Lux's Farewell

Chapter 155 [0152] Small-scale cooperation

Chapter 155 [0152] Small-scale cooperation
With Karya's consent, Lux briefly told her story.

From when she knew Karya.

This story is somewhat too dreamy for Bobo. Although the logic is true and the information fits perfectly, when Lux tells about her coming to Zaun, Bobo still has a feeling of unreality.

Demacia was too far away for her.

And Lux's ideals seemed to her somewhat astonishingly lofty.

Although Bobo has experienced the earth-shaking changes in Zaun in the past three years, she obviously can't really understand Lux's ideal - Bobo is willing to work hard to make Zaan better and make the lives of family and friends happier. But it still can't be like Lux, hoping to build a more just world.

So, hearing this, Baobo was a little confused—she looked at Lacus in confusion, always feeling that she was different from her.

As for this point, Lux is not only not in a hurry, but also very understanding.

Not to mention that I just heard this story exploded.

Even Eno, if she hadn't witnessed Zaun's painful and dark past with her own eyes, if she hadn't worked together and fought side by side with a tacit understanding for three full years, if she hadn't come from a low-level peasant family, she would not have been able to understand what Lacus wanted at first. doing what.

Don't forget, at the very beginning, Ino was just a little girl who longed for Lux's glory and hoped to become her exclusive maid.

But now, Ino is already a reliable and mature orderly officer.

From the beginning for Lux, to the later for the ideal of Lux, and now accepting the ideal of Lux and regard it as his own ideal.

In this process, even if Ino gets along with Lacus day and night, even if he has been receiving Kalya's education and influence, it still took three full years.

At this moment, neither Lux nor Ino expected that Baobao could understand their purpose now, nor did they think that she could directly share the same goals with him, but since Kalya had made a choice, they were full of confidence.

"By the way." Recovering from the past, Bumblebee finally thought of the question he had been thinking about before, "Where is Jinx? Karya said he would teach me to control Jinx?"

"Come here." Ino came to the wall again with Bumblebee, "Lax and I don't understand Jinx's matter very well. Teacher Kalya said that he will be responsible for this part... So, you still It’s better to talk to him face to face.”

Bumble blinked, then put on the mask and earplugs, and reached out to communicate with Karya again.

Still the dunes.

But this time, when Bobo appeared, the Jinx beside her was no longer as lively as before—she seemed to have been played badly, crawling on the hot sand dunes, unable to pull herself up.

"What's going on here?!" Baobo looked at Jinx who was completely different from before, and was finally stunned, "What's wrong with her?"

"Jinx is longing for stimulation." Kalya appeared beside Baobao at some point, "I satisfied her desire—however, stimulation always has some side effects, and she is a little tired now."

Jinx on the ground struggled to raise his middle finger, but before he could do this, he was ruthlessly suppressed by Karya.

"It's not that I'm cruel." Kalya ignored the astonishment on Baobao's face, and spread his hands again, "This will make Jinx calm down a little bit, and at least it won't interfere with our training."

"Training?" Baobo finally blinked his dry eyes, "Training what?"

"Of course it's time to train your mental will first." Kalya said in a cheerful tone, "You have to be tough when you strike the iron. If you want to control Jinx and not be swallowed by her in turn, you have to work harder."

"But I don't have the talent for a mage..." Bao Bao's face showed embarrassment, "I tested this when I signed up for the experiment before."

"I know!" Carya nodded, "But I never said that I can only teach magic!"


The main business of Ino and Lux ​​is not currently studying—they still have a lot to learn, but not now, but after a while, when they embark on a journey to climb Mount Targon.

Therefore, Kalya can devote herself to the teaching of Bobo.

Under such circumstances, Baobo lived in the laboratory almost every day, immersed in the simulation training most of the time, and even took Lacus and Ino to honestly carve for his little junior sister in their spare time. Magic circuit, prepare "workbook".

Although carving a magic power circuit is a hard job, both Lacus and Ino are very enthusiastic—they are all looking forward to Baobao becoming one of them, so they are full of expectations for this little junior sister.

While Bang Bang was trying to learn how to strengthen his spiritual will and resist Jinx's impulse, Zaun and Piltover's joint cooperation department for Viktor's Hex body transformation was also established in anticipation.

Both Zaun and Piltover were very good at acting, and they chose the places closest to the elevator with a tacit understanding, and prepared their own laboratories respectively.

With the full support of Lux and Camille, these two laboratories and their supporting facilities have become a window for Zaun and Piltover to show themselves.

Although the alchemists and hex crystallographers involved in this project are quite professional professionals, they are all serious about finding a way to modify Viktor's hex body, but this does not prevent Zaun and Piltover took this as an opportunity to communicate and compare in various overt and covert situations.

This is the only official window between Piltover and Zaun!
It is foreseeable that when the experiment officially begins, the two cities will take the initiative to infiltrate each other, and will work hard to prevent the other party from infiltrating.

In this case, the security department of the laboratory becomes important.

In this joint cooperation, both Piltover and Zaun have produced precious experimental results. In order to ensure the safety of the results, they have raised the security of the laboratory to the highest level-the one who presides over the security must be Absolutely reliable manpower inside Piltover and Zaun.

On Zaan's side, after internal discussions within the security department, Ben Suo, the number two figure in the security department, personally took command.

However, because Benso has many other jobs, it is impossible to keep an eye on the laboratory 24 hours a day. Under him, the young Wei became the security director of the laboratory.

Vi is a bit young, but absolutely reliable-although she is reluctant to take the honor of being the first to fight alongside Lux, from Zaun's point of view, she is indeed the most reliable person.

This is enough.

Piltover's strategy is somewhat similar.

Security on their side is run by Senator Gilamann, whose daughter Caitlin Gilamann serves as the security leader for Piltover Labs.

As the daughter of a member of parliament, Caitlin is also a "not necessarily the most qualified, but definitely the most suitable" choice.

After the two confident young men got the order, they were full of confidence and directly chose to take up the post—however, unlike what they thought "their abilities are very trusted", no matter the Council of Piltover or the Zaun Law Enforcement Bureau, All they care about are their identities.

As for whether the security of the two labs might be flawed because Caitlin and Wei are young and inexperienced...

Stop messing around, Lux and Camille are watching!
 Carya's Small Classroom·Spiritual Will Training:
  The training of spiritual will is a complicated course, but fortunately, Kalya understands it a little-because this course is a minor in magic and swordsmanship, and it belongs to the public basic courses of Shurima University.

  PS. There will be an update tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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