Lux's Farewell

Chapter 16 [0015] Body Printer

Chapter 16 [0015] Body Printer

Lacus and Sona, who entered the "second grade", finally bid farewell to rote memorization for the time being, and came to the new magic learning track.

Although the fact that the magic stone is the rune stone is still worrying, at least for now, both of them are in good condition-even if they are scumbags, they often love learning on the first day of school, let alone this Two academic masters.

Then, Karya gave them a note of Mawei by presenting the facts and reasoning.

"If you want to learn how to mobilize the power in the forbidden magic stone, you must first build a magic power circulation circuit." It is still clear from the beginning, and Carya's teaching is the same as before, "There are usually two ways to build a magic power circuit, one is to use magic The material draws a magic power circuit, and the other is to control one's own magic power to simulate a magic power circuit."

Hearing what Kalya said, Lacus and Sona looked at each other - in the past study, they already knew what a magic circuit is, and also understood some models of a magic circuit, and even made a lot of circuits Modeling is a "special training", so when they heard that this way they could mobilize the power of the forbidden magic stone, the two little girls seemed eager to try.

Isn't it just to build a magic circuit?

I can!

"Of course, under my patient guidance, both of you have a solid foundation after all." Kalya praised himself first, and then continued to return to the topic, "However, you are still too young, and the magic power you can mobilize is not enough. Sufficient, and more importantly, you lack the ability to control magic power, so you can't handle the high-end method of directly simulating the magic power circuit—so, we have to start from the most basic direction."

"The most basic direction, isn't it to draw the magic circuit?" Lux is full of confidence, "We have practiced this kind of thing, there is no problem at all!"

"You practiced it as a simulation!" Kalya snorted, "Let's not talk about the distance from real casting, even if it's from assisting casting, you all have a considerable distance-you think that drawing a magic circuit is not the same as what you think in your mind. Is the appearance of the circuit the same?"

"Isn't it the same?" Lux was a little strange, "I just draw whatever circuit I think of, isn't that all right?"

"Okay, then face Sona now, and draw her for me." Kalya's tone was a little more playful, "Let me see, when your brain understands, will your hands be able to draw her?" meeting!"


Lux, who finally realized the problem, shut her mouth in embarrassment—as Kalya said, the difference in difficulty between performing simulation training at the level of consciousness and drawing everything by hand is amazing, even if drawing The magic circuit is not as rich in content as painting, but it is even more detailed than it is.

Therefore, what Karya said is absolutely correct, until what kind of magic power circuit should be drawn, and the gap between being able to draw the correct magic power circuit is quite large.

"So, are we going to learn painting?" Sensing her friend's embarrassment, Sona took the initiative to change the topic, "Well, an excuse to study painting?"

"It's a good excuse, but the problem is that we can't produce the finished product." Lacus also nodded, "We can use excuses to learn etiquette, learn music, and socialize, but if it's an excuse to learn painting, even if my mother reluctantly agrees, I won't. There is a difference between law and law."

"You don't have to worry about that." Carya's tone showed a bit of pride that tried to be reserved, but in fact it had nothing to do with it. "I still understand something like painting. With me, After all, you will be able to communicate smoothly."

"What's the use for you?" Lux was very puzzled, "Painting can't be cut corners by finger numbering. Although I don't know much about these, at least I know that whether it is color, composition or perspective, these are almost impossible. Possibly with simple instructions!"

"That's for others." Carya was full of confidence, "Believe me, my way of drawing is completely different from what you think - now, find a piece of paper, find a charcoal pencil, let's try it, you I understand."

Lux, who was skeptical, found a piece of white paper and spread it on the table, and then, according to Kalya's request, brought a charcoal pencil that was often used to draw drafts in Demacia.

"I can paint the whole without going through composition." Carya once again showed an amazing unique skill, "Now, as close as possible to my thoughts, follow my continuous and broken instructions, continuously draw parallel arrangements, tight Tightly fitting horizontal lines."

"Arranged in parallel, tightly fitting?"

Lux blinked strangely. She stretched out her hand, first drew a straight line on the paper, and then drew another line right below it next to it—the two straight lines fit closely, and then A thicker straight line is formed.

"Isn't this a line?" Lux frowned, "This is what you're talking about?"

"That's right." Kalya affirmed Lacus's statement, "That's how you draw, but remember to draw and raise the pen according to my requirements—slower when drawing lines, keep a constant speed, and follow my instructions."

Lux, who was skeptical, picked up the charcoal pencil again, and then, under Kalya's command, drew closely fitting lines one after another, with occasional breaks.

Then, under her astonished eyes, these originally random broken lines finally connected into a face, forming a smiling face of Sona!

Although it is only simple black and white, this smiling face is not only realistic, but the shadow and light design are also very artistic. Anyone who sees this painting, as long as they have eyes, can feel the beauty of Sona in the painting. Happiness from the bottom of my heart.

As for Lux, who watched the painting being drawn by herself, she was completely stunned.

It's not that Lacus has never seen the works of masters—in the auditorium of the Mianwei family, the portraits of the successive generations of families are all made by the masters, whether it is color or composition, whether it is perspective or image, they are all wonderful.

But Lacus, who had seen her father paint portraits with her own eyes, knew very well that each of those oil paintings took a lot of effort to draw!

Even at the initial stage of drawing line drafts with charcoal pencils, you have to roughly determine the pose, figure out the perspective, and then start drawing. Most of the work during this period is spent on the auxiliary lines.

And Karya's painting method can be described as "cheating". It seems that from the very beginning, he has completely confirmed the appearance of the painting, and even confirmed the state of each point. The whole painting is anti-logic Yes, unreasonable!

Lacus, who has never seen a printer working, can't imagine it anyway. It turns out that painting can still be done like this!
"Hehe, how's it going?" Kalya was very satisfied with Lax's astonishment, "It's no exaggeration to say, after half a year, it's justified to take out such a painting for a job, right?"

"Plausible." Lux nodded mechanically, "This is too plausible!"

"But don't be envious." Carya chuckled, "When you reach the second stage and can use your own magic power to simulate any magic power circuit, you will understand——Compared with that, this level The control is fairly simple."


Hearing what Kalya said, the bodies of Lacus and Sona froze in place at the same time.

The second stage of constructing the magic power it so perverted?
This thing... Can anyone really learn it?

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(ヮ) monthly pass

I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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