Lux's Farewell

Chapter 15 [0014] Forbidden stone?Rune Stone!

Chapter 15 [0014] Forbidden stone?Rune Stone!
Jarvan III and a group of staff and generals finally reached a unified opinion on the issue of the Ionian War.

On the other hand, Lacus and Sona are still studying step by step.

And studying—even for out-and-out academic masters like Lux and Sona—has never been an easy and pleasant thing.

Especially when Kalya realized what would happen if she controlled Lacus's body, and would no longer perform "experimental demonstrations".

It is also thanks to the mutual support of Lacus and Sona that the two of them have been able to maintain a fairly good enthusiasm for learning under such amazing pressure.

When the new year came and Lux ​​and Sona successfully entered the tenth year of their lives, Kalya announced a news that made both of them burst into joy.

"Considering your decent learning ability, in the new year, I can finally teach you some practical things-but don't be complacent, you are still the worst class I have ever led."

The actual stuff!
Hearing this sentence, both Lacus and Sona ignored the second half of it, and became excited at the same time—after half a year of study, they already had a tendency to develop into "Magic King Yuyan", with a little theoretical knowledge A little richer, but the ability to cast spells is still close to zero.

In this case, I heard that I could learn some practical things, even Lux, who was still wary of magic, felt a faint sense of bitterness and reward in my heart at this time.

It's not easy!
Then, the next day, when the two were excitedly huddling together for some authenticity, Karya finally announced the theme of this year's study.

"This year, the main focus of your studies will be on the Forbidden Stone."

Forbidden stone? !

Hearing what Kalya said, Lacus and Sona were stunned, and the two girls looked at each other, both suspecting that they were hallucinating.

Isn't the forbidden magic stone... a device that restrains mages from casting spells and confines their magic power?
What does it mean to learn the Sorcerer's Stone?
Could it be that they want to learn how to counter the enchantment effect of the enchantment stone?

What are you doing learning this stuff?

Fortunately, Kalya didn't give a shit. Amid the doubts of the two, he cut straight to the point and pointed out the unknown nature of the Temperament Stone from the very beginning.

"Lax, you have read the legend of the Flying Wing Sisters. In the legend, is there anything about the origin of the forbidden magic stone?"

"...No." Lux recalled for a while, then shook her head silently, "However, why does the legend of the Flying Wing Sisters talk about the origin of the forbidden magic stone?"

"Because the legend of the Flying Wing Sisters and the discovery and use of the forbidden magic stone belong to the same generation—but since there is no such thing in the legend, it means that Demacia consciously blocked this part." Carya said clearly, " Then I will talk about this part first, first of all, the forbidden magic stone is not a natural stone."

"I know this." Lux nodded and added, "The Temperance Stone seems to be a composite material, as if it was burnt out of lime and some mysterious material, and the same is true for Demacia steel. added this material."

"That's very good." Karya affirmed Lacus' statement, "The magic stone comes from the fossil of the magic tree. It was discovered when Demacia escaped the disaster of the rune war before the founding of Demacia. And these people are the thirteen noble families that Lacus knows."

"Forbidden tree?" Lux blinked strangely, "You mean, that mysterious material is actually a fossil of a tree?"

"That's right, you Demacians call it the Forbidden Tree." Kalya reaffirmed, "However, I prefer to call it the Rune Tree—as for the Forbidden Stone, it should also be called the Rune Stone."

"Rune stone?" Lux and Sona's eyes widened in unison, "How is it possible?"

Lacus and Sona both know about runes. They are the representative imprints of magical energy. They are also the origin of the name of Runeterra mentioned by Kalya, and they belong to the embodiment of high-purity magic power.

But the forbidden magic stone is clearly a stone that prohibits magic power. The relationship between the two cannot be said to be paradoxical, it can only be said to be completely different!
"Sounds weird, doesn't it?" Kalya seemed very satisfied with the surprise of the two, and his tone gradually became more cheerful, "But this is the fact—the restriction you perceive is actually an absorption !"


