Lux's Farewell

Chapter 154 [0151] Welcome Junior Sister

Chapter 154 [0151] Welcome Junior Sister

Bobo doesn't realize what it means to be Kalya's student.

The reason why she agreed so simply was mainly because of the golden signatures of Lacus and Ino.

Bobo doesn't believe in Kalya, but she believes in Lux and Ino.

And Karya is willing to accept her, on the one hand because it is true that the meeting and dialogue brought about by this experiment has aggravated the split between Bobo and Jinx, and he has the responsibility to deal with it; on the other hand, it is also because Jinx has some too special.

It seems that all the negative effects brought about by the Sun Gate conflict were concentrated on Bobo, Jinx was obviously just Bobo's inner demon, but gave Kalya a kind of Yazakana demon Feel……

This is very rare.

Even for Kalya, a Yazakana demon in the midst of birth is rare enough.

Teaching Bobo to master Jinx can also help Karya understand Yazakana and demons, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.


With Bakugo making a decision, Kalya finally let go of Jinx.

Although already aware of Kalya's horror, Jinx still didn't give up—maybe it was because the stimulation just now made her calm down a little bit. Bang bang leave quickly.

Get away from this damn experiment, get out of this weird place!
As long as I leave here, I will have a chance to talk with Bobo alone. Although Kalya is very powerful, your words are not as effective as my pillow talk!

This time, I didn't notice it for a while, and exposed the problem under your temptation, which aroused explosive disgust...

But it doesn't matter, as I get along with Bang Bang day and night in the future, I will have the opportunity to make her trust me and alienate you sooner or later!

I, Jinx, was originally with Bobo!

You Karya is an outsider!

Not close to each other, haven't you heard of it?

Facing Jinx's urging, Bumblebee subconsciously looked at Karya.

She was a little tired, and this kind of tiredness that seemed to come from the soul made her want to rest and sleep better.

And Kalya seemed to have guessed her thoughts—the next moment, Baobo, Jinx and Kalya appeared in a small room together.

Judging from the display, this is the room where Baobao and Wei used to be in Forgen's Tavern.

The current Forgan's Tavern has been transformed into the New Zaun Birth Museum, the kind that even if it explodes, you have to buy tickets to go back.

And in order to achieve the best display effect, the internal display is also different from the past.

Suddenly seeing a familiar room, Baobao seemed to have already asked about the taste of his childhood, and he relaxed.

And with this kind of relaxation, the drowsiness originating from the soul made Baobao unable to hold on any longer, and she finally chose to follow Karya's instructions and lay quietly on the bed.

Karya smiled and winked at her, then stuffed a big, azure-shaped pillow into her arms, and finally covered her with a quilt.

"Let's go and have a rest first, bang." Kalya said softly, "When you wake up, the world will be quiet..."

Jinx still wants to say something, wants to call Bakugo—but unfortunately, this is Kalya's world, following Kalya's will, no matter how anxious she is, she can only start in vain at this time He closed his mouth, but couldn't make a sound.

In the end, she could only be carried out of this familiar room by Karya, and then watched Karya close the door in despair.

Outside the house is the scorching desert.

But at this moment, Jinx's heart was as cold as ice.

"Now, it's time for us to have a good talk." Kalya's voice was extremely calm, but Jinx felt an unprecedented emotion, "You know, Jinx, everyone... I hate being given I got a nickname."

"I did not mean that--"

"I heard from Bobo that you like excitement very much." Kalya ignored Bobo's begging for mercy, "As I said before, if you want to pursue excitement, then follow through to the end!"

The next moment, a machine gun appeared in Jinx's hand.

Kalya's tall figure disappeared quietly at some point, and the room where Bang Bang was sleeping quietly dispersed. The ground suddenly cracked, and countless grotesque bugs rushed out of the crack.

"Come on, Jinx." Kalya's voice was subtly joyful, "Let me see your true abilities... If you can really prove yourself, maybe I will support you Woolen cloth?"


When Baobao woke up, she felt that her mental state was better than ever - not only did she no longer have those strange impulses, but also the exhaustion accumulated before was swept away.

When she fell asleep, she was in Carya's simulation training world, and when she woke up, Ino was already by her side.

"My little junior sister." Seeing Baobao sitting up suddenly, Yinuo showed a motherly smile on his face, "It seems that you have a good rest..."

"Miss Ino!" Baobo blinked his eyes in a daze, "Is this a fantasy or reality? Well, no, this kind of question shouldn't be asked of you."

"You have returned to reality, Bobo." Ino seemed to understand the meaning of Bobo, "Mr. Kalya told me—why, you seem a little worried?"


Bobo didn't speak, but judging by her appearance, it seemed that Yinuo had hit the mark.

"You thought this was a world of simulated training, that Karya was lying to you?" Ino smiled and shook his head lightly, "This is a laboratory, remember, the second phase of the magic universality experiment."

Burst rubbed his forehead.

That's right, the second phase of the magic universality experiment.

This room, this wall, and the blindfolds and earplugs around me...

"If you still don't believe me, you can go out and have a look." Ino spread his hands, "But you still need to come back within two hours... Kalya still has something to do."

Bao Bao nodded, quickly got up, and left the training ground in a hurry.

Although she had almost believed Kalya and Ino, she decided to go out and have a look just to be on the safe side.

Two hours later, Baobo returned to the laboratory with great excitement.

Yes, this is reality.

I really became Eno and Lux's school girl!

Then, when he pushed open the door of the laboratory, Baobao was surprised to find that not only Ino was here, but Lux, who had always been extremely busy, was also here, as if waiting for him.

This undoubtedly flattered Bang Bang a little.

Although she had met and known Lux a long time ago, as a Zaunite, her affection for Lux is undoubtedly mostly admiration—or, in other words, most Zaunites are like this when it comes to Lux.

"Miss Lacus!" Bao Bao was at a loss, "Why are you here..."

"Of course I came to meet my little junior sister." Lux laughed, "Why, do you feel surprised?"


Bumblebee didn't speak, but nodded vigorously.

"There's nothing to be surprised about." Lux shook her head lightly, and then took the initiative to hold Baobao's hand, "If it's because of Zaun, maybe you should be more grateful to Kalya."

"Thank you Karya?"

"That's right." Lux held down her saber, "This is a long story—and you are now one of us..."

 Carya's Little Classroom · The Tiredness of the Soul:
  Exhaustion on the soul level is a very complicated concept. This feeling is related to emotions and personal will.

(End of this chapter)

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