Lux's Farewell

Chapter 14 [0013] A new storm has appeared

Chapter 14 [0013] A new storm has appeared
In the end, the gag order jointly issued by the Crown Defender and Bouvier allowed Galen to escape—although his image has been shattered in many people's hearts, he just needs to avoid these people for a while, and there should be no need to escape Germany. Marcia is gone.

Well, congratulations, congratulations.

However, things are not over yet.

Soon, Augusta, who came in a hurry, made a move herself. She took her son's ears and carried him all the way to the Bouvier family's manor, and went to the door to apologize.

And because the Crown Guard Manor and the Bouvier Manor are located at the east and west ends of the Demacia Xiongdu, almost all the residents of the Demacia Xiongdu saw the scene of Galen, a little bastard, being paraded through the streets by his mother. .

The melon-eaters obviously don't know what Galen has done, but the incidents of a teenage middle school boy being picked up by his mother's ears can be found anywhere from nobles to commoners, and the reasons are various, so everyone is happy to eat melons, Spontaneous and strong onlookers along the way.

Compared with Lux's words, the death degree of being paraded through the street with his ears dropped by one level, but Galen still felt hopeless and hopeless.

Fortunately, Mrs. Bouvier did not embarrass Galen after she learned what had happened, and even warned her ignorant daughter, so that the whole turmoil finally stopped here.

Except that during the training the next day, Jarvan IV looked at Galen's red and swollen ears and laughed back and forth seven times. To: "Do you also want to be walked two miles by the ears like that bastard that day?"

Well, only Garen's wounded Huns were born.

However, although this incident dealt a huge blow to Galen, it was nothing more than a trivial matter to Demacia Xiongdu—and it was even less worth mentioning when looking at the entire Demacia.

Even Barrett Bouvier and Pete Crownguard didn't take it to heart, and when the two met at Dawn Castle the next day, they didn't even mention it once.

For them, the more important thing at the moment is to focus on the war between Noxus and Ionia.

To be precise, it is the intelligence concerned with the war.

Unlike the Noxians who formed a professional organization of war craftsmen, Demacia does not actually have a professional spy organization—for nearly a thousand years since the founding of the country, most of their information came from the initiative of traffickers, soldiers, farmers, and businessmen.

Demacia itself has no desire for territorial expansion. Its strategy has always focused on solid defense. From time to time, it also gives eye drops to the Noxus and makes trouble. It is a rare "good country" in Runeterra. Many countries in the world rely on the food exports of the Demacia people, so in terms of intelligence, Demacia is following the kingly route of "getting more help".

It cannot be said that all Demacias are good people, but at least it can be said that they are all set off by their peers.

This trick is very useful when dealing with Valoran affairs, but it is not very effective when paying attention to the Ionian war-too long distance makes it difficult to transmit information, and the chaotic situation in Ionia makes it even more difficult. First-hand intelligence lacks accuracy.

Even if it is the fastest ship in Demacia, it will take more than three months to go back and forth from White Cliff City to Ionia through the Valoran Strait-this does not take into account the situation of the Noxus blockade Down.

Therefore, despite the fact that the Demacians have brought many refugees from Ionia, but regarding the specific situation in Ionia, Demacia can only make guesses.

It is precisely for this reason that even if some areas in the northern border suffered frost damage, the crown guard family's fief taxation was not reduced or exempted-Demacia needs to be prepared for war, in case the Noxus just feigned an attack, the actual Do you still want to attack Demacia?
Pretending to be at war with other countries, and then launching a sneak attack when Demacia let down its vigilance, this kind of thing has been done a lot in Noxus history!
Look at the cities on the north shore of Shurima that have turned to the Noxians!

When almost every city changed its flag, the Noxians staged a siege battle with loud thunder and little rain, and as long as there were few negligence on Demacia's side, Trewell or the old guard The Noxians would have assaulted and fought undeclaredly...

Fortunately, on the day Galen "paraded the streets", the latest information was finally sent back to Demacia after several twists and turns.

Through multiple intelligence comparisons and multiple analyzes by the staff, it is finally confirmed that the Noxians have indeed invested an unprecedented large-scale force in Ionia-the twenty battle groups are the main force rather than just a few militias , the Sea of ​​​​Watch Fleet has all left the port.

This means that the Ionians may not be able to hold on, but at the same time, the border of Demacia will be stable for a long time.

Therefore, at today's internal meeting, Demacia will discuss a specific countermeasure for this war.


"First of all, Your Majesty, I think it is impossible for the Noxus to turn around now." Unlike his submissiveness when facing his wife, Pete has always been known for his daring to speak in internal meetings, "From what we got in Ionia It can be seen from the mutual confirmation of the information that the Noxians have indeed put their main battle groups into the Ionian war-although a few battle groups have been transferred back recently, it should be because they came from the northern border. Counting the time, it’s time for those barbarians in the north to act.”

"So, the scale of this war is far greater than the several landing battles in Shurima, isn't it?" Jarvan III carefully looked at the map that was finally sent from Ionia, and stretched out his hand to gesture at the position of Weili After a while, "Is this where the Noxian main fleet landed?"

"According to the information provided by the local rangers in Ionia, this is the case." Pete on the side also nodded, "But it's not just here, except for Weili in Navoli Province, Nongpu in Balua , Shangzan's Sandar, and Zhiyun's Lyken, all have Noxus landing."

"This is a real big deal." Jarvan III looked at the landing point marked with sailboat marks on the map, and couldn't help pinching his eyebrows, "This time, the Noxians really want to swallow it all in one fell swoop." All of Ionia?"

"Objectively speaking, we lack the necessary information on this issue." Barrett was still cautious and rational, "However, Your Majesty, I also have the same doubts, because in the past when the Noxus attacked Shurima , They have never been arrogant to attack multiple points."