This statement made Lacus and Sona quite surprised. They really couldn't believe that the magic stone that sheltered the birth and rise of Demacia did not prohibit magic, but only absorbed magic.

"Is this conclusion unbelievable?" Kalya continued his explanation, "But unfortunately, this is the truth—and, over the years, Demacia is still unremittingly charging the rune stone, to be honest , I don’t know when these rune stones will be filled, but what is certain is that once they are filled, the forbidden magic kingdom without magic will become a magic kingdom overnight.”

Lux was completely dumbfounded. She was happily preparing to learn some practical things today, but when she heard such explosive news at the beginning, she was in a daze for a while.

However, even so, she still tried to calm herself down, and then asked a question full of expectations: "Is this your guess? Or, do you have evidence?"

"Of course there is evidence." Kalya's answer crushed her last expectation, "And what you are going to learn this year is how to extract and master the power in the Temperament Stone."

"Comparatively speaking, I am more concerned about how to solve this huge trouble!" Lux suddenly stood up, "No, I'm going to tell my father—"

"What are you talking about?" Carya asked back, "Tell him that the forbidden magic stone is a rune stone? Then tell him everything I told you?"

"This concerns the entire Demacia!"

Unfortunately, before Carax could take a step, she froze in place.

"Then, how did you know all this?" Kalya lightly controlled Lacus, while continuing to question his own soul, "Go and tell Mr. Pete that his good daughter got it from a villain. Have you heard these sensational news?"

"No, it's not like that, Kalya... Please, let me tell my father the news!" Lux couldn't break free, her eyes were red, "Please——I won't tell you everything , I am also very grateful for your teachings, but I can't just sit back and watch my country think it's safe to stay on the crater of a volcano that is about to erupt!"

"So, you plan to tell your father that you discovered this by accident, that the essence of the Temperament Stone is actually to absorb magic, not to contain it, right?" Kalya hardened her heart , "But use your brain, Lux, does this really work? I can prove it all, but can you prove it?"

"I—" Lux was tongue-tied, and after a long time she finally gave the answer, "I can't."

"I can actually understand a teenager's desire to save everything after learning a shocking secret." Karya let go of Lacus, "But, unfortunately, you There is no evidence, and, in fact, there are people in Demacia who know this."

"Who knows this?!" Lux held the hilt of the sword firmly in disbelief, "Why didn't he say it?"

"Maybe he said it, but no one cares?" Karya seemed to be disdainful, but also seemed to snort helplessly, "Sona, if I remember correctly, your mother is a member of the Illuminati, right? ?”


"I think, in the secret records of the Illuminati, there should be a part about the research on the magic stone." Carya quietly threw a blockbuster again, "It's just a pity, magic knowledge There is no systematic inheritance in Demacia at all, even if they are researching, it is difficult to research something."

Under the shock of these breaking news one after another, Lacus was already a little numb, she finally shook her head, and then sat back to her seat honestly: "Kalya, I won't act impulsively anymore—you You’re right, there’s really nothing I can do right now.”

"Very good, Lacus." Kalya's tone was a little more appreciative, "Calmness is very important to a spellcaster, and now your appearance has a little bit of the demeanor of a mage—— Next, I will Tell you guys about the rune stone..."


Lax, who had regained her composure, was still full of worries, but at least she listened to Kalya's story quietly.

In this part of the narration, except for some hidden history, it can be roughly summarized into two aspects, one good news and one bad news.

The good news is that although Demacia has been established for more than 1000 years, there is still a long way to go before the magic stone here can be fully charged and completely transformed into rune stones. According to Carya's judgment, even the city walls of the capital of Demacia , the conversion progress may not exceed [-]%.

