Lux's Farewell

Chapter 17 [0016] Is it wrong to be a magical girl but studying art all the time?

Chapter 17 [0016] Is it a mistake to learn art as a magical girl?

Under the pretext of learning art and practicing drawing, Lux and Sona started the hands-on practice of drawing magic circuits.

After getting started, the two little girls finally understood why Kalya had left half a year to give them special training in magic circuit drawing.

Magic circuits... are too difficult to draw.

Although most of these stripes and graphics are composed of the simplest aggregates, and the circuit units with individual functions can be drawn very standard with just a little practice, but once they are combined together, the difficulty begins to increase geometrically.

The magic circuit is connected, and a complete magic circuit has at least a dozen units, and at most dozens or even hundreds of units. These units have specific connection methods, and in order to satisfy these connection methods , Sometimes it is necessary to connect an additional circuit in parallel or in series-compared with drawing a magic circuit, drawing a circuit diagram is simply a play.

At least the wires in the circuit diagram are straight lines, and in the magic circuit, even if it is the simplest and most simple connection, it is still a bunch of geometric figures, and it has to be connected end to end in a twisted and crooked manner according to the law.

What's even more outrageous is that in order to ensure smooth magic power, the whole process must be drawn in one stroke, and no interruption is allowed, let alone a wrong drawing or modification, even a stop is not allowed!
Under such astonishing difficulty, Lux and Sona tried their best to change from the initial "know how to draw in general" to "know how to draw in detail but can't finish it all at once".

And the progress of this process was exactly in line with Karya's estimate—the two spent half a year.

It wasn't until summer came, that one cool morning, Sona drew for the first time a complete, disposable circuit for extracting and amplifying magic.

The two little girls rejoiced.

Then, they were told, it wasn't over yet.

"You are using charcoal pencils that are the easiest to draw, and white paper that is suitable for drawing." After they celebrated excitedly, Kalya poured cold water on them again, "If you want to really draw, you can use it to assist spellcasting and guide magic power For the magic circuit, you need to use more professional materials."

Both Lux and Sona couldn't help feeling ominous.

Then... the premonition came true.

"Considering that in Demacia, most of the magic materials are not easy to find and are too eye-catching, your best choice is actually carving—you guessed it, using the forbidden magic stone for carving."

Hearing Kalya's words, Lux really wanted to throw her sword into the mud at the bottom of the pond—even Sona, who was always gentle, was wondering if the sword was too cold in summer, Do you want to throw it into the stove to keep warm.

After glaring at Karya viciously, the two of them simultaneously set their eyes on the one-foot-square drawing paper they had just drawn, and then automatically replaced it with a magic-forbidden stone of the same size.

The magic power circuit that was painstakingly drawn on it was replaced with an intaglio relief.

Drawing a magic power circuit requires one stroke, and carving the forbidden magic stone may also need to be done overnight.

That is to say...

"We're going to learn carving next, right?" Lacus' tone was neither sad nor happy, as if she had seen through the world without any worldly desires. "And, you happen to know a little bit about relief sculpture."

"Congratulations, you have learned to answer quickly!" Kalya's tone was full of the satisfaction of your father, "Relax, the material of the magic stone is much softer than ordinary stones, and you can carve the entire magic circuit in one go. It's not too much of a problem for you—at least in terms of strength."

"Oh, that's awesome." Lux read it unemotionally, while looking at her best friend, "Sona, what do you think?"

"I think so." Sona also nodded expressionlessly, "This is really great."



Then, during the chorus of the two, Lacus' saber was "accidentally" untied from his waist, and together with the sword and scabbard, it "coincidentally" fell into the small pond in the garden of the Crown Guard family and sank. in the end.

"Kalya, where are you?" Lux seemed to be very concerned, and immediately took off her shoes and went into the water, "Sona, come and help!"

And Sona at the side, after hesitating for a moment, finally chose to enter the leg-deep pond together with Lacus.

In this way, during the "passionate search" of the two students, Kalya was kicked and kicked into the mud at the bottom of the pond—until Galen also tried to join this water game , was finally "found" by Lacus.


Regardless of the process, Lux and Sona started their third art project after studying music and painting.

However, unlike the previous two times, Augsa, who has always been very supportive of Lux, showed her opposition this time.

"Baby, mom has always supported you." Augatha looked at her daughter helplessly, "Music and painting can cultivate sentiment and remind artistic accomplishment, so I am very happy for you to learn this knowledge-but look at sculpture That’s fine, there’s really no need to do it yourself.”

"Only by doing it yourself can you experience the true charm of art." According to what Kalya taught her, Lacus endured the shame and said her declaration of the second year of secondary school, "You can only know what a pear tastes like after tasting it. That's my way of art!"

