Lux's Farewell

Chapter 166 [0163] Pirates and pirate leaders

Chapter 166 [0163] Pirates and pirate leaders

Obviously, with almost no knowledge of Lacus, Kalya has another big plan ready.

And Lacus, who realized this, obviously had not been notified in advance, but inexplicably had a feeling of "right taste"-she was a little surprised to find that she seemed to be extraordinarily excited when Kalya was doing things .

"However, before everything starts, Zaun still needs to make more preparations." Feeling the excitement of Lacus, Kalya reminded, "The goal of the second three-year plan has been set. Joint cooperation experiments The shelves in the living room have also been set up, and Ino can almost help with the remaining things... However, the people of Zaun may not be able to adapt to your absence."

"Everyone... will get used to it after all, right?"

When Karya didn't talk about the issue of divinity, Lux didn't realize that Zaun had any special connection with him. On the right track, the people of Zaun themselves can live well without me watching.

But now, when she realizes that she has been contaminated with Zaun's divinity, Lux still feels very awkward when she thinks of leaving Zaun—even if it is temporarily.

"Yeah, you're right." After hesitating for a moment, Lux finally nodded, "Everyone may need to get used to it for a while."

The news of Lux leaving Zaun was not told to many people in the end.

On the one hand, this is for the stability of the situation in Zaun, and on the other hand, it is also for the sake of confidentiality-just as Kalya said, the purpose of her trip is not just as simple as dealing with the divinity in herself, other than that, she A trade route to Ionia also needs to be opened up for Zaun.

Only relying on land trade with Kaldugah, Kumanggra, Kennesser and other places can no longer fully support the subsequent development of Zaun.

In the eyes of Jess, the joint cooperation experiment means the final rescue of his friend Victor; but from Zaun's point of view, this is clearly a full-scale contest with Piltover.

There is no direct contest of war.

In this contest, Zaun and Piltover have their own advantages, and neither of the two sides is currently overwhelming.

And the Ionian trade is likely to become an important bargaining chip to change the tilt of the balance-the once closed land of birth, after the end of this war, whether it is willing or not, it will inevitably open the country, and because Ionian Because of sub-geographic factors, it needs a reliable trade distribution center.

Zaun wants to be a trading hub.

Through Singed and Mr. Shadow, Zaun took the line of Shadow Stream one step at a time, and now has taken the lead in Ionian trade.

And next, what Lux has to do is to go to Bilgewater to change the problem of no ships and no ports in Zaun!

"So, are we going to convince that Planck?" Lux quietly left Zaun, at the pier in Piltover, and sneaked onto a boat bound for Bilgewater, Lux was a little excited Asked, "Ocean Calamity, right? Well-known guy, but Camille has already been in touch with him. Can we really come from behind?"

"It's very difficult!" Kalya said in an exaggerated tone, "They are all old foxes of a thousand years old. Even the people of Piltover can't do it by recruiting them."

"But I remember what Camille said during the negotiation!" Lux was a little puzzled, "She said that Piltover and Zaun can cooperate in Ionia trade, and Zaun is responsible for communicating the source of goods. Piltover can contact Planck to deliver the goods."

"You just believe what she said?" Carya sneered, "Believe me, if Planck is really settled and the transportation problem is solved, Camille will definitely not negotiate with us, but will go it alone—— Ionia is not just an influential force in the Shadow Stream sect, if you want to buy, there are many channels."

"Is that so?" Lux blinked her eyes, "So, she was just a white wolf before?"

"Almost." Kalya snorted, "Camille is a very thoughtful guy, but it's a pity, after all, he was born as a businessman, and sometimes the situation is really small... on the stage of Piltover. It’s enough, but if it’s placed in the entire Runeterra, it’s somewhat meaningless.”


For Kalya's sharp comment, Lacus just blinked her eyes.

"This guy Camille definitely spent a lot of money to manage the relationship with Bilgewater." Carya continued to say firmly, "It's a pity that her work is destined to be ineffective. Jin Hai from Piltover Max is nice, but Planck is not a money maker."

"He's a pirate!" Lux seemed to understand, "How can pirates make money honestly?"

"This kind of statement is biased." Carya denied this statement. "If possible, the pirates actually prefer to make money honestly, but the problem is that the pirate leader doesn't want it."

"What do you mean?" Lux blinked her eyes in surprise, "Aren't Planck and his pirates of the same mind?"

"It should be a single heart now. Didn't you read the previous news? After the Noxians were suffocated in Prestidian and the main navy was ambushed in Dalu Bay, Planck took the opportunity to rob a lot of Noxians. Good things from the Sri Lankans." Speaking of this topic, Carya's tone was inexplicably cheerful, "Bullying the weak and fearing the strong is the background of pirates. He's licking his boots!"

"Then you still say that the pirates want to make money honestly, but Planck doesn't?"

"For the pirates, no matter how they make money, it's not bad if they can go ashore for nothing. How can the old sea dogs have so much passion and blood to be brave?" Carya explained in detail, "But if they wash nothing Go ashore, do you think someone like Planck can still be their leader?"


Hearing what Kalya said, Lux was silent—maybe Planck is very good at leading a team to plunder, but would he be good at managing trade?

"So, Camille has been judging others by herself. Philos has the technology to manufacture artificial Hex crystals, and An An can rely on technical barriers to make money, but what does Planck have?"


"If Bilgewater becomes a part of the Ionian trade, how will Planck deal with himself? Should he become the protector of this trade chain, be a logistics security leader with peace of mind, or after being surpassed by the times, sigh with emotion 'I Is it the remnants of the old era, the new era has no boat to carry me', and then the curtain ends?"

"So he doesn't want to join this trade." Lux finally nodded suddenly, "Maybe the life of a sailor employee is better than that of a pirate, but the life of a logistics security chief will not be better than a disaster at sea."

"That's it." Kalya chuckled, "So, it's fundamentally wrong to ask Planck's dignitaries and ships for trade!"

"Then what should we do?" Lux thought for a moment, "Replace Planck?"

"Basically—the whole of Bilgewater, maybe not much else, but there are people who have enemies with Planck and are ambitious themselves, that's everywhere."

 Carya's small classroom Bilgewater's pillar industries:

  Although it is known as the city of pirates, in fact, besides being a paradise for pirates, Bilgewater also has its own industries - such as fish processing, seafood fishing, and black market.

  Zaun, Marrow Seal, and Bilgewater are the three largest black market distribution centers in Runeterra.

  Now, of course, Zaun has been removed.

  PS. Diarrhea is severe, adding more failed, woo woo woo.

(End of this chapter)

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