Lux's Farewell

Chapter 159 [0156] Let Zaan people stay away from the factory

Chapter 159 [0156] Let Zaan people stay away from the factory

Under the explanation of the law enforcement officer, Caitlin quickly understood the problem of this matter.

Unlike the Piltover reporters, who like to make things up, these reporters from Zaun rarely make things up.

But their eyes were sharp, and they were always looking where Piltover was embarrassed.

As a former foundry in Piltover, Zaun is well aware of what it means to work in the Hex crystal processing factory—even among the journalists on this trip, many of them went to night school and learned to report and write. , was once a worker in the Hex crystal industry!

Therefore, after discovering the new Hex crystal processing factory in Piltover, they naturally flocked to see if there was any difference between the Hex crystal processing factory of the people of Piltover and Zeng Zuan's.

And the conclusion of the preliminary investigation is that ... there is no substantial difference.

If it is just such a conclusion, then the publication of the newspaper will at most embarrass Piltover—Zuan’s newspapers cannot be sold in Piltover, so the embarrassment is just that.

But the problem is, these Zaun reporters don't just have ears, they also have mouths.

In the conscience of heaven and earth, neither these reporters nor the newspaper office that dispatched them have ever thought of instigating.

But chatting with the workers, the whole factory became excited.

When the law enforcement officials arrived in a hurry, the workers had already begun to gather, shouting slogans such as "guarantee a healthy environment" and "provide work wages".

Seeing that things seemed to be a bit of a big deal, the law enforcement officer made a decisive decision. Most of the people stayed and tried to appease the workers, and sent someone to find Caitlin quickly.


After figuring out the whole story, Caitlin only felt that her head was as big as a bucket.

It cannot be said that this is exactly the same as the law enforcement officer job she expected, it can only be said that it has nothing to do with it.

Originally, Caitlin thought that the main task of protecting the joint cooperation laboratory was to prevent the Zaun people from stealing information.

But in fact, look at what I'm doing now - going to Zaun to bring back a group of reporters, including a made-up bastard; and coming to the Hex Crystal Processing Factory, facing the excited workers...

What does this have to do with protecting the Joint Collaborative Lab?
But a headache is a headache, and Caitlin can't let it go.

So, she could only rub her temples, and quickly came to the Hex Crystal Manufactory to talk to these emotional workers.

In order to be able to solve the problem, although she was very reluctant, she finally chose to explain her identity.

"I'm from the Gilaman family." Surrounded by law enforcement officers, Caitlin came to the Hex Crystal Factory and stood in front of the workers. "What exactly do you want?"

All the workers looked at Caitlin suspiciously.

Everyone has heard of the Gilaman family more or less—a lot of equipment and machines in the factory are manufactured by the Gilaman family.

But that doesn't mean they are willing to believe Caitlin's words.

Can she really communicate with the Council?

"My mother is an MP." Kaitlyn sighed helplessly, "Everyone, I came here with the mentality of solving problems. Arguing can't solve the problem. If you have legal demands, I am willing to help you and submit to the Parliament Make your demands—perhaps, you can find a representative to..."

Although somewhat inexperienced, Caitlin is smart.

This kind of situation where everyone gets together is not only dangerous, but also difficult to form effective communication. In this case, the best way is to ask the workers to find a representative and have a careful talk with themselves.

Facing Caitlin's proposal, the workers looked at each other in blank dismay.

Moments later, two prestigious-looking guys stepped forward and offered to talk to Kaitlyn.

And Kaitlyn took them to the security room of the factory, and started a conversation with them face to face.


In this small security room, Caitlin listened to the two worker representatives talk about their lives and difficulties.

And what they showed Kaitlyn was a world she had never seen before and could not imagine.

Objectively speaking, compared to the child laborers in the Hex crystal factory in Zaun, the living standards and wages of these Piltover workers are already much higher. Their wages are limited, but they are enough to feed the three children in their family. A family of five; their working hours are long, but not on a 12-hour shift like Zaun.

But even so, Caitlin's eyes were full of disbelief after hearing it.

Is there such a bad working situation in Piltover?
Caitlin, who was in a bad mood, listened to the descriptions of the workers, and at the same time began to think about how to report this matter to the council.

When the two worker representatives finished talking about their living conditions and began to talk about their needs and demands, she simply opened the notebook she carried with her, skipped over the part where Zaun’s information was recorded, opened another page, and began to explain in detail Recorded their words, and summarized while recording.

"I will inform the parliament of this situation." Caitlin nodded solemnly after finishing the recording, "Or, I can apply for a speech in the parliament, so that you can personally tell the parliamentarians about your situation and demands..."

The two workers looked at each other, and one of them raised his hand relatively clearly, "I'll do it!"

"Very good." Kaitlyn nodded, finally showing a smile on her face, "In the name of Gilamann, this matter will be resolved smoothly!"

Two workers' representatives came forward, and this "little" disturbance was temporarily subdued.

After learning that someone can go directly to the parliament to give a parliamentary speech and communicate directly with the members, the workers seem very excited-although there have been several similar incidents in the Hex Crystal Manufactory, the final result is often It's all just nothing, this is the first time they have achieved substantial results.

Even before it all started, the spirits of the workers were running high.

Then, Caitlin finally proposed to take away the reporter from Zaun-although it felt very wrong, she still made a "this is a Piltover thing, and Zaun people should not be involved in it" reason.

The workers debated this statement, and their opinions were completely divided.

Some people think that everyone is a worker, and they are all their own people; some people think that the people of Zaun should indeed return to Zaun... But a few Zaun reporters simply stood up and said, "It's absolutely fine, we're here Back to Zuan".

Caitlin nodded in satisfaction at such a response.

After comparing the information on the press cards one by one and confirming the identity of each Zaan reporter, she personally led the team and handed these Zaan reporters to Wei's hands, saying, "Journalists in Zaan should also be honest. One point", then without waiting for Wei to say a word, he turned around and left.

After boarding the hex lift, Caitlin finally let out a long breath.

 Karya's Little Class Piltover Council Speech:
  Under the "reputable person's recommendation", the recommended person can give a parliamentary speech and directly express his ideas and requests to the parliamentarians.

  What, you ask, who is considered a prestigious person?
  Of course it is an MP!
(End of this chapter)

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