Lux's Farewell

Chapter 162 [0159] Change

Chapter 162 [0159] Change

Caitlin obviously didn't know that when she reprimanded the law enforcement officer who drank alcohol during working hours, the war mason had quietly sneaked into the laboratory.

When the Piltover Laboratory started to operate officially, she strictly managed the personnel entering and exiting the laboratory. Anyone must bring a work card and sign in and out, and it is absolutely forbidden to carry any paper documents with them.

Caitlin believes that this method can completely eliminate the possibility of laboratory technology leakage.

Such strict management, in the eyes of other law enforcement officers, is purely superfluous—the technology of Hex’s body modification is indeed cutting-edge technology, but the Zaun people do not have other technical support from Piltover, so it is impossible to steal it. It's useless, and I don't know what I, Miss Gilaman, are worried about...

Objectively speaking, even for Tamara, who was well prepared, Caitlin's guard still caused a lot of trouble.

Originally, according to Tamara’s original plan, her materials would be delivered and transported through the restaurant run by the war stonemason—the materials would be clipped in the lunch box, but Caitlin not only checked the lunch, but even checked the food after lunch. Empty lunch boxes are never missed! .

Tamara, who noticed something was wrong, decisively changed the original plan, and did not take the notebook back in the lunch box, thus keeping her own safety.

Things got complicated.

Tamara is also tasked with providing Victor with the follow-up solution, so she can't leave the laboratory - without leaving the laboratory, send out more than a dozen pages of paper densely recorded with detailed names, experimental equipment, and experimental subjects In the laboratory, the difficulty of this work is a bit too great.

Fortunately, though, Tamara found a way the next day.

Due to the rush of work in the laboratory, the walls were piled up in a hurry. The main body is the outer wall of hollow bricks. If you work hard, some bricks can be pried off.

After spending the whole night, Tamara chose a hidden place, loosened a brick, filled it with the information she had collected, and stuffed it back as it was.

Then, she revealed the news through the delivery and the delivery staff's whispered "order".

That night, the War Mason came out of the laboratory in the dark, and spent almost two hours searching the hollow bricks near the designated location one by one, finally found the brick with the information hidden, and successfully obtained the data collected by Tamara. information.


Caitlin never imagined that even if she guarded against it, all the information in the laboratory would be leaked out—she was still in her bedroom preparing a speech when the war masons in Noxus were digging bricks. !

Although she didn't realize the seriousness of the problem of workers' treatment in essence, Caitlin still instinctively believed that it was wrong, so she carefully prepared this speech, hoping to pass the parliament to improve the treatment of workers and provide benefits for the workers. Prepare necessary insurance and improve their working environment.

It's not just for the workers, it's for Piltover as well.

After all... the smog is something no one wants to see.

Although she kept staring at the laboratory during the day, she was conscientious and never slack off, and she was already very sleepy in the middle of the night, but when she thought that two days later, that worker representative would take her speech and go to Caitlin cheered up quickly after the council gave a speech and changed their predicament, without even needing to down a cup of coffee.

"Mother said to be realistic." Kaitlyn smacked her lips, subconsciously wanting to get herself a piece of cake, but considering that she had eaten enough today, she could only retract her hand in the end, "So, think about improving workers What can the environment provide to Piltover...well, cleaner air, and stronger...purchasing power? After all, people have to buy goods!"

"We can't be compared to Zaun..."



In this way, after Caitlin spent half the night writing and writing, when the worker representative got the speech the night before the speech, he was completely stunned.

Although this densely packed speech of thousands of words cannot be said to be very exquisite, it can definitely be seen that the author's intentions - if this speech was written by Caitlin herself one by one, then the Gilaman family's Miss... She really thinks about workers like herself!

"Leave it to me!" He patted his chest and made a promise, "I will never disappoint Miss Gilaman's expectations!"

Caitlin let out a sigh of relief and finally got a good night's sleep this time.

However, what she didn't know was that after she was in a deep sleep, the speaker brought the speech and found the Gilamans, and directly showed the speech written by Caitlin herself.

After carefully reading the speech written by their daughter, the Gilamans couldn't help frowning.

What are these things!

You can sympathize with those workers, but sympathy is enough!
The proposals you put forward in the parliamentary speech should be for Piltover and for the interests of the MPs, not for the interests of the workers!

Look what's written on it - minimum wage, job insurance, environmental monitoring...

If this is really done, wouldn't the production cost of the Hex crystal go to heaven?

Once the cost of Hex crystals soars, the entire Piltover's Hex technology will be sluggish, how can this be possible!

In the opinion of the Gilamans, this kind of "workers' miserable life" problem must not be solved in a legal way-since you sympathize with the workers, why don't you form a workers' charitable foundation?
Whatever you want, you can stuff it into the "charitable purpose" of this foundation. Your kindness can't involve the entire parliament!
Although in the past three years of turmoil, the Gilaman family has spotted the track and is now sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, but this does not mean that they will stand up to the workers and poke the lungs of all other congressmen!

So, the couple did not hesitate to revise the speech.

About the wretched life of the workers... stay, it's okay to be miserable.

Regarding the improvement needs of the workers...Leave a part, and delete the part about political power and prescriptive guarantees.

Regarding the suggestion for this situation... the entire article has been revised and changed to establish a workers' charitable foundation, which will be donated by all walks of life and supervised by the parliament.

When the worker who was about to give a speech received the revised speech, although he kept a flattering smile on his face, his heart fell to the bottom.

Only a person like Miss Caitlin who is ignorant of the world can really stand on the side of the workers...

At this moment, he was a little unclear about his feelings.

He didn't know whether he was more fortunate or more sad.

 Carya's Little Classroom Piltover's Art Broker:

  Auctions of charitable foundations are recorded in the book, in theory for the purpose of "transparency of donations", but in fact this transparency is only effective when artworks are auctioned to raise the value of artists.

(End of this chapter)

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