Lux's Farewell

Chapter 165 [0162] Carya's Return

Chapter 165 [0162] Carya's Return

Seeing Baobo and Ike leave together, Lux finally let out a long breath.

During this period of time, Kalya has been teaching Bumblebee, letting her learn to control Jinx, so naturally there is no saber by Lux's side.

Lax, who was used to having Karya by her side and didn't bring a sword, seemed to be missing something no matter what she was doing, and her whole body was showing signs of discomfort.

Now, Bobo finally finished the first training period. When Lux took back her saber and held the hilt, this familiar feeling made her feel comfortable.

Then, Lux heard Kalyana's familiar voice again.

"Our poor little Lux must miss me a lot, right?"

... Give back my touch.

"Not at all." Lacus rolled her eyes, and replied extremely quickly, "On the contrary, I think it's been quieter recently."

"Really?" Carya's tone was subtle, "Are you sure it's quiet, not troubled?"

"What do I have to worry about?" Lux pretended to be relaxed, "I don't need to wear a sword all day long, and I don't need to be naughty in my ears, and I don't need to think about some people's big plans...why should I worry? "

"Really?" Karyara said in a long tone, "I remember very clearly that at the very beginning, without my supervision, you simply couldn't stay in the office and work honestly."

"It's just getting used to it now." Lux is still talking stiffly, "I can't help it, I'm different from some people who just use the excuse of teaching students to hide and relax!"

"It's not idle." Carya heard this, and said a little helplessly, "Your little junior sister is talented, but it's too difficult to teach... Tsk tsk tsk, I really don't understand, how can the cute bang bang How about giving birth to a Jinx personality?"

"So, she can control Jinx now?" Lux asked a little curiously, "You said that Jinx's destructive power is amazing, now you put it back, which means she succeeded gone?"

"Almost." Karya sighed, "Thanks to you and Ino who helped provide so many rune slabs of magic power circuits, under my unremitting efforts to pull the side frame, Bangbo temporarily overwhelmed Jinx .”

"Pull the frame?" Kalya's words made Lux a little confused, "What do you mean?"

"Literally!" Kalya calmly said what made Lacus dumbfounded, "The battle between personalities is like ordinary people fighting and pulling each other's hair-under fair circumstances, Bobo can't beat Jinke at all. But in my world, the rules are up to me."

Hearing this, Lux couldn't help covering her face.

Sure enough, what Carya said next was exactly what she thought.

In the simulated training, the first phase of the task of Bang Bang is to learn to completely suppress Jinx, and the best way to do this is to let her and Jinx fight one-on-one.

Because Bang Bang had no combat power at all at the beginning, and he was not Jinx's opponent at all, so Karya naturally set up an asymmetric heads-up in this heads-up.

In this way, Bumblebee "beat" Jinx many times, and found out some ways to control Jinx little by little.

And with this kind of step-by-step training and victories one after another, Bobo quickly became familiar with the feeling of fighting Jinx, and regained his key advantage as the master personality-later, even if Kalya was reduced Despite her single-handed advantage, the winner is still explosive.

At the same time, during the rest and summary period of the battle, Kalya will also give lectures to Baobo to build a more complete world view and outlook on life for her.

Although logic and ideals can't solve the split between Bobo and Jinx, they can at least make Bobo strengthen himself.

In this way, two-pronged approach, even without Kalya's help, Bangbo can finally stabilize Jinx.

And this also means that the first phase of the mission of Bang Bang has been successfully completed.

After training and listening to classes day and night for so long, Carya simply gave her a vacation and asked her to go home, find her family and friends, and consolidate the achievements of this stage through family and friendship. That's why Ai Grab over here and bring Bobo back to this scene.

"So, Bobo is fine now?" After listening to Kalya's description, Lux finally nodded, "Look at is indeed a lot easier, at least the dark circles on her face are gone. Gone."