"But there's no need for you to plant a pear tree yourself." Augatha reached out and rubbed her temples, "Honey, carving is not something a lady should do after all, and being in a mess covered in dust is not in line with etiquette."

"So I hope to use the enchanted stone for carving - I have studied the material specially, and the enchanted stone will generally not have a lot of floating dust when carving!"

"...But swinging a hammer is just too inelegant."

"That can be regarded as a kind of exercise-Mom, I know that I can't go into battle like my brother and sister Kashina, but sometimes I also want to do something with my own strength. Sculpture is already what I can think of. One of the best ways."


Looking at the persistent Lacus, Augatha finally sighed helplessly.

In her opinion, her daughter has also entered the rebellious period, and the little padded jacket seems to have a tendency to develop into exotic clothes—however, the tradition of the Mianwei family is like this, and her daughter is not like her sister-in-law Tiana, who disguised herself as a man and ran away I can already be thankful for being a fearless pioneer.

Sculpting... Sculpting is at least better than shouting to join the army, isn't it?

If you like engraving, then let you engrave!
"As long as you don't delay what you should do." Augsa gritted her teeth, trying not to think about the distressed appearance of her little princess in the pile of rubble, "I will tell the housekeeper to free up a carving room for you! "

"Mom is the best!" Lux raised her face, and imprinted it on her mother's face without hesitation, "I love mom!"

"Huh, I knew it was a good time to say it!" Augesa said in disgust, but the corners of her mouth still couldn't help but curl up, "Forget it, who made me your mother..."

In this way, Lux, who got rid of her own mother, officially started the practice of carving the magic stone.


After half a month.

Lux's "art of engraving the magic stone" has not made any breakthroughs yet.

But at the noble banquet, there was a breakthrough in the number of people who took the initiative to talk to her—one after another, strangers one after another found Lacus through various relationships.

The origins of these people are varied and their backgrounds are also varied, but most of them are down-and-out artists.

They were uneasy in front of Lux's perfect aristocratic etiquette, and they even hesitated when speaking. Even if Lax listened carefully, even if she now had some understanding of the noble language art, the result was the same. In the fog-until Karya translated it in human language for her.

"They are all artists, hoping to get a little sponsorship."

"But why are you looking for me?" Lacus was confused, "This is the engagement banquet of the Gufu family, and I am not the host of this banquet!"

"But you are the most artistic guy in the Demacian aristocratic circle." Carya suppressed a smile, "And to be honest, although each of these people is more embarrassed than the other, they generally have two brushes... Remember The guy who just called you a 'real artist'?"

"You mean that cramped mustache?"

"That's right, it's him—I heard from Sona that when he faced the young master of the Deke family last year, he even explicitly scolded him as a 'bastard who doesn't understand art'!" Kalya finally couldn't help it. , burst out laughing, "Even such an artist with his own artistic persistence is still full of respect for you. Obviously, our Miss Laxana Crownguard has now become the last grand master of Demacian art." Saviour!"

"Why is this happening?" Lacus maintained his etiquette with a slightly stiff face, but he had nothing to say in his heart, "I'm learning magic?!"

"A great magician who doesn't want to be an artist is not a good swordsman." Kalya whistled happily, "It's a pity, I'm not very good at dealing with these artists, and even if your etiquette omits something, they will notice it." I can't come out, so let me rest for a while..."

"Don't!" Lux was dumbfounded, "You're like this... I'm giving away if you're like this, I don't have any artistic talent, these are all quick side skills, I can't handle communicating with people like them!"

"Everyone has something they are not good at." Kalya looked very understanding, "Just like me, now I have no hands or feet, so I am very bad at pulling myself out of the mud..."

Kalya's vengeance stunned Lux.

"My dear, great, knowledgeable, omnipotent teacher, I was wrong!" Lux, who realized the problem, admitted decisively, "I shouldn't get angry because of my slack in learning, let alone you offend-"

"When did you offend me?"

"Oh, that's right, that's right, I never dared to offend you, and I won't in the future!" Lux flexed and stretched, "This time, for the sake of my youth and ignorance, help me no matter what, Help me with the following artists...I just can't get enough of them!"

"Hmph——" Kalya dragged her tone reservedly, "Forget it, I am really a kind person... Next, I will say something, and you can just say it—and also, pay attention to your expression management, artist Should be classy, ​​not like a scowling bum!"


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I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
 Thanks to the reader [Ari pressing the pain] for the [-] starting point coin reward, this book has the first helmsman, applause!

(End of this chapter)

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