Lux's Farewell

Chapter 164 [0161]

Chapter 164 [0161]

Caitlin and Jess are good friends - he also taught Caitlyn the most basic physics when Jess was funded by the Gilaman family.

After the bombing, Caitlin once hoped to help Jess retain his research qualifications, but unfortunately, she was so soft-spoken that she didn't get her wish.

Even though Jess changed his sponsor later, Caitlin still has a good relationship with him.

Even Kaitlyn and Mel are good friends because of Jace.

And now, because of Yolf, both of them are a little embarrassed.

Caitlin watched Yolf's fake news in Zaun, and was planning to make an example of others, so that these reporters who wanted to make big news all day long should be honest; but when Jess was in a mess, Yolf was one of the few willing Someone who reports his thoughts objectively.

This relationship made Caitlin quite difficult to do-in the end, she gritted her teeth and insisted on reporting Yorfo's problem.

"After all, it involves joint and cooperative experiments." She thought for a while, and finally gave a reply that made Jess speechless, "I think the council should understand."

Yolf looked at Jess for help again.

And this time, Jess finally didn't speak for him.

Caitlin is right, after all, this involves joint cooperation experiments, Jace doesn't care what those Zaun people think, but Victor needs their alchemy technology...

"Okay, okay." Jess could only shake his head in the end, "However, Mr. Cardolas, I happen to have some articles to be compiled and published recently, and I just need a consultant who is familiar with the publishing industry..."

Joseph blinked.

He was unwilling to be a reporter anymore, but after all, his arms couldn't twist his thighs, and he bumped into the hands of the lady of the Gilaman family. At this time, he could only stop the loss in time—so, he squeezed out another Smile, and say "I just happen to have some friends in the publishing industry to chat with", then get up and leave voluntarily.

Caitlin took a look at his embarrassing figure, and didn't pay much attention to this kind of person. Instead, she took the posture that Miss Gilaman should have, and led Jess and Mel into the living room.

Jess took Mel and made the trip himself, not simply to plead for Jolf.

He had a more important personal purpose than Jorfo's—at the dinner that followed, he finally made his request formally.

"You hope to remove a batch of experimental equipment from the embargo list?" Hearing Jess's thoughts, Mrs. Gilamann was quite surprised, "This is almost impossible... As a producer of experimental equipment, I'd love to make a sale, and if those Zaunites can afford gold-hexes, I'd certainly like them to be sold in Zaun—but you should know, Mister Tallis, that's not possible."

"It's just a small part of the experimental equipment." Jess tried to put on an appearance that it was just a trivial matter, "It's all related to joint and cooperative experiments... Joint and cooperative laboratories cannot be built together, but there are still some tasks that need to be handed over, so There are still some necessary experimental equipment in Zaun."

"Then it would be better for Zaun to be in charge of the preliminary experiments." Mrs. Gilaman shook her head, "Then send their experimental data and experimental equipment to us."

"This is also a necessary part." To her surprise, Jess nodded naturally, "I have already discussed this part with the people of Zaun."

"Mr. Tallis's contacts are really amazing." Mrs. Gilamann hesitated for a moment, glanced at the smiling Mel, and pointed out, "People in the bottom city are not easy to talk to."

"But no matter what, Victor is their pride." Jess puffed up his chest, "At least they can still communicate about helping Victor."

"Victor is really a lucky guy to have a friend like you." Mrs. Gilamann didn't say much on this topic, but raised her glass on her own initiative, "Then, to Victor."

"To Victor!"


Just when Jess went to Gilaman's house for a dinner, Zaun's side, Ike also received his letter.

Compared with Victor, Ike and Jess generally have a lot of relationship - although in Ike's eyes, Jess is a smart guy and a person from Piltover, but... that's all.

So, when Ike received the letter, he was somewhat surprised.

Jess looking for himself?

As a result, in the letter, Jess mentioned some technical details of the joint experiment of the two cities, which finally made Ike pay attention.

Jess has a vision.

In this joint and cooperative experiment, the preliminary work can indeed be done independently, but there must be some parts that need to be cooperated later.

Victor's problem seems to be "strengthen the body with alchemy potions first, and then carry out Hex's body transformation", but in fact, during the transformation operation, alchemy potions also need to follow the whole process, and when preparing special alchemy potions, The artificial parts needed for the surgery are ready to be manufactured.

This is a collaboration without distinction.

Regardless of Piltover or Zaun, they both hope that when the two parties need to work together, the experimental site will be placed on their own territory.

Therefore, even though the laboratories on both sides have been listed and established, the plans for the later stage of the experiment are still not settled.

In this case, although the suggestion made by Jess cannot determine where the final operation will be performed, at least it can speed up the cooperation between the two cities. After reading the letter, Ike felt that his idea made some sense.

So he made an appointment to visit Lacus.

The appointment process was smooth.

It's just that in Lux's office, he met a rather unexpected person—Bang Bang.

Recently, "I've been working overtime, and I don't go back to the dormitory to rest", unexpectedly appeared in Lux's office, and was sweating profusely, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

Seeing this scene, Ike blinked in astonishment.

Although he believed in and respected Lacus very much, at this moment, Ike somehow remembered some subtle rumors about the orange flavor between Lacus and Ino.

Now Bang Bang is also involved? !
A subtle sourness made Ike a little confused: Could it be that I came at the wrong time?
"You came at the right time." Lux obviously didn't know the little theater in Ike's heart, "Wei and Van der are very busy recently, let me talk to you about the explosion."


"In Zaun's Alchemy Association, you have the strongest magic perception and the best talent for rune alchemy. I can rest assured that I will take care of you." Lux continued, "She is the first rune stone now. A successful user of magic, the pressure brought by magic is quite great. After this period of training, I originally wanted to talk to Wei, but I want you by name, so next, you must take good care of her. she……"

Blinking his eyes, Ike finally discovered the active magic power filling around Bumblebee - he felt a burst of joy inexplicably, and then grinned stupidly.

 Karya's Little Classroom Ike's talents:
  Ike has an amazing sense of magic power, but the usual methods cannot check whether he has magic power naturally-not even Karya can directly perceive his magic talent.

  Therefore, Ike did not join Zaun's special school for spellcasters, but became the youngest alchemist of the Rune Alchemy Association.

  Plus more 8/30
(End of this chapter)

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