Lux's Farewell

Chapter 157 [0154] The reporter from Piltover

Chapter 157 [0154] The reporter from Piltover

No matter where it is, opening ceremonies are often accompanied by lengthy speeches.

The joint cooperation between the two cities is not immune.

Or, because this is the only official communication between Piltover and Zaun, both sides are holding back their energy and want to show their superiority, which leads to the extra lengthy opening speech...

On the side of the Zaun laboratory, the great alchemist Ms. Renata raised her left arm high and talked endlessly; on the other side of the Piltover laboratory, Kubrica, who was already an octogenarian, was also rarely cheered up , According to Camille's request, a lot of content that is close to advertisements was added to the speech.

In this case, the opening ceremony was dragged on for quite a long time.

The reporters from Zaun and Piltover split up and memorized the speeches of the two in shorthand, planning to go back and summarize and make a big news.

Wei and Caitlin, who were in charge of the security work, concentrated their attention with 12 points, blocking these reporters who were too energetic outside the cordon.

Fortunately, there were no accidents at the opening ceremony - after the project leaders on both sides finished their speeches, Renata and Kubrica formally exchanged the cooperation agreement on the elevator, and sent a technical support team, the entire cooperation The project finally officially launched.


Seeing that Renata came back with a cooperation agreement and several Piltover Hex scientists, Wei finally let out a long sigh.

really not easy.

She thought that Vander's stinky and long speech before each meeting was the most annoying. She didn't expect that Ms. Renata, who was always polite, would also cause headaches when she gave a speech.

Could it be that that small podium has any special magic power?
Anyone who boards will gush?

Shaking her head and getting this unreliable thought out of her mind, Wei then looked at the reporters who were scrambling to take pictures of Renata.

Vi didn't like the Piltover reporters.

Not just because they were Piltover.

More importantly, in their reports, Zaun seems to be a land of aliens and useless.

Wei empathizes with the criticism of Zaan’s food.

Reports on the poor supply of materials in Zaan can barely be regarded as "easy to cause misunderstandings."

But other than that, the plethora of reports claiming Zaunites are ignorant, and news with obvious map cannons, is bullshit.

Moreover, it seems that for the sake of sales, these Piltover reporters also like to make lace news. Although they dare not directly make big news about Lux, the whole of Zaun except for Lux, they spread rumors and make trouble. , without any scruples.

In the past year alone, in the newspapers in Piltover, Vander had inexplicably added more than a dozen old lovers—some of these people were reporters catching rumors, and some were people who couldn't get along in Piltover. He wanted to sell news to make some money, and he was also inseparable from those alchemy barons who were lucky enough to escape to Piltover...

Even when he opened the tavern, Vander was not as popular as the newspapers said.

Under such circumstances, it was difficult for Wei to have any good feelings for these bastard reporters in Piltover—she really didn't understand why Lux must allow these reporters to make up things, and why did she take the initiative to allow them to enter Zaun?

Shaking her head, Wei no longer thought about these messy things, but started to check the reporters' belongings after they finished their interviews.

This is necessary for prosecutorial management, and Wei doesn't think these reporters have any bottom line at all.

"This is interference with freedom of opinion!" a bespectacled fellow yelled. "What the hell are you Zaunites hiding?"

"This is a necessary censorship for public opinion." Wei Hun shook his head indifferently, and focused his gaze on the other party's badge, "Jolfo, the reporter of "Piltover Culture Weekly", is it good? , everyone will know tomorrow that you have lost your interview qualifications for this cooperation, and all the news in your newspapers is fake news—now, you can leave."

Hearing what Wei said, the other party's expression finally changed.

"We are not afraid of power!" Although his body trembled a little, Yolf still maintained his tough expression, "You are manipulating public opinion and creating biased reports..."

"That's right, that's right." Wei looked indifferent, and even slapped him voluntarily, "Insist on your freedom of the press, Picheng people... people, let me see your draft, aiming at strong Nata's identity search..."

Wei simply read out the title he had prepared on the draft.

"Alchemy family, high-level acquiescence, low-price mergers and acquisitions, power and sex transactions..." Wei rubbed her temples, "You just asked Ms. Renata a question, or about the prospect of alchemy technology, Mr. reporter, You can know so much with just one question?"

In such an embarrassing situation, even other reporters from Piltover couldn't help but want to cover their faces—but Yolfo didn't feel any embarrassment, and he was still talking hard.

"This is the necessary association and reasoning..."

"Compared to journalists, you should write novels." Wei snorted, "Also, Ms. Renata once wrote a semi-autobiographical novel "20 Years". If you really want to know her, ask Peart Worf shows her words, as long as she should read the book carefully, instead of using a name that has participated in the interview, she will start making up nonsense without any scruples!"

"Autobiographical novels are all self-boasting..."

"You haven't even read it, so you say "20 Years" is a self-boasting?" Wei finally couldn't help raising his tone, "Are all of you Piltover reporters so unprofessional?!"

"I interviewed the exiles in Piltover!" The reporter finally subconsciously said something that should not have been said, "They said that Renata bought their property in a hostile manner—"

Following these words, the reporters from Piltover, who were exchanging opinions in low voices before, became completely silent in an instant.

If fabricating gossip and smearing some people's private life is still within the scope of acquiescence, then the topic this guy just mentioned is a truly sensitive issue.

The idiot's unscrupulous words raised the severity of the whole incident by more than one level-Zuan and Piltover did cooperate a little bit, but this does not mean that the two sides have bridged the conflict.

Confrontation and rivalry are the main themes.

As for those alchemy barons who escaped to Piltover and were sheltered by Piltover, it is a very sensitive topic in the relationship between the two cities.

After all... why would Piltover shelter these alchemy barons?
Even according to the laws of Piltover, these alchemy barons are a bunch of scumbags—but they just protected these scumbags!

Obviously, their purpose of doing this is to use them to influence Zaun as soon as they have the opportunity!

In the context of starting cooperation, this kind of problem should not be put on the surface.

When Baron Alchemy was mentioned, Wei quickly issued an order to directly detain all the reporters present.

Wait, wait until Piltover comes to lead the man!
 Carya's Little Classroom Renata's Hostile Takeover:

  When Zaun was turned upside down, the cunning Renata claimed that she had a way to escape, and in this way bought a factory of a baron of alchemy at a low price-however, she did not really help the baron of alchemy leave, but Hand him over to Lux.

  As a result, after Finn came to Piltover, he was astonished to find that a baron of alchemy who vowed that "he found a way to escape to Piltover" failed to come to Piltover, but was hanged by the street lamp of his own factory on the pole.

(End of this chapter)

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