Lux's Farewell

Chapter 13 [0012] Sister Battle

Chapter 13 [0012] Sister Battle

Thanks to Tiehanhan Galen, Lux temporarily forgot about her little troubles, and finally got a good night's sleep.

On the second day, as Sona visited the Crownguard Manor as a return visit, Kalya's small illegal class finally started again - because Sona was used as a cover, their courses no longer needed an etiquette or history book, Instead, it takes the form of musical communication.

Lux's lessons are still on schedule.

And Sona's course requires the combination of playing and casting.

Therefore, Karya needs to explain music theory to Sona first, guide her to play the piano like a music teacher, and then instill magical knowledge in her.

In this case, the two people somewhat interfered with each other—even if Kalya could manage to do two things at once, the teaching effect would be quite poor.

Fortunately, as an experienced teacher, Carya is quite experienced in this area. Although the magical knowledge and skills that the two need to master are not uniform, the magical knowledge they need to master to understand others is the same. .

In this way, Kalya split her teaching content into big lessons that can be taught together, and small lessons that everyone listens to individually, and the part that needs to be played in the small lessons can be exercised in Lacus time, in the garden.

In this way, Karya's "shepherd's life" finally officially began.


After a night of excitement and finally becoming a student of Master Kalya, Sona was shocked to find that the other party seemed to be completely different from what she had imagined.

Karya's musical literacy is extremely high. Through Kuihua, he can easily answer almost all the questions Sona raised, and he also took the initiative to teach Sona many special fingerings for playing the piano-it seems that everything is normal.

However, apart from knowledge, isn't Master Karya's choice of words and sentences a bit too tricky?
At the very beginning, the kind and gentle Sona was still doing self-examination on the grounds that "Master Karya is really talented, so his requirements are relatively high".

But with the beginning of the big class, when she realized that Kalya was talking in this tone, Sona felt that the image of the master began to collapse in her heart.

"There are always some people who foolishly think that magic is mysticism, and magic should be unfathomable. That kind of cognition and behavior is as dogmatic and ignorant as seeing something yellow and thinking it is gold. In my arms, I will not let go."

Sona's eyes glazed over at the poor metaphor.

"Mysticism does have its uniqueness in some aspects, especially for those mice who like to use curses, they often try their best to weave curses in order to achieve a goal that is beyond their own ability, but because of their own Insufficient ability, had to let this special curse magic leave a weak loophole, in this case, mysticism can make up for these ridiculous loopholes."

Bad examples make Sona lose her highlights.

"However, who is a serious person to use curses? As long as you see mysterious mages with hidden heads and tails in the future, you can all treat them as mice, um, what I said—and if you are really stupid because of your own stupidity. Be careful, if you are entangled with this curse, then I can only regard it as you being bitten by a mouse, tsk tsk tsk, that would be too shameful."

For the first time in her life, Sona wanted to roll her eyes.

"Of course, I think that people who have received formal mage education should not be bitten by rats, right?"

Hearing the mouse again, Sona finally sighed helplessly—she suddenly felt a little regretful.

As expected, I was too naive. Can such a guy really be called a master?



With the arrival of noon, Sona was invited to have lunch with Lux at the restaurant of the Crownguard Manor. Then, she secretly held Lux's hand and asked a question that almost made Lux laugh out loud on the spot. .

"Has Master Kalya been this violent all this time?"

"No, Karya is not irritable now." Lux quickly let go of her sword hilt, and replied, "When you can't answer his questions in the evening self-study, you will understand what is irritable .”

Hearing these words, Sona was suddenly very glad that she needed to go home tonight, and would not stay here for evening self-study.

In fact, Kalya was not as violent as Sona thought.

Back then when he was an Ascendant, Kalya was actually very gentle—although there was an unbearable black belly behind the gentleness, at least in the eyes of the students, Professor Kalya had always been a polite person. polite people.

However, after becoming a Darkborn, everything changed.

After Karya has a body, the body will be eroded by void energy and then fed back to the mental state; and even if there is no body, Karya's spirit will face tremendous pressure as long as he wakes up.

