Lux's Farewell

Chapter 168 [0165]

Chapter 168 [0165]

Under Karya's explanation, Lacus quickly understood what a ship mark is, and also understood that buying a ship mark means paying protection fees, monthly tolls, and annual subscriptions.

After figuring out these problems, Lux quickly discovered a new problem.

"I have no money! Do I go to Planck just to ask the price?"

"Ask the price to see if the disaster of the ocean." Carya laughed and said, "It must be the golden siren, so he will treat you as a customer who bought the ship mark."

"Where did the golden siren come from?" Lux blinked, "You didn't tell me to bring extra money before you set off..."

"No, no, no," Kalya explained, "You don't need to take money from Zaun, just earn it in Bilgewater."

"Earn now?" Lux was a little confused, "How to make money? I'm going to grab the boat too?"

"Besides piracy and fishing, Bilgewater has another very special industry." Carya said confidently, "Did you see the wall at the door? There are many portraits on it."

"I see." Lux raised her head and narrowed her eyes slightly, "Is this...a reward?"

"That's right, it's a reward." Carya replied with a smile, "As long as you choose the right reward and do a few big ones, you can save enough to meet Planck's Golden Siren."

"..." Lux couldn't help rubbing her temples, "Are you serious? I'm going to be a killer?"

"It's called a bounty hunter." Kalya corrected, "In Bilgewater, bounty hunters are also very profitable."

"It is impossible for me to deprive people of their lives for money." Lux flatly refused, "Kalya, this is wrong!"

"It's wrong to kill people for money." Kalya obviously guessed Lux's reaction long ago, "But killing some heinous bastards and then using their heads to exchange for money is no problem."


This time, Lux was silent.

Before getting to know Karya, Lux had heard many stories about rangers from her uncle—these rangers are personable, punishing evil and promoting good. Admittedly, she has longed for this kind of life since she was a child.

If it is really to eliminate those guys who deserve it...

Theoretically speaking, crimes should be judged by the law, but Bilgewater has no law at all, so it may not be a good thing to selectively carry out some bounty tasks?
"But it is difficult for us to tell whether a person really deserves what he deserves." Lux narrowed his eyes and stared at the portrait on the wall for a while, "There is no reason for the reward, only the portrait, identity and reward, how can we know Are the people above assholes?"

"Your thinking is reversed." Carya laughed loudly. "What we have to do is not to look at the portrait to find the bastard, but to kill the bastard, then find the reward, and then go to receive the reward!"


Hearing what Kalya said, Lux was finally stunned—after a while, she finally felt enlightened.

"Believe me, in Bilgewater, the higher the status, the more jerk you are." Carya continued, "Also, their bounties are definitely high, I bet, here, Pu Lang Ke is the guy with the highest bounty!"


Unlike many old bounty hunters who are familiar with the Bilgewater environment and have their own network of contacts and intelligence, Lux's next actions can be regarded as a typical example of Li Dafei.

How to find out if a captain is an incorrigible villain?

It's very simple, just follow him for three days.

Don't worry about misunderstandings, because most of the real villains do evil more frequently than once every three days.

Take this bald guy named "Crow" for example.

Lux just followed him secretly for a day and a half, and watched the three sailors being executed by him in different ways.

One of the reasons for executing these sailors was because they did not pay their debts, another was because they refused to recruit them, and the other was because when the crow was in a bad mood, he stepped out of the cabin with his left foot first.

For the first time, Lux didn't observe this sadistic bastard for three days - she really couldn't wait any longer, even in a place like Bilgewater full of assholes, the crow can be called a standout .

That night, when Lux held the crow's head by the ear and came to the bounty teller to exchange money with a bounty, the whole of Bilgewater was stirred up into a moderate disturbance.

The fact that the crow can be so unscrupulous is obviously due to the fact that his subordinates are powerful, but when Lux killed him, it seemed that she really just killed a noisy crow.

Many people are inquiring about Lux's identity, but unfortunately, her identity is not clear at all, as if the whole person fell from the sky.

Under such circumstances, many guys with high bounties on their bodies began to be vigilant - even the price of the bodyguard business was driven and increased.

In addition to these guys who are worried about their own safety, there are also her "peers" who are also eyeing Lacus.

This kind of rookie who is a super big order is a trouble for most bounty hunters-this not only means the emergence of a strong competitor, but more importantly, Lux also makes other people The task has also become more difficult.

Among these colleagues, Sarah Doom is undoubtedly the one who feels the most headache about the appearance of Lux.

Other bounty hunters can give themselves a break.

But not Sarah.

This Miss Fortune was planning a big event, a big event that could turn Bilgewater upside down. She made a plan and started to take steps. She couldn't stop at this moment no matter what.

However, the appearance of Lux has caused her a lot of trouble - although there are often newcomers in Bilgewater, such a strong newcomer is very rare.

In Sarah's opinion, even at the beginning, she was a blockbuster, but compared with this "Miss Shadow", she was still more than 01:30 points behind.

(That's right, Lacus' bounty hunter code name is [Miss Shadow], a title that doesn't match her at all, but at least until now, no one has discovered this. Lacus won't hide in the shadows, But he is very good at infiltrating—after all, as long as there are no witnesses, it is a successful infiltration.)
This level of newcomers has already affected the structure of Bilgewater. Sarah is very good at planning, but under the impact of Lux, many uncertain factors appeared in her originally stable plan.

Thus, two paths appeared in front of Sarah.

Change your plans.

Or, go talk to that Miss Shadow.

Rubbing between her brows, Sarah quickly had an answer - after all, she is not a person who likes to change her plans very much.

 Carya's Little Classroom Bounty Hunter:

  In Runeterra, there are actually many bounty hunters—Noxus, Shurima, and many small countries in Valoran all have bounty hunters and bounties.

  But Bilgewater is undoubtedly the place with the most bounty hunters and rewards. After all, other places can only issue bounties officially, but in Bilgewater, as long as they are willing to pay, anyone can offer a reward...

  PS. It's still a bit empty, there are only two chapters today.

(End of this chapter)

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