Lux's Farewell

Chapter 158 [0155]

Chapter 158 [0155]
Soon, at Piltover's laboratory, Caitlin received news that Zaun informed her to pick up a group of reporters in person and discuss the access qualifications for reporters.

Caitlin was a little confused when she got the news.

What's happening here?
Why did the joint experiment have not officially started, and Zaun directly detained a group of reporters? !

What are the people of Zaun doing? !
Caitlin, who was born in Bluesun Manor, didn't know Zaun well.

She had little to no interaction with Zaun before becoming a lawman.

And when she became a law enforcement officer and began to try to understand Zaun, there was a blockade between the two cities that was not tight, but she could not enter and exit at will-in this case, she only had the source of news about Zaun. Newspapers, magazines, and hearsay are left.

Neither of these sources, apparently, will report anything good about Zaun.

Naturally, Zaun wasn't a good place in Caitlyn's mind.

When she heard that the Zaun law enforcement officer had detained the news about the Piltover reporter, her first reaction was that "the people of Zaun were furious", so she took a few law enforcement officers with her out of righteous indignation, took the elevator and came to Zaun. Going to have a good talk with the law enforcement officers here in Zaun.

However, when Caitlin came to Zaun and met Wei and the reporter, she found that the truth of the matter seemed to be slightly different from what she had imagined.

When Wei put the reporter's interview notes and a newly bought "20 Years" autobiographical novel in front of Caitlin, Caitlin was so embarrassed that she almost shrank under the table .

Making up random things, making trouble out of excuses, and just happened to be caught by someone... This is simply discrediting Piltover!

"Miss Caitlin." Seeing Caitlin like this, Wei raised the corners of her lips and crossed her arms and said, "For the smooth progress of the joint experiment, I think it is necessary for us to reach an agreement on the reporter's question, and we cannot allow some Irrelevant random people wantonly exaggerate and slander, are you right?"

"...I think it makes sense." Caitlin glared fiercely at the reporters who bowed their heads like frost-beaten eggplants, and finally could only nod helplessly, "As for the reporter's question, I will propose it to the parliament. Strengthen audits."

"I don't care what you do over there." This kind of situation that made the Picheng guy helpless made Wei extremely happy, "But next time there is such a thing among the reporters, then I'm afraid I can only treat it as a spy .”

"There won't be." Kaitlyn shook her head, "I promise."


Caitlin signs and Zaun releases.

With these reporters, Caitlin took the Hex lift and returned to Piltover smoothly.

Then, just as she was planning to give a good warning and apply to the police station to investigate the false propaganda of the reporter involved and see if the press card could be revoked, Caitlin was surprised to find that the guy caught by Wei was smiling smoked at the law enforcement officers behind her...

"What are you doing?" Caitlin was dumbfounded, "What are you all doing?!"

"Don't be nervous, Ms. Caitlin." A law enforcement officer who is relatively familiar with Caitlin took the cigarette, "Yorfo also knows that he was wrong, and he will not touch on those sensitive topics in the future..."

"This is not a sensitive topic!" Caitlin frowned, "As a reporter, he is making it up!"

"Miss Caitlin." At this moment, Yolf adjusted his collar and came to Caitlin, "Thank you very much for your help. I have left a mess, but I can assure you that the "Piltover Culture Weekly" will be careful in the future and will never leave any mistakes..."

While speaking, Yolf also handed over a box of golden ladies' cigarettes.

"I don't smoke," Caitlin said coldly. "Put that up."

"It's just a trifle." Yolf, who was reprimanded, didn't feel the slightest embarrassment, "Since Miss Caitlin doesn't like it, I'll share it with the other law enforcement brothers. Everyone has worked hard this trip—— "

"Bribing law enforcement officers will go to Stillwater Prison." Kaitlyn interrupted him, "Also, you should be more worried about your press card than you are here, Mr. Yolf."

This time, Yolf's smile finally froze on his face. He looked at Caitlin in astonishment, as if he never expected his law enforcement officer to say such a thing.

"I just reported some news that the people of Zaun didn't want to disclose." He waved his hands in a panic, "I can't make such a fuss, right?"

"This is not a big deal, but to protect Piltover's reputation." Caitlin's tone was strong, without any sign of relaxation, "In short, I have already made a decision on this matter."

Yolf finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

This Miss Law Enforcement Officer seems to be tough and abnormal-so, he simply turned his attention to other Law Enforcement Officers, hoping that the person who just accepted his gift would stand up and say something.

However, no one spoke.

It is obviously impossible for these law enforcement officials to harden Caitlin—even if Caitlin's decision is indeed a bit unreasonable.

At this moment, Yolf was finally dumbfounded.

"Ms. Caitlin, you can't..."

Then, just as Yolf was still trying to pray, a law enforcement officer hurried towards Caitlin from the Piltover laboratory.

"Miss Caitlin, the Zaun reporter at the lab has caused a little trouble." After the other party came to Caitlin's side, he glanced at Yolf, and then said in a low voice, "A few guys with press cards, After the interview, he ran to the Hex crystal factory next to the college area under the pretext of investigating the Hex industry!"

"And then?" Caitlin didn't realize the question, "Are they making fake news?"

"That's not true." The law enforcement officer lowered his voice, "But those bastards got in among the workers of the Hex Crystal Factory and started interviewing those workers!"

Interview workers?

Kaitlyn still doesn’t understand what’s wrong with this—in the reporter’s information provided by Zaun, there is indeed a “non-technical Hex technology science popularization”. It's a bit out of the way, but it's not a big problem anyway.

"Are they taking the opportunity to steal the technology made by Hex crystal?"

"No, they didn't ask any questions about technology." The law enforcement officer looked at Caitlin who didn't understand the seriousness of the problem, and couldn't help shaking his head, "The main questions they asked were related to the working environment, physical health, and working hours. , overtime pay.”

"Let them do the interview!" Caitlin smiled confidently when she heard this, "Our salary is much higher than Zaun's!"

Looking at the confident Caitlin, the unlucky law enforcement officer slightly lowered his head and covered his face with his hands: "That's compared to before, and the treatment of workers in the Hex Crystal Factory not as good as Zaun."

"How is it possible?!" Caitlin's eyes widened. "I did a survey before. For the same position, our salary level in Piltover is far higher than that in Zaun——"

"Yes, nearly three times more than Zaan." The other party's tone was full of helplessness, "But the cost of living is ten times more than Zaan..."

 Kalya's Little Classroom Lost of Zaun's Piltover:
  With the blockade of the two cities and the development of Hextech, Piltover needs to carry out the manufacturing of low-end Hextech industries by itself, although the people in Piltover who are engaged in these industries are not as miserable as they were in Zaun. But still out of place with Piltover.

(End of this chapter)

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