Lux's Farewell

Chapter 153 [0150] Another newcomer

Chapter 153 [0150] Another newcomer

Karya could see very clearly that Jinx, who appeared in the simulated training world, was very lively, but actually very weak.

Bobo had a bad childhood.

But without experiencing the disappearance of her adoptive father, the death of her partner, and the rebellion of her sisters, the "inner demon" Jinx in her heart is actually not strong.

Jinx can make Pop impulsive, tongue-in-cheek, and occasionally destructive, but that's not the norm.

As long as you quit the simulation training in time, and then cultivate yourself carefully, cooperate with effective counseling and drugs, and you will explode for the rest of your life. At most, you will have a slightly unpleasant personality.

Jinx doesn't cause her any major problems.

Blast could have sealed Jinx forever.

However, when Bobo met Jinx and actively chose to communicate with Jinx, the nature of the matter changed-this method that seemed to help solve the problem actually brought had a negative effect.

Unlike the somewhat crazy Jinx, Bobo herself is eager to be recognized. She is not as confident as she looks, let alone strong. For the "other me", her first reaction is not to eliminate, but to It is peace.

And Jinx seems to have an insight into this point. Throughout the communication process, she has been using exaggerated means to imply her own simplicity, and repeatedly emphasized the dominance of Bobo, the purpose of which is to hope that she can control the body. dominance.

As long as she has the control of her body, Jinx will become stronger and stronger, and at the same time, she can create difficulties for Baobo, making her helpless in pain. Once that time comes, Baobo will be helpless , Give up the control of this body, then there will be no explosions, and only Jinx will be left.

In Kalya's view, Jinx is not so much another personality, but rather similar to those unformed demons—that is, the legendary Yazakana.

When Baobo made this choice, it didn't matter whether Karyarang let them leave the simulation training world.

Bobo knows Jinx, she will always communicate with Jinx.

As the organizer of this experiment, it is naturally impossible for Karya to sit back and watch all this happen.

So, Kalya simply let them chat here and see what Jinx is up to.

As a result, Jinx cunningly wove a narrative for Bumble that nearly got her to agree to share control of her body with him.

It was also at this time that Kalya interrupted them.

"Since you want to stimulate, then follow through to the end." Kalya said, "Jinx likes destruction and explosions, so let me see your ability."

The next moment, amidst Jinx's surprise and explosive consternation, the yellow sand suddenly rose—a caravan stepped on the sand amidst the dust.

"Go, Jinx." Carya said in a low voice, "You should be good at shooting, right?"

Jinx lowered his head and was pleasantly surprised to find that there was an extra pistol in his hand.

She quickly checked the gunpowder chamber and projectiles, quickly opened the safety, pulled the bolt, and pulled the trigger towards the sky.

With a bang gunshot, the gunpowder smoke dispersed into the dust, and the caravan in the distance seemed to hear the sound, and finally stopped.

"Can I?" Jinx looked at Bumblebee, "A really exciting round?"

"Go." Before the stunned Bumblebee could react, Kalya nodded first, "Have fun and let me see your potential."

Jinx still hesitated, she always felt that something was wrong.

But in the face of a big stimulus within reach, she finally took a step forward and went straight to the small caravan.


Compared with Lux and Sona who were in a terrible embarrassment in front of the Scarab after entering the simulation training for the first time, Jinx's combat performance can only be described as stunning.

This guy may look crazy on the surface, but his attack is terrible—and, unlike Lux, Ino, and Sona, who obviously care about the identity of the enemy, Jinx's destructive desire is direct and strong. What he was facing was not a sand bandit but a caravan, but he didn't hesitate to move his hands. He didn't have the slightest feeling about the incomparably real struggle and wailing in front of him, and even became more excited.

At first, Baobo just widened her eyes in astonishment, but later she simply covered her eyes.

Obviously, Jinx's performance has gone far beyond her acceptable range.

Jinx yearns for pure destruction, and although Bumblebee also has an impulsive side, it is obviously impossible to be as crazy as Jinx.

But when the dust settled, Jinx, covered in blood, came back briskly and wanted to share his feelings with Bobo, but Bobo hid behind Kalya full of fear.

At this moment, Jinx's crazy smile finally froze on her face - she finally realized it, but it was too late.

Karya's face was still blurred and invisible.

But Jinx felt that he seemed to be smiling happily.

"Do not--"

Jinx dropped the hot musket in his hand, and strode towards Bang Bang.

However, this time, Baobao was finally unwilling to accept Jinx anymore - she dodged backwards, and every time she dodged, the distance between her and Jinx would be widened by a large amount.

"Restrain your inner impulse, Bobo." Kalya's voice was like a breeze, appearing in the ear of the dazed Bobo, "Jinx can't be released, at least not now."

"She is a part of me." Although he was avoiding Jinx's pursuit, Baobo was still very sad, "Sir, you must be able to help me, right? You know magic, and you can also let me see Jinx Max, let me communicate with Jinx..."

"If you must keep Jinx." Kalya had already prepared, "The best way is to ensure that you can control Jinx, so that you won't lose control because you trust her."

"No, bang bang, you can't listen to his nonsense, we are one!" Jinx yelled loudly, "you are me, I am you, you should accept yourself—"

"That's not me!" Unknowingly, he ran to a messy battlefield and shouted in pain, "I can't do such a thing! It's impossible to do it as a stimulus!"

"You will, this is your inner desire!" Jinx was still unwilling to give up, "I am the reflection of your heart, I am your truest self, I—"

"Okay, you can calm down now." Kalya waved his hand, causing Jinx's voice to dissipate in the yellow sand, "Let Baobo make this decision."

"What choice do I have?"

"Release her, let's try to control her." Carya seemed to be apologetic, "I'm sorry, because of an experiment, you have to face a difficult choice."

"But in fact, I don't seem to have any choice." Baobo shook his head, "You let me see her could I choose to release her?"

"Then, your daily research content will be suspended." Carya nodded upon hearing this, "I will explain to Lux and Ino later that you will learn from me to control the fighting impulse and special research from Jinx. talent."

"Wait, controlling the fighting impulse and special talent?" Bakugo widened his eyes in astonishment, "Why is it a fighting talent? Isn't it controlling emotions?"

"Well..." Kalya put on a posture of a little bear spreading his hands, "It's better to be blocked, trust me, I'm a professional in teaching students."

Bobo didn't speak, but looked at Karya with suspicious eyes.

Although she can't accept Jinx now, she is also very vigilant about this one in front of her—it's okay to let herself learn to control her emotions, but follow him to learn to control her impulse and talent for fighting...

I'm afraid this guy has bad intentions!

"Oh, did I not introduce myself?" Realizing the explosion of distrust, Kalya touched his chin belatedly, "My name is Kalya, and I am the teacher of Lacus and Ino—— Of course, he is also your teacher now."

"Miss Lacus and Miss Ino?"

"That's right, it's them." Carya nodded, "You can confirm with them later."

Jinx in the distance is still coming with great strides.

But at this moment, Bang Bang let out a long breath.


Although I don't know who Kalya is, Bumblebee is at least willing to trust Lacus and Ino—thank God!
 Carya's small class and professional class:
  Let's congratulate Carya for opening a new "Jinx Management Class".

  This chapter is to make up for yesterday's share.

(End of this chapter)

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