Lux's Farewell

Chapter 156 [0153]

Chapter 156 [0153]
Getting up early, taking advantage of the hot water to wash up quickly, Wei shook her wet short pink hair, sat at the dining table and started stuffing bread into her mouth.

Hard sliced ​​Zaun bread actually doesn't taste very good.

This cheap bread, served to all the citizens of Zaun, even with sour jam as a garnish, and a cup of strong tea with sugar still chokes and grins.

(The main reason, of course, is that she eats too quickly.)
But no matter what, after eating her own breakfast, Wei was quite satisfied with the feeling of fullness in her stomach.

In fact, unlike many people in Zaan, even in the old Zaan era, Wei had no worries about food and clothing.

In Fulgan's Tavern, she can eat enough every day, and she doesn't have to do child labor like most Zaun children.

However, compared to that time, she prefers the feeling now.

The bread she ate was earned by herself, so the taste was naturally different—the only thing that made her a little pity was that if it wasn't because of too much deduction from this month's salary, she might have added a can of magic marsh frog to her breakfast.

Canned Frog Frogs are a specialty product from Zaun, popular among Shurima caravans.

This kind of tin cans can withstand various desert environments. Even if a strong wind blows, the cans will not be easily swept into the sky like other materials.

Moreover, even if they were blown into the sky, and then fell back to the ground and smashed into the sand, these cans would not be broken.

Coupled with the fact that empty cans can be used as water containers, the salt distribution ratio in the cans is balanced, the taste of the cans complements the naan bread that Shurima people often eat, etc., these cans quickly became popular in a small area of ​​Shurima .

In this way, the canned magic bog frog has become an important economic income for Zaun.

However, within Zaan, due to the relatively small internal currency circulation, Zaan people generally do not have spare money to buy this stuff to eat—to take a step back, even if you like to eat magic marsh frogs, you can buy some fresh or frozen ones yourself. Wouldn't it be good to cook it and then eat it?

Why bother with canned food?

Only someone like Wei who can't cook and likes the mouthful of the magic marsh frog will think about getting a can all day long...

Smacking her lips, putting aside the disappointment of not being able to eat the magic marsh frog, Wei quickly changed her clothes, and then put the hat representing the law enforcement officer on her head.

Unlike the towering and ostentatious Piltover hats, Zaun enforcers' uniforms are more utilitarian.

The weather conditions in Zaun are stable, and the temperature is relatively high throughout the year, so the law enforcement uniform is just a set of light red shirt with a special watermark pattern, with a set of armed belt and two epaulettes.

As for the marshal's hat, it was extremely simple—a red flat cap with a brim and a narrow brim, that's all.

After getting dressed, Wei confirmed that there was nothing wrong with her body. After moving her neck and shoulders a little, she finally opened the door and left.

Today was the first time for me as a leader to organize the defense work of the joint laboratory. Wei was in a good mood and high-spirited, and even greeted the auntie guard with a bright smile.


On the other side, Miss Caitlin Gilaman also left her manor.

Unlike Wei, who was in a happy mood, Caitlin was not only looking forward to this task, but also somewhat unwilling.

This unwillingness is not because I feel that I have been overqualified, but because I have just been valued.

Although Grayson did not die unexpectedly, Caitlin finally embarked on the road of becoming a law enforcement officer—mainly because of the changes in the situation in Piltover, even the Gilaman family was not very good for themselves. The daughter directly arranges the future.

In this case, being a decent and safe law enforcement officer is obviously a pretty good choice.

Dignity is easy to understand, but safety... Well, since joining the ranks of law enforcement officers last year and becoming a law enforcement officer, Caitlin has never officially performed any meaningful work.

Helping find a lost poro was the most practical mission she had ever done.

Most of the time, she was responsible for the security work of various business activities related to the Gilaman family—it was very important to say, but almost no accidents would happen.

Then, through these "achievements", Caitlin was promoted all the way, and soon became an upper-level member of the Law Enforcement Officer...

It is the dream of most people to go straight to the sky.

But for Caitlin, this only made her feel uncomfortable—as she said, she is a different kind, and she is eager to change the world, but the Gilaman family protects her very well. She couldn't help but want to do something.

In the ranks of law enforcement officers, Caitlin has a high status, but unfortunately, she has no reliable confidants at all. Everyone respects her, but unless she gives formal orders, no one really takes her seriously.

Out of place, it's Caitlyn.

Kaitlyn doesn't understand, it's a bad thing to collect black money for food and cards, but it's everywhere in the law enforcement officers; it's the right way to be polite, follow the procedures and follow the rules, but no one in the law enforcement officers implements it.

Kaitlyn wanted to find out, but when she asked different people, she always came to different conclusions.

According to her mother, those people are greedy.

According to Grace, it is everyone who has to support their families.

According to the townspeople, it's the law enforcement officers who have always been like this.

As for asking law enforcement officials, most of them just hesitated and avoided talking about it, while a small number of people looked at Caitlin with sympathy, as if they were looking at something they didn't understand, and then told her that we It's not the same, it's our way of life.

Unlike Lux, Caitlin didn't really live with ordinary Zaun people. She never experienced the hardships of the dock workers, let alone the hardships of the workshop apprentices.

In the absence of practice, the girl Caitlin Gilaman also has a lot of troubles.

But... this mission may be a good opportunity.

As an outlier among the famous ladies, Caitlin is not on the same frequency as others most of the time.

And as a law enforcement officer, she has no common language with other law enforcement officers because of her background. In this case, maybe she can't really gain the recognition of other law enforcement officers without relying on Gilaman's background to make a little contribution. ?
With this in mind, from the moment she received the mission, she collected a lot of news about Zaun. She used all possible connections to transcribe any information that might be helpful to the mission from newspapers and books. Information, tried Zaun as an imaginary enemy from the very beginning.

After all... As a councilor family, the Gilaman family has reason to hate and distrust these poor Zaun people.

Especially when their independence has doubled the labor expenditure of the family industry-even if the prosperity of Hex Technology has made the family earn more.

Just like that, Caitlin, who was ready, closed her notebook, put on the neat Piltover law enforcement uniform and tall law enforcement hat, and left the blue Xun Manor, went straight to the college area.

 Carya's Small Classroom Giramann's Business:
  During the rapid development of Hex Technology, the Gilaman family quickly expanded their business scope. They did not directly work hard on Hex Technology products, but cleverly acquired a large number of factories that produced various instruments and equipment. It has firmly grasped the upstream industry and even achieved a monopoly in optical instruments and meters.

  PS. Added 6/30, the latest chapters are finally smoothed out, and it should be able to speed up a little tomorrow, hahaha~
(End of this chapter)

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