—even if you count the rune stone industry that the people of Piltover don't know, the result is the same.

"So, what should we do?" Lux hesitated, "Just refuse?"

"Why did you refuse directly?" Carya said in a cheerful tone, "Remember your investigation in Piltover? The people of Zaun have a demand for a better life, so don't the people of Piltover have a demand for a fairer life? Is it?"

Hearing this, Lux finally brightened up.

Then, she suddenly realized a serious problem.

"Have you already thought about this?"

"Huh? Which point?"

"About the communication between Zaun and Piltover." Lux gritted her teeth, "Have you already thought about this?"

"Yeah." Kalya affirmed, "I have already thought of some plans."

"Then why didn't you tell me before?!" Lux clenched her fists, "I stayed up late yesterday to prepare so many ideas, and now I have to overthrow them all, because the products you just mentioned are not considered at all. question!"

"Ah, here." Kalya whistled, "I may have been immersed in that beautiful story before, and I just forgot to remind you..."

"Cal! Er! Ya!" Lacus barely kept her reserve on the surface, but her heart was almost hysterical, "Can you be more narrow-minded?"

"It's not narrow-mindedness." Carya's tone was quite innocent, "I can't always think on your behalf... And to be honest, the negotiation draft you prepared is still very desirable..."

"Shut up for me!"

After a while, Lacus put a smile on her face after she had calmed down, and raised her head to look at Ike.

"About Victor, maybe we should have a good talk with Piltover." Lux considered the words, "Well, I will prepare a letter tomorrow, and you will give it to Victor for me, and let him pass it to Piltover." Husband’s Gray Lady... After all, it involves the cooperation between Alchemy Technology and Hex Technology, Victor’s identity is sensitive, so it’s better to be careful.”

Hearing this, Ike finally let out a long breath.

Although it has not been confirmed that the plan is feasible, judging from Lux's attitude, at least it is feasible.

That's enough - as the youngest alchemist in Zaun, Ike knows exactly what stage Zaun's "alchemy" has reached.

Victor... is saved!

 Karya's Little Classroom Zaun Merchandise Joke:
  In Zaun, there have been a lot of jokes about merchandise that have been circulating lately. These jokes are varied, but all of them point to one problem-the people of Zaun have everyday products that are available, but the quality is quite unreliable.

  PS. Plus update 5/30, a genuine [-]-word plus update.

(End of this chapter)

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