The bad news is that the charging speed of the forbidden magic stone in Demacia is increasing rapidly. In addition to the mages who naturally awaken the magic power, somewhere, there is a more powerful source of magic power that is charging the forbidden magic stone of Demacia. can!
The good news and the bad news made Lacus feel extremely complicated. She was silent for a long time before she held her saber again: "So, Kalya, what do you want to teach us?"

"I want to teach you to use the magic power stored in the magic stone." Carya responded directly, "This magic power will be used as a part of my trial to accelerate your growth. If you are really worried about the magic stone Safety, I guarantee you will be able to handle it all before the accident happens."

Hearing what Kalya said, Lacus was relieved. She leaned against Sona, as if her whole body had been hollowed out, and stared at the ceiling blankly.

Then, just as Sona comforted Lacus in a low voice, Kalya spoke again:
"As for Sona...if you can master this power, maybe one day, you can return to your hometown and use your own power to end the expansion plans of the Noxus."

This time, Sona's body was also a little stiff—it's hard for a person with a gentle personality like her to make up her mind to face a war. In a sense, she needs an extra push, and while she When Lux was in a turmoil, Kalya happily played the role of a bewitcher.

Sona hesitated.

She doesn't like to fight with people, and she doesn't like to join the war.

But at this moment, she couldn't help but think of the previous agreement between herself and Lacus - they swore with their fingers crossed to support each other on the road to magic and the future.

Lacus has her own ideals, what about herself?

Follow Lux silently?
Or do you want to be as bold as her and try to do something for your hometown?
For this question, Sona has no answer yet—however, this does not prevent her from making up her mind to study this part of knowledge hard.

Even if it's just to help Lacus and protect his parents!

Thinking of this, the gentle Sona finally clenched her fist: Sona, you can do it!

Because of the secrets of the Temperament Stone, Kalya did not continue to give lectures that day, and both Lacus and Sona, who were confused, chose to rest early.

However, in the dead of night, Lux quietly got up from the bed.

This time, she didn't bring the saber she had never left for half a year, but changed her clothes and left the bedroom alone.

The garden in the dark is not as beautiful as in the daytime. Lacus leaned against the enchanted stone wall of the garden, and then barely controlled the flow of her magic power, trying to emit a little light.

However, just when there was a slight arc of light on Lux's fingertips, the magic power she tried to output was dissipated due to instability—then, the arc flashed and disappeared, and an indescribable emptiness made Lux's feet go limp, and the whole body Everyone collapsed on the cold soil.

The coldness under her body made Lacus calm down. She stood up in a state of embarrassment, looking at the dirt on her hands, she suddenly wanted to laugh.

Karya wasn't kidding herself.

In other words, Karya never deceived herself, nor did she need to deceive herself.

He will teach himself to use the power of the forbidden magic stone later, if everything he said is false and alarmist, then what will he teach himself then?
Why did I suddenly look like my brother, like a fool!
Lux, who realized this, was a little funny, and also a little inexplicably at ease. The fact that the forbidden magic stone is the rune stone is indeed terrible, but at least Teacher Kalya is trustworthy. He has never deceived himself, and he can always trust him he!

Taking a long breath, Lacus whistled and walked briskly back to her bedroom unladylike, plunged into the bathroom, took a nice hot shower, and then Returned to his bed again.

On the bedside, her saber was still lying there quietly.

Lax turned around and threw herself into the big soft bed. After bouncing twice, she finally grabbed her sword and hugged it in her arms.

"Sorry, teacher, I was too self-willed today." Lux said in a low voice, "Next time I promise, it will never be like this!"

Then, before Karya could react, she threw the saber aside, chose the most comfortable position, and spread herself out completely.

Soon, a low snoring sounded - in the confusion of Kalya, Dorax finally fell asleep after a tiring day.


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I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
Lux has finally accepted the magic, and is about to start learning to use the magic power in the magic stone, and she is about to take off!

Today is still two chapters with a total of [-] words. I wish all readers a happy Lantern Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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