Lux's Farewell

Chapter 160 [0157] War masons in action

Chapter 160 [0157] War masons in action

When Caitlin returned to Piltover, it was noon before she knew it.

Caitlin, who used to eat with her colleagues, decided to make an exception this time and go home for dinner.

By the way, talk to your parents about the problems of these workers.


Caitlin's move to go home for dinner made her parents quite happy.

As an outlier in the parliamentary family, Caitlin is not just pretending like other gilded people who enter the ranks of law enforcement officers—most of the time, she always eats the same working meals as law enforcement officers. When the task is heavy, They even take the initiative to apply for overtime.

Obviously she just sent Caitlin to be gilded, but Caitlin really became a law enforcement officer honestly, even more seriously than a normal law enforcement officer...

This behavior of trying to "share the joys and sorrows" with the civilians made the Gilamans very depressed. They were very reluctant to have their baby daughters like those muddy legs, but they couldn't convince Caitlin.

After all, Kaitlyn hadn't been much interested in making money or anything since she was a child.

In other words, because of the lack of worry about food and clothing, she never regarded earning wealth as a career worth pursuing.

She doesn't even have much interest in spending money!

There was really no way to take the baby girl. Seeing her completely enter the role of law enforcement officer, the Gilamans and his wife decided to add fire to Caitlin after some discussion.

Caitlyn is certainly a qualified candidate for the task of the head of the laboratory this time, but Caitlyn is not the only one who meets the requirements.

The Gilamans also spent a lot of money in order to make Caitlin the security director of the joint cooperative experiment-this is a significant task, and hosting this task will be very helpful in the future.

Anyway, they are all law enforcement officers. The law enforcement officers of the Gilaman family must become sheriffs, right?
As a result, on the first day of taking on the task, Caitlin went home for dinner.

No more messing with those mud legs baby girl!
The Gilamans were overjoyed.

Then, before they had time to show their relief, Kaitlyn's parents were punished with a straight ball.

"I would like to apply for a speech in Parliament."


Under Caitlin's narration, the Gilamans quickly figured out what happened at the Hex Crystal Manufactory.

The two looked at each other with subtle expressions.

Obviously, they have heard about the turmoil at the Hex Crystal Manufactory. There are many investors in Piltover who only know about money and never care about social conditions and changes, but the Gilamans are obviously not there. in.

As a major customer of the Gilaman family, the Hex Crystal Manufactory did not know everything about these factories, but at least they knew a thing or two about them.

The conflict between workers and factory owners is no longer a day or two—as a new industry in Piltover, the Hex Technology manufacturing industry has flourished in the past three years, but because of the need for more investment, it is not a family with a long history It is difficult to be qualified to enter the market, so many people lack confidence, but those who are optimistic about the future of Hextech have chosen to settle for the next best thing.

Building a hex crystal factory is a good choice.

Most of the owners of the Hex Crystal Manufactory do not have the confidence to talk about any industrial layout, and they have no chance to use the factory as a springboard to seek parliamentarians or other special status. For them, the purpose of opening a factory is to make money.

Since it is for profit, it is natural to squeeze it without mercy.

That is to say, this is Piltover, which means that with the development of HexTech, there is a relatively large employment gap...

Otherwise, the workers of these Hex crystal factories will live even worse.

Among the many factories, only the Ferros family's factory paid slightly better—but it was only better.

After listening to Caitlin's narration, and taking the notebook she handed over, densely filled with problems and feasible plans, the Gilamans couldn't help showing wry smiles.

"If you insist." Mr. Gilamann looked at his daughter's expectant gaze, and finally he could only sigh, "We may be able to try to get a speech in Parliament—however, I'm afraid we won't be able to get the result. ensure."

"Great!" Kaitlyn got up immediately and hugged her father from behind like a little girl, "I knew my father loved me the most!"

"What about me?" Mrs. Gilaman narrowed her eyes slightly, "Only your father loves you?"

"Hey!" Caitlin took her mother's hand, "Mom is the same!"


Caitlin went home to seek help from her parents regarding the worker's problem.

Following her departure, the other law enforcement officers in Piltover, who were protecting the laboratory, obviously relaxed a lot.

The young lady of the Gilaman family... At least for now, for these law enforcement officers, it is still a status that makes them a little breathless.

Caitlin didn't realize that her strict self-discipline had unknowingly brought a lot of pressure on her colleagues and subordinates.

It’s rare for Kaitlyn to go home for dinner, and finally she doesn’t have to stay at the same table with her superiors in fear. These law enforcement officers are somewhat unrestrained—even though they are still on mission, a few guys even had a few drinks, “Congratulations to our eldest lady Finally back in her world."

In the eyes of these law enforcement officers, drinking a little wine is actually innocuous.

Although it is indeed wrong to drink alcohol on duty, to be honest, the joint experiment has just begun, and the laboratory has not yet been set up, so what can happen?

Can the people of Zaun come to Piltover to steal experimental equipment?

They don't understand Hex technology, have they stolen and sold scrap iron and scrap glass?

Obviously, these law enforcement officers who let down their vigilance because Caitlin left obviously didn't realize that it was not only Zaun who coveted the laboratory.

(Or, in fact, the Zaunites did not covet Piltover's laboratories and technology at all.)
After drinking and eating, the work of moving the experimental equipment in the afternoon officially began.

The law enforcement officials who relaxed their vigilance just glanced at the transportation permit, and then let batch after batch of workers transporting experimental equipment into the laboratory.

If they hadn't been drinking, if they had really checked the licence, they would have found that there was an "Experimental Blending Assistant" license, with a stamp of approval, under the signature.

On the ink, this is a fake license!

Unfortunately, without Caitlin's supervision, these law enforcement officers just took a quick glimpse, opened the door, let the other party pull a cart of experimental equipment through, and entered the laboratory very smoothly.

When Caitlin hurried back to the laboratory after two o'clock in the afternoon, the arrangement of the experimental equipment in the laboratory was basically completed.

Realizing that someone might have been drinking, Caitlin, who was worried, led the team herself. After clearing the venue, she quickly counted the personnel who moved and adjusted the laboratory equipment.

Cautious Caitlin compared the equipment supply list and compared the staff one by one after clearing the venue, and was slightly relieved when she found that the number and names were exactly the same.

"Drinking alcohol is not allowed during work, and even small drinks are not allowed!" Although she really wanted to straight up these drunk bastards to the end, but considering her mother's warning during lunch, Caitlin could only give a stern warning in the end , "The next time you commit another crime... just go to Jingshui Prison to report!"

Everything seems to be safe and sound.

However, the furious Caitlin and the silent law enforcement officer didn't know that after they cleared the field, a Noxian war mason had safely lurked in the women's toilet in the laboratory.

In this Piltover Joint Collaborative Laboratory, there is an extra person who should not exist.

 Kalya's Little Classroom: Murfuju [-]:

  Seal first, then sign. The signed part is on the seal, which is called Mofuzhushang, which means false certificate in most cases.

  There is an update tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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