In this case, this irritable old man's way of speaking can be regarded as a special catharsis, which can allow Karya to relieve the pressure a little and ensure that he can remain calm when thinking.

Fortunately, both Lacus and Sona are very good-natured little girls. Lacus can tell from her talent, which is simply too bright; while Sona is gentle and kind, and always responds to Kalya's violent speech. It is to tolerate silently, and then extract effective information from it, so after adapting to Carya's special teaching method, their progress speed can be said to be rapid.

In the eyes of outsiders, Lacus and Sona are usually best friends, reading together, practicing playing the piano and playing music together, and attending banquets together.

But the actual situation is that they are in the Mage Front alliance, absorbing the almost endless knowledge from Kalyana together, and developing multi-dimensionally at an astonishing speed.

In addition to casting spells, Lux has also made great progress in swordsmanship; although Sona did not learn swordsmanship, she learned a lot of music theory, noble etiquette, and even natural history knowledge from Kalya.

Lacus has Karya as her portable system, and her behavior perfectly conforms to the model of Demacian nobles.

Although Sona didn't have Kalia as her etiquette guide, she didn't need to speak, and she had solidly learned the knowledge of Demacia etiquette, so she was also an elegant and elegant noble lady.

In this way, these two little girls have also changed from the initial "friendship is praised" to "other people's children and friends", and have become a model for countless people gnashing their teeth.

However, in addition to their excellence, there is another person who will also grit her teeth at Lux and Sona, and what makes her dissatisfied is not their perfect image, but the intimacy between them.

This person is Sona's younger sister, another daughter of the Bouvier family - Kashina.


In fact, when Sona was adopted by the Bouvier family, in addition to political reasons and the love of Sona by Lestara Bouvier, the hostess of the Bouvier family, Kashina also played a very important role.

As long as she can remember, Kashina has longed for a sister who can accompany her—because her father, Barrett, is a close friend and advisor to King Jarvan III, and her mother is a senior executive of the Illuminati, her life has been very lonely since she was a child.

Although there are many people who are willing to flatter her and praise her, what Kashina lacks has never been this. What she lacks is sincere companionship and patient listening.

Therefore, when Sona was adopted, the first person to raise her hand to vote was Kashina—she didn't care about her inheritance rights, but preferred to have a companion.

Facts have proved that Sona is indeed the kind of sister Kashina wants. She is gentle and kind. She will prepare hot water for Kashina after training, massage her when she complains that the training is not going well Put forward some opinions, cover up for Kashina when she gets into trouble, and have dinner with Kashina when her parents are busy with work...


Why does my sister spend most of her time with Lacus from the Crown Guard family? !
Originally, Kashina admired Lacus a lot.

She herself doesn't know much about etiquette. As the heir of the Bouvier family, she needs to practice martial arts and inherit her father's position in the army in the future—so, like most people who serve in the army, she actually Not very good at etiquette and communication.

Therefore, when Sona went to exchange music and learn etiquette with Lux at the beginning, she was very appreciative.

To train martial arts by myself, and my sister to learn etiquette, we all have a bright future.

However, with Karya occasionally giving pop quizzes and Sona sometimes joining evening study, Kashina finally felt something was wrong.

After careful calculation, why did my sister and Lacus spend more time together than me? !

Is this plausible?

This is obviously outrageous!
So, every time someone compliments Lacus and Sona's friendship and puts them together, Kashina will grit her teeth.

Damn it, that's my sister!
Lacus, don't you have a brother yourself? !
The sensitive Sona quickly noticed her sister's little emotions. She tried to focus more on Kashina and take on the responsibility of a sister better, but it was a pity that when Kashina sent Lak After seeing Si as an "enemy", this actually irritated the little girl.

It turns out that eight-year-old girls can be jealous too.

Although resentful, Kashina is not a brat who ran to the Crownguard Manor to mess around. After thinking for a long time, she decided to find trouble with Galen—your sister stole my sister, and I will come to clean you up. That's okay, right?
In this way, after a day of training, Galen came home and encountered an unexpected challenge.

