Lux's Farewell

Chapter 151 [0148]

Chapter 151 [0148]

Bakubo participated in the first phase of the experiment before.

At that time, she tried all kinds of strange magic enhancements—although the magic was different, the process was similar, and they all directly added a state to herself through that special stone slab.

But the situation of this completely different from before.

Eye masks and earplugs temporarily blocked her perception, and when she finally regained consciousness, she unexpectedly came to another world miraculously.

A world full of sand—sand on the ground, sand on the mountains, and gravel in the wind.

However, the strange thing is that the yellow sand all over the sky did not make Bao Bao feel any discomfort, and even on the contrary, the sand all over the sky made her feel an indescribable tranquility, as if all distracting thoughts had been eliminated... …

Wait, why is there someone beside me?
Bao Bao turned his head a little unexpectedly, but found that beside him, a guy who looked exactly like himself appeared at some point.

She has the same exquisite face, the same long blue hair, the same barren figure, and the same thin arms and legs as Baobo - the only difference is that this guy who appears next to Baobo not only has no dark circles, but looks good Yiyi, eyes eager to try.

"Who are you?" Feeling the wonderful familiarity of the other party, Bao Bao said hesitantly, "Why are you like me?"

"Me! You don't know me anymore?" Baobo's words seemed to make the other party very sad. She showed an exaggerated expression as if her heart was broken, and then she stretched out her arms and put one hand on Baobo Exploding shoulders, "I'm Jinx!"

"Jinx? Unlucky guy?" Bumblebee blinked his eyes in doubt, "What kind of strange name is this... Wait, why does it sound so familiar?"

"Aha!" Jinx supported Baobao's shoulders, and spun around her like a tap dance, "Our little Baobao is a heartless person who forgot that Jinx who accompanied her in the dark Kex!"

Jinx who accompanied him in the dark?
As if realizing something, Baobao was startled—then, before she could speak again, a tall figure walked down the sand dune amidst the wind and sand.

"Thank you for your support for the magic universalization experiment. I will make a series of observations and records of your next behavior and data, and draw relevant conclusions after analysis... Wait, why are there two Is someone here?"


Carya was a little confused.

This magic universality experiment seems to be presided over by Ino, but the actual organizer is Kalya—in the second phase of the test, he personally participated in the test as a tester.

Originally, according to the experiment plan, the main content of this experiment should be to observe and judge whether non-casters can carry out simulation training.

Compared with directly letting non-casters contact and control magic power, in a simulated training environment, magic power is also controlled by Karya, which is less prone to accidents.

As a result, the stage on Kalya's side was set up, and when it was time to go on stage, one experimenter became two experimenters...

There's something wrong with that.

Yinuo is not such an unreliable person, and Kalya also saw the experimental plan, there should not be two experimenters here at the same time!
However, when Karya took a closer look at the state of the two experimenters, he quickly understood what was going on.

It's not two people, it's the same person.

It's just that maybe the experimenter... might be a little schizophrenic.

As far as the same person has multiple personalities, what will happen to their own magic, this point has been studied and demonstrated in detail as early as the ancient Shurima period.

At that time, it was concluded that in this schizophrenic, multiple personality situation, each personality shared the level of magic, but the talent for spellcasting was not exactly the same.

When Shurima was extremely introverted and everyone wanted to ascend and become immortal, there were many people who were not talented enough to achieve a "counterattack" by driving themselves crazy.

(Even Kalya seriously considered whether to give it a try—of course, the conclusion was no.)
It's just that, after a wave of fads, gradually no one does this anymore.

Because the result of this "counterattack" is often tragic, the split personality in Runeterra is not a simple mental illness, it is essentially a split soul...

A split soul would have quite serious consequences, and the chaotic magic power would even backfire on the body, directly disintegrating itself.

Thinking of this, Carya decided to end the experiment.

Schizophrenia is a mental illness for non-casters. Although Karya is not an expert in this area and there is no cure, it is certain that the problem can be alleviated through drugs and counseling.

But if multiple personalities are exposed to magic, then the follow-up will be very troublesome-soul tearing is a very difficult problem.

"It seems that there was a little accident in the experiment." Carya's face under the hood was still unclear, "Okay, kid, get out of here... Ino will have a good talk with you later—"

However, before Kalya finished speaking, Baobo spoke first:

"Wait a minute! I want to talk to her!"

"This is not a problem that can be solved through conversation." Kalya shook her head, "You should know her identity. If you have close contact with her, it may cause you unnecessary trouble..."

"No, I can talk to her!" Baobao stepped forward, as if he wanted to hold Kalya, "She is a part of me! I have always wanted to talk to her, please give me a chance!"


It's a pity that when Bang Bang rushed over, Kalya's body disappeared from her face, and appeared on a sand dune not far away without warning.

However, before Kalya waved her hand to expel Bumblebee from this world, Jinx, who had kept watching the show, suddenly grabbed Bumblebee—her hand strangled Bumblebee's slender neck, He pulled an exaggerated smile at Karya on the dune.

"Did you hear that, Faceless Man, Bobo said that he wanted to talk to me!" Jinx shook his head from side to side as if following a non-existent beat, "Let her talk, or I will definitely destroy her !"

Under the hood, Kalya finally sighed softly.

Judging from the actions just now, this somewhat crazy personality seems to have been fully formed.

In this case, it would be meaningless to expel them from the world of simulated training—back to reality, this crazy personality might also compete for control of the body.

That being the case...

Let's talk then.

This is what you asked for.

 Carya's Small Classroom·Soul:

  The soul of Runeterra is actually a...very delicate matter. It is related to the spirit world and also to the will. Ancient Shurima and Exutar and Hylia, who inherited part of the civilization of ancient Shurima, are all concerned about the soul. Some studies have been done, but few meaningful conclusions have been drawn.

(End of this chapter)

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