"It was the same even when Belgun was captured." Pete added, "At that time, the Noxus only dispatched a fleet, and it was mainly responsible for transporting troops—but this time, the entire Noxian fleet Sass’ Sea of ​​Watch navy is almost out of force, and this has even led to a rapid increase in the scale of piracy in Bilgewater, and many merchants in Piltover are complaining that Sea of ​​Watch has become very dangerous.”

"Will they succeed?" Jarvan III looked at Xin Zhao who had been silent all this time, "Are the compatriots in your hometown as brave as you?"

"They are braver than me." Xin Zhao licked some dry lips, "The Noxians have met heroic resistance, but when my fishing boat was detained, I became a prisoner directly. Sent to the Noxian arena."

"That's not your fault." Jarvan III couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the words, "You should understand what I mean, if—I mean, if Ionia can't resist the attack of Noxus, then wait until The beast swallowed your hometown and digested it completely, and at that time, the whole of Runeterra will be placed on his table."

"That's impossible." Xin Zhao also shook his head with a firm tone, "The Noxus may win, but I believe that Ionia cannot be completely lost."

"...I hope so." Jarvan III was silent for a moment, and let out a foul breath, "But thinking about the arrogance of the Noxus after they got Belgün and Uzeris, I think we need to come up with A plan to curb the spread of this evil."

"I already have some ideas about this." Speaking of this topic, Pete stood up again, "Since it has been confirmed that the main force of the Noxus has moved westward, we should also take this opportunity to strengthen and transform our western defense line Just do it."

"Tell me specifically?" Jarvan III took another deep look at the map of Ionia, and then returned to his throne. "Reinforcement is understandable, but what is transformation?"

"Offensive fortress, Your Majesty." Pete said bluntly, "We can't sit back and watch the Noxians gain a foothold in Ionia. Even if this despicable raid has worked, we must not let this beast be safe. Digest and prepare for the next foraging!"

"So, the next time he opens his mouth and bared his teeth again, we're going to give him a hard punch?" Jarvan III nodded, "I agree with this idea, but the problem is... we and Nok SARS doesn't border."

This question is quite embarrassing - for Demacia, not being bordered by Noxus means that the two sides have a certain buffer area, which should have been a good thing for Demacia's strategic defensive posture.

But if Demacia wants to take action next time because of Noxus' actions, then this buffer area formed by small countries and city-states will instead become an obstacle for Demacia.

When Noxus is in trouble, it can invade directly and brazenly, but if Demacia does this kind of thing, it is a disintegration of people. Although this is very unfair, if Demacia really takes the initiative to invade these buffer areas, then I am afraid that the good image they have carefully maintained will collapse directly.

For Demacia, this is an unbearable burden!
"We can go...the door of sorrow." Pete hesitated for a moment, and made a suggestion that made everyone present frown, "Then go to Trewell."

"It's impossible." Barrett finally vetoed it. "Crossing the Shimmering Silver Mountain Range is not an easy task. The Noxus have already proved this with their own failures."

"This is what I said, the reason for rebuilding the western defense line." Pete seems to have been prepared for a long time, "As long as a series of renovations are carried out on the original basis of the Gate of Sorrows Fortress, the difficulty of crossing the Shimmering Silver Mountain Range will be greatly reduced. By then We only need to face the relatively flat southern foothills."

Speaking, Pete took out a map near the Gate of Sorrow, pointed to the terrain of the mountain range and explained his strategic concept: expand the Gate of Sorrow Fortress, then hoard more food and equipment, and build a gallop along the ridge. Road to Jiayinfeng.

After arriving at Jiayin Peak, Demacia's army can go straight to Darkwell through a narrow and gentle slope at the southern foot of the Shimmering Silver Mountains.

"If this is the case, it is theoretically feasible." Looking at Pete's schematic diagram, Barrett nodded reluctantly after thinking for a while, "However, Your Majesty, I must explain that this suggestion is really exhausting. We have the support of water transport, and if we want to build a straight road to Jiayin Peak, it will still consume an astonishing amount of manpower and material resources."

"In terms of manpower and material resources... this needs to be calculated in detail." Jarvan III did not directly affirm or deny, but talked about another aspect, "But, after taking down Trewell? I remember once Trewell's royal family is gone?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, when the Noxus captured Triwell, they killed all the nobles in the royal family." Barrett nodded, "We cannot help Triwell restore the country."

"That's really terrible." Jarvan III looked sad, as if he felt very sorry for the Trewell royal family's misfortune, "It seems that after that, we need to build an additional line of defense to guard Trewell. Row?"

"About this, I'm not too worried." Barrett finally showed a smile, "After driving away the brutal Noxians, the Trewells will be happy to help us—after all, this is also Defend their own homeland!"

"Then it's settled." Jarvan III touched his chin, and finally made a decision, "The direction of the Green Tooth Peak will still focus on defense, and at the same time strengthen and transform the Sorrow Gate. If the Noxians don't stop For the atrocities in Ionia, we will punish them in Triwell!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"It's a pity that Ionia doesn't have its own king, otherwise I must sign a joint statement with him..."

In this way, Demacia finally confirmed his attitude towards the Ionian War—although in theory, to pass all this, it still needs to go through the noble meeting three days later.

But judging from past experience, the noble council can only do two things that Jarvan III has made up his mind to do.

unanimous agreement.

Or object first and be persuaded later.

No way, who asked this majesty to wear a pair of trousers with the loyal Bouvier family and the Crownguard family?


(ヮ) Recommendation Ticket
(ヮ) monthly pass

I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
This chapter is mainly about the impact of the Ionian War on Demacia, and Demacia's decision-making. By the way, dig two more pits, not water~
(End of this chapter)

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