"However, this is just the beginning." Kalya added, "There will be a second and third stage of training in the future. Boom can only suppress Jinx now, and she still needs to find a way to get along with Jinx by herself." The right way, I will guide her to use Jinx's power at that time—for now, let's talk about you."

"Me?" Suddenly hearing Kalya mentioning herself, Lux froze in place, "What's wrong with me? I'm fine..."

"Yes, you are very good, you are so good that you are about to become a primitive god." Kalya said angrily, "What the hell, I have been away from you for less than a month, and you have already had divine power—I am Should it be said that you have won the hearts of Zaan, or that you are slow to respond?"

"Shenshenshenshen...divine power?!" Lux widened her eyes in astonishment, "How can there be divine power? Karya, what are you kidding!"

"I'm very familiar with divine power, I'm not joking with you." Kalya's tone was firm, "If you don't believe me, you can ask Janna—when she just gave birth to her own memory, her state was similar to yours now."

"I'm in great shape!"

"Yeah, it's good. I don't need to eat very much. I feel good after a little rest every day. I care about everything about Zaun, no matter how big or small. I'm also very handy in spell training..." Every time Kalya said something, Lacus Embarrassed, "Divine power is like this, everyone who uses it feels good."

"You told me before that Janna voluntarily gave up her status as the patron saint of Zaun?" Lux hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Could it be, is there any problem with the divine power you mentioned?"

"Of course there is." Carya sighed, "Divine power is a good thing, but if it is not controlled, the result will be coerced by faith, and eventually divinity will overwhelm humanity."

"do not understand."

"This can be regarded as my personal experience." Kalya said helplessly, "Sometimes, there is no difference between a god and a Yazakana demon—it is easy to make people fall into paranoia."


"For example, your current state." Kalya gave an example, "We will call it the god of Zaun... At the beginning, you just worked with more energy and strength, which seemed to be a good thing, you Didn't find any problems."


"Then, you start to have a strong desire to make Zaun better and safer, and Zaun is too small, and there are many things here that are not produced at all. What do you say should be done?"

"Sign a trade agreement, import products?"

"That proves that you're still sane—it was at first, but as you get stronger, you tend to just make the places that make these things part of Zaun."


"Among the Ascendants of Shurima, this happens to a lot of people." Kalya noticed Lux's shock, "Even though the Ascension Order has banned the Ascendants from interfering in government affairs, it still hasn't stopped Shurima completely." The empire's endless desire to expand...Shurima's expansion is not a bad thing, but this expansion still brings Shurima too many problems."

Karya didn't say much on the subject.

But Lux has clearly realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Then... Do I want to leave Zaun now?"

"Of course not." Sensing Lux's nervousness, Kalya laughed like a child who succeeded in a prank, "Don't worry, I've been prepared for a long time——haven't you noticed that I've been doing it for a while? Didn't I teach you to learn magic?"

"What does that have to do with teaching me magic?"

"Divinity also needs a carrier. With your current magic power and magic level, divinity will not have a great impact on you." Carya said in a pleasant tone, "We can visit a real god while you are in good condition now , I believe His state will give you a lot of inspiration."

"Then don't you want to leave Zaun?" Lux said in disbelief, "But the joint cooperation experiment has just begun..."

"This is also for Zaan." Kalya looked confident, "Didn't Camille always say that we can ship the source of goods, and they send transportation personnel to engage in Ionian trade?"

"During the last negotiation, she did hint, but we didn't agree."

"Of course we can't agree, so why don't we find the source of the goods and let us handle the transportation?"

"Zuan doesn't have ports and ships?"

"But Bilgewater has it!"

"Wait, you bastard, have you quietly prepared another big plan?"

"It's not that big..."

 Carya's Small Classroom · Divinity and Divinity:
  The birth of divine power may be related to belief, or it may be related to the core laws of Runeterra, but no matter what the reason is, the birth of divine power will make people (or beasts and natural elves) affected by divinity.

  Two more chapters later today - followed by Bilgewater's Tides of Fire side quest.

(End of this chapter)

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