Lux's Farewell

Chapter 150 [0147] The Invisible Confrontation

Chapter 150 [0147] The Invisible Confrontation
Ike finally got a handwritten letter from Lacus.

The next day, he handed the letter to Victor, who brought it back to Piltover and handed it to Camille.

Neither Ike nor Victor knew what was written in the letter.

But what they know is that Victor's special application was finally passed-and in order to be able to "limited use of dangerous alchemy/hex technology", both Zaun and Piltover have deployed some personnel, "temporarily" He quickly formed a joint cooperation department, which is responsible for Viktor's body enhancement and Hex's body modification.

Zaun is in charge of body enhancement, and Picheng is in charge of Hex's body modification.

In order for Victor to complete the transformation smoothly, both Lacus and Camille spent a lot of money.

Lacus provided a compound alchemy enhancer, and sent a dedicated alchemist and pharmacist to study the dose to ensure safety.

And Camille sent Kubrica Nedry, the personal crystallographer of the Philos family, as the person in charge of Hex's body transformation.

Kubrica's reputation is not obvious, but his uncle is well-known-Hajim Nedri, who presided over the Hex body modification that Camille received.

(Of course, he’s also Camille’s former lover—so Camille looks at Kubricka a lot like her own child.)
Due to the shortage of natural Hex crystals, Kubrica has already entered the state of retirement in Ferros Manor. Although he is a generation younger than Camille, he is now an octogenarian. Please come out and host Victor himself. Hex's body transformation, Camille is enough to show that she attaches great importance to this matter.

However, after Karya heard about this, his first reaction was "I'm afraid this has something to do with Piltover's follow-up propaganda."

After all, strengthening the body with alchemy potions can really reduce the difficulty and requirements of Hex's body transformation... This is no different from a shot in the arm for the soon-to-be-weak Piltover economy.

In short, under the tacit publicity of Zaun and Piltover, Victor's Hex body modification has attracted the attention of countless people-some people have taken a fancy to this technology that can replace mutilated body parts; Life extension brought about by technology.

All of a sudden, alchemy strengthening and Hex body transformation became hot words in Zaun and Piltover.


There was a lot of disturbance from the outside world, but none of this seemed to have any impact on Bang Bang.

When all eyes were on Victor, as a scientific researcher, he should have been very concerned about the explosion of this cooperation, but he didn't pay even the slightest attention to this big event.

It's not that Baobang is incompetent, but that for her, at this moment, there is a more important thing that requires her to go all out.

Just when the two cities launched the joint experiment of alchemy technology and Hex body modification on Victor, in Zaan, a "magic universality experiment" also officially started.

Bang Bang is the first volunteer in this experiment.

The so-called magic universality experiment, as the name suggests, is an experiment aimed at whether magic can be adapted and used by ordinary people.

Although according to theoretical data, magic can be applied to ordinary people.

And judging from the results of the first phase of the experiment, there has not been any form of rejection so far.

But before it can be spread out as a theory that can be applied on a large scale, rigorous testing is still a link that cannot be ignored.

In the first phase of the experiment, the charged rune stone successfully gave animals the corresponding magic bonus through the magic circuit, and could also give people specific temporary enhancements.

From the results, this method of application is not substantially different from that of a mage casting spells directly on animals or people.

The rune stone is paired with a magic circuit, which can completely strengthen ordinary people with magic.

But Karya's vision of industrialization of magic obviously goes beyond that - this level of magic application is not as good as some common inventions of Hex Technology.

The next experiment that Bangbo will conduct is the second stage of the industrialization of magic - manipulating magic by non-casters.

In the first stage of the experiment, what kind of magic blessings the non-casters participating in the experiment will receive depends entirely on the type of magic circuit and the amount of magic power in the rune stone. The experimenter is just the carrier of magic.

This is the "client" experience.

Now, the experiment came to the "control side".

If Bang Bang and other experimenters pass this part of the control, it means that non-casters who have undergone professional training can also control magic. At that time, magic power will become the only difference between spellcasters and non-casters, Carl Ya's theory of the industrialization of magic will also be fully developed.

Ordinary people are not only customers of magic, but also programmers of magic!

Before conducting the experiment, Bangbo had been repeatedly informed about the process, significance and possible dangers of the experiment. According to the experiment instructions, if the experiment failed, the worst result would be that Bangpang would be poured by magic power, causing his body to collapse and even his soul to die. off.

However, even though the result of the failure is so serious and the possibility of failure is completely unknown, before the experiment is about to start, Baobo still doesn't feel nervous at all—not only is she not nervous, but she is very excited!
For Baobao, in the past three years, she always felt that her life...was a bit too peaceful.

Bobo doesn't like this kind of peaceful life.

Deep in her heart, there seems to be a voice reminding her that she should live a more exciting life, and that only destruction can make herself really high.

However, the current Baobao obviously will not give up her family and friendship because of this desire - she also has a sister, a friend, and a father-like Vander.

So, she is still step by step.

However, as everyone grows up, Mellow often doesn't come back with the caravan for a long time, Craig lives on the construction site and can't see him every day, and Wei devotes himself to the work of the law enforcement officer. The restlessness that exploded gradually became irresistible.

Even though Ike was more or less aware of something wrong and had been taking time to be with her, this impulse still existed objectively.

Fortunately, her work is related to explosives. In the experimental environment, she can often explode something, which soothes her nerves very well.

(The after-dinner activity that exploded the mind before was actually related to the explosion-she and Ike made a kind of candy that "explodes in the mouth after being bitten off", the appearance is no different from ordinary hard candy, The explosion will not cause serious harm to people. At most, it will make people confused for a while. This kind of candy has not passed the review of the market sale, but it is used by Blast as a punishment for friends party games...)
But anyway, calculated explosions are a little less exciting.

Many people participated in this experiment in the spirit of "dedicating themselves to the science of runes".

But apart from that, Boom has an extra enthusiasm for having fun.

Even if the fun might be fatal.

In this way, Zaibang was completely excited——as she adjusted her state and became eager to try, Yinuo, who was in charge of the experiment management, led her to the final experiment site.

This is an empty room.

As in previous experiments, there is a runestone wall in the center of the room.

"Put on the eye mask and earplugs to block out external interference." Ino looked serious, "Then put your hand into the groove."

"What..." Bao Bao heard that he curled his lips in frustration, "Isn't this the same as before—it's just an extra step of wearing eye masks and earplugs."

Although she complained, she still closed her vision and hearing according to Ino's request, and then stretched her hand into the groove of the forbidden magic stone wall.

The next moment, with a burst of dizziness, when Baobao regained consciousness, she had already arrived in the desert.

 Karya's Little Classroom: Explosive Hard Candies:
  This thing is actually a bit similar to popping candy, but it is more exciting, and children may have accidents when eating it, so it failed to pass the review and go on sale in the end-but this does not prevent Baobao from doing some punishment games with his friends.

  If you win, you eat chicken, if you lose, you eat candy.

  PS. Today's chapter, this chapter should be regarded as a [-]-word leave note... The state is too bad, I am very sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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