"Galen of the Crownguard family!" Carrying a small round shield, a dagger, and full armor, Kashina made an excuse to take her sister home. She arrived outside the Crownguard Manor ahead of time, and successfully blocked the gates returning to the manor. Ren, "I challenge you!"

"Oh?" Galen became excited when he heard the words, "Who are you? Have you heard of my [Future Power of Demacia]?"

"The power of Demacia in the future?" Kashina, who was originally aggressive, couldn't help but feel a little sluggish after hearing this name, "What is that?"

"I've already made up my mind, I want to become the power of Demacia recognized by everyone!" Galen raised his big sword high, "However, I haven't trained yet, so before that, I am [Future Power of Demacia]—wait a minute, you haven’t heard of my name? Then why are you challenging me?”


Kashina blinked, and after realizing that she seemed to have no better reason to challenge, she simply followed Galen's words: "Hmph, I don't agree, what's wrong?"

"Aha, then I will take the first step to become the power of Demacia!" Galen put on a pose showing his biceps, "Come on, my first challenger , report your name!"

"The person who will defeat you is called Kashina!" The little girl tapped the round shield on her right hand with the dagger in her left hand, "Do you remember?"


Galen threw away the scabbard excitedly, and strode forward directly.

Although Kashina is four years younger than Galen, she is only half a head shorter than Galen because of the earlier development of girls. In addition, Galen is completely unaware of the members of the Bouvier family. He also didn't notice the slight difference in pronunciation between Kashina and Kashino—so, he had no idea that the challenger in front of him was actually a girl.

The guards of the surrounding Crown Guards and Bouviers didn't expect that Galen would actually make a move, so that when they noticed that Galen was sprinting and wanted to stop it, it was too late.

The next moment, with a roar of "Cunning villains, justice will prevail", Galen raised the big sword in his hand and slashed down hard.

A teeth-stinging metal trembling hit the eardrums, and Kashina, who was in a defensive posture with a sword and shield, was knocked down by a blow. Under the astonishing power gap, she not only couldn't hold her shield, but even couldn't maintain her balance.

Fortunately, the 12-year-old Galen couldn't really split the armor's defenses.

So when Kashina was lifted up, she didn't have any problems. For her who started training at the age of six, taking a blow from the front that was beyond her tolerance would at most cause her arm to be a little bruised. It's not a problem at all for Kashina.

However, Kasina, who had never been treated like this, did not have any beating skills, so that she was so embarrassed after being knocked down. Her shield fell to the ground, and her whole body was like a rolling gourd. Gululu turned far away.

In the end, not only the shield was lost, the helmet fell off, but even a boot was torn off when getting up, and got stuck in the sewer trough.

Kashina, who was anxious, angry, ashamed and angry, couldn't bear it anymore, and finally burst into tears.

And it wasn't until he heard the broken cry and noticed the other party's loose long hair that Galen just realized that the one "dueling" with him in front of him was actually a little girl.

At this extremely embarrassing moment, Lux sent Sona out of the gate, and bumped into this scene at the gate.

"Yo, isn't this my dear brother?" Seeing Sona trying to comfort her crying sister and seeing Kashina's uncontrollable sobbing, Lacus finally gritted her teeth, "Why, what happened to her wetting the bed? Pushing it to your younger sister can no longer satisfy your special hobby of bullying girls? Now you have started duels with girls who are four years younger than you, in order to appease your fighting heart that has no place to rest?"

After Lux said these words, outside the gate of the Guanwei family, the originally noisy intersection suddenly fell silent.

The guards lowered their heads one by one, Sona almost lost Guqin Yuhua, and even Kashina, who couldn't be coaxed well by Sona, stopped crying and blinked her big teary eyes, as if meeting for the first time , looking Galen up and down.

And Galen...

Well, Galen is preparing to leave the capital of Demacia overnight.

No, not enough - better get out of Demacia by the way!


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I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
Today is another two chapters-I wish all readers a happy Valentine's Day!
(End of this chapter)

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