Lux's Farewell

Chapter 167 [0164] Bilgewater's Surprise

Chapter 167 [0164] Bilgewater's Surprise
Because of the particularity of Bilgewater, the tickets are all anonymous, and one ticket represents one class.

Lux who slipped onto the boat was not disturbed, and quickly started her journey.

From Piltover to Bilgewater, seven days were enough for the fast ship.

For Lux, although the journey was not comfortable, at least it went smoothly—perhaps because the captain's faith was relatively pious, the journey was smooth.

Apart from the old problem of still being a little seasick, everything else is fine.

Lux, who was alone and carrying a saber, seemed to have returned to eight years ago, when she had just met Karya and hadn't known Sona yet.

The difference from that time is that now Kalya no longer forces her to study magic theory.

In Zaun in recent years, everything Lux did and every choice she made had to be carefully considered.

The rapid development of Zaun has given Lux a great sense of accomplishment, but for a young girl, this kind of year-round work is really too hard.

But now, although she was a little seasick on this fast boat, Lux could at least relax, not thinking about Zaun for the time being, and pestering Kalya to ask questions as in the past.

Being in the sweltering cabin was really frustrating, and seasickness would worsen, so Lacus simply got up early every day to watch the sunrise on the deck.

Therefore, every morning, Lux would wrap herself in a thick cloak, wear a hood and blow the sea breeze on the deck, facing the newly born red sun, pressing the hilt of the sword and the Karakan Mountain with her hands.

One talk is one day.

This kind of bragging and bragging life was so comfortable that when the ship arrived in Bilgewater and it was time to disembark, Lacus was even a little reluctant to part.

Then, before she could say anything more, the wind from the direction of the Slaughter Dock hit her head-on, giving her a heavy and realistic blow.

Not much wind.

But the smell of the sea monster's internal organs, mixed with the stench of rotting fish and shrimp, intertwined, it is incomparably superior.

Lux was already sensitive to smells. Before she found Janna, she felt uncomfortable in her throat even when she was wearing a filter when entering and leaving Zaun. Now she was caught off guard by this sea breeze full of "Bilgewater characteristics". It was so hard that I almost lost my breath on the spot.



When Lacus opened the door and entered a tavern, and found a random corner to sit down, it was the first time in her life that she felt the smell of sweat, alcohol and tobacco mixed together, and it could be so refreshing.

"Is this Bilgewater?" Lux murmured, rubbing the hilt of her sword, "How did these pirates endure..."

"The power of habit is terrible." Kalya said helplessly, "The smog in Zaun used to be so big, didn't the people of Zaun get used to it?"

Then, before Lux could say anything, a dirty menu was thrown on the table——the waiter at the tavern spotted Lux ​​and came over to ask her what she wanted.

Although the attitude was very bad, the waiter respected Lux's cloak and hood very much, and did not spy on her appearance foolishly, but there was a bit of impatience in his tone, and he kept urging her to order quickly.

Hastily flipping through the menu, Lacus skipped the messy drinks and finally chose mango juice.

A moment later, a glass of raw mango juice was placed in front of Lacus.

However, looking at the even cloudier liquid in the cloudy glass, Lacus couldn't swallow it.

"Don't worry, it's fine." Kalya was quite happy, "I saw the bartender's freshly squeezed mango just now."

"Yeah, freshly squeezed is right." Lux nodded with a stiff expression, "But the tool used for freshly squeezed has squeezed five kinds of fruits back and forth, but it hasn't been scrubbed from the beginning to the end..."

"This should be the flavor of Bilgewater, you must try it." Kalya chuckled, "Come on, Lux, drink it, this is your fate after coming to Bilgewater."

"What does this thing have to do with fate?!" Lacus picked up the cup hesitantly, "Kalya, are you serious?"

"Trust me." Carya said firmly, "This is the cleanest thing you can drink in Bilgewater. In the city of pirates, you need to lower your standards."

Lux pursed the corners of her lips, and quickly glanced at the other customers in the tavern—perhaps because it was still dark, there were not many people drinking here, and many people had juices of various colors in their glasses.

And those juices, without exception, come from the bartender's fresh-squeezing machine that seems to have never been cleaned.

But as Karya said, no one cares.

"Okay, okay." Lux raised her glass as if resigned to her fate, "Let me taste this Bilgewater flavor... eh?"

Different from the strange taste imagined, this glass of mango juice is really delicious!

The sweet juice is slightly pantothenic, and the entrance has a distinct, mango-like fruity aroma.

Although there was a lot of residue in the pulp, this drink was still refreshing and smooth. After Lux drank it, not only her frowning brows were loosened, but even the nausea from before was gone.

When she put down the empty glass, Lux even felt a little hungry!
"It's unbelievable." Lux waved her hand, called the waiter, and picked up the greasy menu again, "I thought I wouldn't have to eat for three days..."

This time, Kalya rarely teased her, but just laughed without saying a word.


In a sense, drinking this glass of juice was an acceptance, which represented that Lux accepted Bilgewater as she did in the Romans.

Then, she ordered an "Old Sea Dog Set Meal", and ate the first meal in Bilgewater with the lemonade in the set meal - black bread with cod liver pate, not only not fishy, ​​but very delicious .

"Ah, I feel like I've come alive." After eating, Lux leaned back on the chair and let out a long breath, "Where are we going next? Meet the god you mentioned?"

"Don't worry about that first." Carya seemed to feel the satisfaction of Lacus, and Kalya's tone was also very relaxed, "Before that, we should visit that ocean disaster first."

Visiting the Pirate Chief?

"How do we visit Planck?" Lux asked a little puzzled, "This kind of pirate...should be difficult to visit directly, right?"

"In most cases, yes." Carya had planned, "but believe me, there is one situation where Planck will come forward anyway."

"what's the situation?"

"The situation where someone came to buy the ship mark."

"Ship mark?" Lux blinked, "What is that?"

"It's the token of the pirate leader." Kalya explained, "It's the money to buy the way on the ocean—spend a sum of gold siren in exchange for a copy of Planck's token. When you meet a pirate, you can show it to be let off."

"Can it still be like this?" Lux's eyes widened in astonishment, "This is simply a tax!"

"That's right, this is the Pirate King's tax." Kalya chuckled, "Mother Snake has to collect a tithe, and the price is a gold sea monster; and the ship mark of Ocean Calamity... I'm afraid it's more expensive than the one from Mother Snake. a bit."

 Carya's Small Classroom · Ship Mark:

  A by-product of Bilgewater's highly developed "pirate business".

  In the face of pirates, merchants are often not easy to resist; and pirates also need to ensure sustainability to catch fish, so the ship logo was born.

  A ship's mark is a symbol fixed on a certain ship, and it has a time limit - merchants can purchase a ship's mark for one of their ships for a period ranging from one month to one year. During the effective period of the ship's mark, pirates will not Loot the ship.

  In a sense, this is a tax.

  Of course, in the mouths of businessmen, this is "annuity".

  The next chapter comes a little later.

(End of this chapter)

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