Lux's Farewell

Chapter 163 [0160] The foundation and old acquaintances

Chapter 163 [0160] The foundation and old acquaintances

Because there was still work to be done, even though Caitlin cared about the result, she couldn't hear the parliamentary speech with her own ears.

Fortunately, according to the mother who heard the speech, the speech was very successful-even when he heard about the miserable situation of the workers, Congressman Fellowes shed tears of sympathy.

Kaitlyn was encouraged by the news, and for the first time, she clearly felt that her work was paying off.

Although this incident relied on the power of the family...but it is also worth celebrating!

However, when the Piltover Daily was released the next day, Caitlin discovered that the solution to the whole incident seemed to be completely different from what she had imagined.

There is no minimum wage limit.

There is no workers' safety insurance.

No work environment improvement.

Instead, it was a "workers' charitable foundation" "dedicated to improving the working conditions of Piltover workers".

Caitlin frowned subconsciously at this news.

Charitable foundations... the commoners of Piltover might regard it as a well-meaning organization, but Caitlin knew its essence.

Let's just say that nine out of ten of the most obnoxious balls Catelyn has attended have been titled Charity Balls.

But every time, only Caitlin herself actually donated real money.

As for other participants, some of them took out artworks for auction, and some took out some souvenirs for sale-in theory, the funds obtained would be used for charity, but the "operating costs" of the foundation were excluded , how much money can be really used where it should be used...

Anyway, after seeing the accounts, Caitlin has never donated any more money.

What's more ironic is that since the auction prices of artworks are recorded, such evenings often also perform the task of raising the status of artists.

All in all, a charity ball, everything but charity.

Therefore, when Caitlin wrote her speech, she didn't mention charity. She hoped to solve the problem through more effective means!

Confused, Caitlin found her mother at night and asked her about the content of the speech at that time-the result was naturally the same as her speech.

So, is the parliament unwilling to issue regulations, but chooses to use this method?

Caitlin blinked, feeling a little depressed.

However, she quickly pulled herself together.

No matter how high the operating management fee of this worker's charitable foundation is, at least it can have a certain effect!
Even if things are not resolved satisfactorily, there is progress!

Ten gold hexes donated, even if only three were used for least it is a good result!

Thinking of this, Caitlin's mood finally improved a lot.


The next day, according to the time agreed with Wei, Caitlin discussed the scope of interviews on the list of licensed reporters in Zaun and Piltover on the elevator.

Wei, who has never been used to the Pittsburgh, insisted on registering all reporters and reviewing their manuscripts.
"This is to prevent you from wanton smearing!" Facing Caitlin, Wei was full of confidence, "You Piltover reporters always want to make big news for the sake of newspaper sales. The power to review manuscripts!"

For Wei's request, it was really difficult for Caitlin to find any angle to refute.

It was so embarrassing that the Piltover reporter was caught making up nonsense before, so that Caitlin lost a little bit of confidence in speaking.

However, fortunately, her previous busyness was not in vain—she photographed today's Piltover Daily in front of Wei.

"The reporters in Zaun should also be more honest, and don't think about running around in Piltover and causing trouble for Piltover!" Caitlin said proudly, "Piltover's own problems, we can solve them ourselves !"

Wei glanced at the headline "Workers' Charity Foundation Established, Piltover Workers' Lives Better" on the headline, and was stunned for a moment, then couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"

"You Picheng people... Picheng people, you are really professional in fooling people!"


"Our reporter, Jolf V. Cardolas, is reporting for you. Isn't this the bastard who made up the frivolous news about Ms. Renata?" Wei's disdain was beyond words, "What was his previous newspaper... ... Piltover Culture Weekly? Now it’s gone to Piltover Daily?"

Caitlin froze.

Because she paid too much attention to the follow-up development of this matter, Caitlin focused all her attention on the issue of the charitable foundation, and did not pay attention to the reporter's question.

Therefore, when Wei directly pointed out that this reporter was the guy who made up Renata's lace news, Caitlin was completely dumbfounded.

"A guy who was caught fabricating fake news can still be promoted, jumping from the tabloid to the Piltover Daily... tsk tsk tsk." Wei, who seized the opportunity, obviously would not give up any chance to mock the people of Piltover, "I suddenly feel , Just reviewing press releases is not enough, maybe we can change the way and interview our own, how about exchanging interview drafts?"

Caitlin said nothing.

Her face was so red that she was restless.

In the end, Kaitlyn and Wei didn't reach any consensus - Wei who stepped out of the elevator was satisfied and full of energy; while Kaitlyn seemed to be drained of all energy and energy, extremely depressed.

Finally, until the end of today's experiment time, Caitlin waited patiently for everyone to register and leave, and then left the laboratory as if fleeing.

She has many problems.


Back at the manor of the Gilaman family, she saw three guests that she never expected.



And...Jolfo V. Cadoras.

Caitlin greeted Jess and Mel in astonishment, then narrowed her eyes and looked at the smiling Yolf.

"Why did you appear here?" Caitlin gritted her teeth, "Who invited you here?"

"It's me." Jess blinked, and took the initiative to come to Caitlin's side, "I heard from Yolf that there is some misunderstanding between you..."

"It's not a misunderstanding." Caitlin shook her head. "At the beginning of the joint cooperation, this guy went to Zaun for an interview, but in the end he made up gossip and was caught by the people of Zaun."

Jess seemed to be hearing about this for the first time, and he turned to look at Yolf in surprise, with a surprised expression on his face.

"That's not what you told me." Jess quickly became serious, "Interviews are not welcome, and gossip is not welcome, these are two different meanings."

"Mr. Tallis, I assure you, this is indeed a misunderstanding." Yolf spread his hands and put on a helpless look, "You know all my past reports-I am not a person who likes to make up People who make money from the news, otherwise I would not be able to conduct three consecutive interviews with you when Hextech was just born, Zaun exploded, and everyone was full of distrust..."

 Carya's Little Classroom Jess's interview:
  After the Zaun bombing, Yolf did organize three interviews with Jace and Hextech - these three interviews provided Jace with a lot of prestige, and also eliminated him and Hextech to a certain extent. The cacophony of Mel's love affair.

  There is an update tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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