Lux's Farewell

169 Advice from seniors [0166]

169 Advice from seniors [0166]

In the end, Sarah still decided to find an opportunity to remind the new Miss Shadow and let her be a little quieter—not only for her safety, but also for her own plan.

After thinking about what to do, the next step is to find this Miss Shadow.

For Sarah, this is not difficult.

Although people usually couldn't find Miss Shadow, once every three days, she would always appear in front of the bounty cashier, submit a token of some unlucky guy to the cashier, and then pay a large sum of money.

When she leaves, the golden siren in the bag will jingle, attracting the envy of countless people - there are a few pickpockets trying to make some extra money during the period, but unfortunately, the extra money didn't make it, and they became someone else's instead. extra money.

After Miss Shadow came back with a few pickpockets with bounties on her body, there was no one without eyes following her.

So, in order to find Miss Shadow, Sarah planned to wait for her to show up at the bounty exchange place.

And Sarah was lucky this time.

Without making her wait too long, Miss Shadow appeared wearing a cloak and a hood, whose face could not be seen clearly.

As in the past, Miss Shadow has a bastard in her hand—Sarah has seen this guy's reward.

Unlike the other targets that Miss Shadow killed before, this guy is the captain of a fishing boat.

This made Sarah somewhat curious.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the guys that Miss Shadow used to exchange bounties before were all "full of evil" in Sarah's intelligence network-maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it was because this Miss Shadow did have some kind of justice thoughts.

But the captain of this fishing boat...

Sarah thought for a while, but didn't find that she had any bad records.

In other words, the entire Bilgewater, and this guy's relationship, are just a few fishmongers who collect fish and the sailors on his boat-the fishmongers are all ordinary people, and the sailors have never changed.

Could it be that the previous judgment was wrong, and this Miss Shadow is not a good person, she just went there purely for money?
Thinking of this, Sarah finally hesitated.

There is a difference in the way of communicating with people who have good intentions and those who are only interested in profit.

Sarah thought... Maybe she could observe Miss Shadow a little more.


Unlike Sarah who was in doubt, Lux was in a pretty good mood at this moment.

From the point of view of most Bilgewater people, this captain is a honest and honest man.

No one knows why he and his sailors are carrying huge bounties.

But Lux knew—not only did she know why this guy was carrying the bounty, but she even knew who issued the bounty.

The bounty was posted by Finn.

Although the captain looks honest, he is actually a smuggler who collects money and sells people!

During the Ionian War, many refugees fled from Ionia, some for asylum, and some were unwilling to work for the Noxus.

There are many smugglers who send people away illegally, but after taking the money, there is only one who sells people into slaves and miners—these Ionians were resold by this guy after paying a lot of money To Zaun, Nashi Lamei and other places.

These people who were sold into the Alchemy Baron's mine didn't know Zaun at first, and they could only work in the dark mine to their death because they were unfamiliar with the place.

According to statistics after the establishment of New Zaun, one-third of the miners who were sold from Ionia died in unknown corners.

You know, those who can be bought by the Alchemy Baron of Zaun at a high price are all strong characters!

There were no more than ten thousand people in this group, but those with magical talents accounted for more than 10% of the people with magical talents in Zaun.

It is such a group of talented and capable people who can be tortured to death at least one-third, which shows how miserable the Alchemy Baron's black mine is...

The natives of Za'an can at least report to the group to keep warm when they go to the mine, and rely on the foreman to barely earn a little capital for survival.

However, these people who were sold to foreign lands could not even speak the language of Zaan, coupled with the fact that they were not acclimatized to the environment, they were forced to live in the dark mine in the end, and a human tragedy was staged.

Therefore, not long ago, a prominent guy like Finn issued a bounty offer, and Xinzaun also issued a kill order for the traffickers—after Lux realized the identity of this guy, she didn’t need to investigate, just He took his head neatly and found the bounty teller.

And the whole thing is not over yet.

The captain is finished, but his sailors are also in need of reckoning.

In addition, his boat should also be dealt with - unlike other normal fishing boats, this guy's boat has undergone a special modification, the boat has a big belly, suitable for unrestrained people in it.

According to many Ionians who were transported to Zaun, the cabin of this ship can accommodate a lot of people, and as long as the cabin door is closed, the people inside cannot resist at all.

Next, Lux must investigate carefully, kill the sailors involved in the human trade, and sink this ship to the slaughter dock by the way!

Before doing all this, Lux needs to find a tavern and buy a glass of spirits.

It's not that Lux wants to drink.

Instead, she needs to find a facecloth, wet it with strong alcohol, and cover her face as a mask.

After all... the smell of Bilgewater was really too much for her to bear.


Finding a quiet tavern, Lux snapped her fingers and asked the waiter for a glass of the strongest spirits.

Then, she took out a face towel from her waist, and dipped the black face towel into the wine under the astonished eyes of the waiter.

"One more glass of mango juice." Lak didn't care about the other person's expression at all, and threw out two silver snake coins, "I don't add anything."

The expression of the tavern waiter instantly became normal—the water of life plus mango juice, it was only one silver snake coin plus three copper herrings, and the rest was just a tip for the reception.

Seven copper herrings wasn't much, but it was enough to shut him up.

Soon, Lux got the juice she wanted.

Being used to the environment in Bilgewater, she did not hesitate this time, and simply toasted to drink - the fragrance of tropical fruits drove away the smell of blood on her body and the smoky smell of alcohol in front of her, making Lacus feel extremely comfortable.

Then, just when Lux began to think about what to eat tonight, a graceful figure came uninvited and sat opposite her.

"Hello, Miss Shadow." The other party stretched out his hand familiarly, as if wanting to shake Lux, "Nice to meet you."

"Who are you?" Lacus didn't look up, "Is there anything you can do for me?"

"I'm just a bounty hunter who has worked a few years longer than you." The other party smiled slightly, "I brought some advice from my seniors."

 Carya's Small Classroom Population Trade in War:

  When the Ionian War began, some Ionians took up arms to resist, and many Ionians were unwilling to work for Noxus, and chose to leave their hometown and Ionia.

  This trend gave birth to the evil Ionian population trade. Some of these Ionian people who chose to flee the war were sent to Demacia for asylum, but some, like Finn, were sold as bonded labor— ——Most people didn't make it out like Finn, but disappeared quietly in foreign countries.

(End of this chapter)

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