Lux's Farewell

Chapter 12 [0011] The Daily Life of the Crown Guard Family

Chapter 12 [0011] The Daily Life of the Crown Guard Family

Karya has one more student.

Although it is said that one sheep is herding and two sheep are herding, in fact, the content that Lux and Sona need to learn is completely inconsistent.

Lux naturally awakened the talent of light magic, which is a special kind of elemental magic. Everything should be practiced according to the practice of elemental magic.

And Sona is an Ionian, naturally closer to the spirit world, and considering her naturally blue hair, Kalya has reason to suspect that she may have a small amount of vastaya blood, so for Sona, what she wants What you learn is music theory, performance, enchantment, and the control of psionic energy.

In Summoner's Canyon, the output equipment of AP mages is often highly similar, but in Runeterra, they are also spellcasters, and there is almost no similarity in the path everyone chooses and the knowledge they learn.

Therefore, in addition to being able to take them to study together, Carya needs to prepare two complete lesson plans and teach them individually.

Of course, this is not a problem for Karya, the knowledge reserve of the king of strong mouth, not to mention teaching two students, teaching twenty or two hundred students is not a problem at all!

Moreover, students are batteries to Kalya, he trades knowledge for magic power, the stronger Lacus and Sona are, the more nourished he is, everyone wins together!


Karya is not the only one who is happy.

After Augusta heard about Lux's harvest, the mistress of the Crownguard family was also very happy.

At the dinner table that night, she praised her daughter in very direct language, which is rare.

"That's the Bouvier family!" Even though she had already learned the details of the whole incident from others, Augsa's tone was still full of disbelief, "And my baby told her the first time she saw her." Became friends... Lux, your performance really makes me so happy."

"Sona is a very gentle person." Having received her mother's praise and affirmation, Lux was very happy in her heart, but on the surface she looked calm and calm, "I am also very happy to have such a friendship. .”

"Lax, Lax, I heard what Uncle Xin Zhao said." Seeing that the focus of the dinner came to his sister, Galen, who had been gorging himself all the time, couldn't help but share a little bit of what he had seen and heard in the Dawn Fortress, "Sau Na is an Ionian, what does an Ionian look like?"

"Ionian people are just normal." Lux couldn't help but roll her eyes at her brother's thoughtless words, "Uncle Xin Zhao is also from Ionia, what does he look like with us? Is it different?"

"His strength is so strong!" Galen took it for granted, "You can't imagine how exaggerated the equipment he usually uses for training - Jiawen and I can't hold it!"

"Then you may be disappointed." Lux shook her head, "Sona doesn't have that much strength. If I have to say, she is better at music."

"But you're not good at it either!" Galen still looked interested, "Why do you have a common language with her? Or, when did you learn to play the piano?"

"I only know one piece of music, the simplest "Hymn of Heroism in G Major"." Lacus replied with a smile on her face, "Probably... trying to repair the broken one before me." I accidentally learned it when I was playing the music box."

Galen instantly realized what was going on with the music box that Lux was talking about, and froze on the spot, his whole body was silent.

For some reason, Galen felt that since he started training with Xin Zhao, his sister had become more and more incomprehensible.

He was obviously a good fool before, huh?

And Augesa's gaze also focused on her own bastard son—obviously, Lux's words reminded them of Galen's "destructive power".

Galen, who is 12 years old this year, is at the time when he is at his most energetic and destructive. This kind of middle and sophomore bastard can provoke any kind of moth!
Lux's words were a reminder to Augatha that she must make Galen more honest. Judging from the current effect, even training with Xin Zhao could not completely consume his excessive energy.

"Miss Sona will come to visit our manor tomorrow." Thinking of this, Augesa withdrew her gaze, and said as if inadvertently, "Galen, pay attention to your etiquette, I don't expect you to behave like your sister Decent and praised by everyone, but I at least hope that you will not be rash and cause unnecessary misunderstandings and troubles—understand?"

Although his mother was still eating her salad calmly when she finished saying these words, Galen only felt a cold air from the spine, and then went straight to the top of the skull.

At this moment, even Galen, who didn't like to use his brain very much, realized the significance of this visit.

"No problem!" Galen stretched out his thumbs, "I will definitely show the responsibility and responsibility of a big brother!"

"Does it mean to push the responsibility of own bed-wetting to my sister?" Lux lightly made up the knife, "Or does it mean that the toy that broke my sister can't be put back, flipped the table when playing chess with my sister, and played cards with my sister? hide the card when?"

Lux calmly counted Galen's "glorious deeds" in detail, causing Galen to almost slip under the table—however, these things happened for real, and they are undeniably black history, even if he is a second-year student. Even the young Galen couldn't face this kind of shame.

Seeing that Galen's face was completely flushed, Pete, the apparent head of the family, finally cleared his throat.

"Ahem, it's almost enough. After all, Galen is a boy, so there's nothing wrong with being lively at this time..."

"What do you mean is enough?" Pete's words did not stop Augatha from preaching to her son, but added fuel to the fire, causing Augatha to raise her voice, "Do you want to sit back and watch Galen become a A guy who is as unpopular among nobles as you are?"

"I—" Pete never expected that he just explained something casually, but the firepower was completely attracted to him, "Why am I not popular... His Majesty trusts me, and I naturally have to respond to this trust with loyalty!"

"The result is that in the noble meeting, everything you proposed will not be approved!" Augtha seems to have been prepared, "Mithral City suffered frost this winter, and the result? At the noble meeting, Irwindale, Fu Spiro, each frost is not as serious as Mithral City, but they have all received tax relief, only our fiefs still have to pay the full amount of taxes as usual!"

"Paying taxes is the duty of nobles..."

"But tax relief is the same in case of natural disasters!" Augusta said helplessly, "Honey, politics is not about fighting and killing, politics is about the way of the world. Everyone knows that our Crown Guard family can fight, but except when fighting, who Will you remember us again?"

"It's different." Pete shook his head stubbornly, and stretched out his hand to hold his wife, "Honey, I know it's hard work to maintain and run the whole family, but we are the crown guards after all, the crown guards who protect the kingdom, and the nobles. The core is not to grab benefits for oneself, but to concentrate the responsibility, because—"

"Because this is the duty of nobles!" Augusta looked at her husband, who was nearly forty years old, but still as sharp as a sword, and finally couldn't help sighing, and listened to the second half of the episode. The adage that has been repeated countless times, "It's all my fault, I was really confused at the beginning, why did I choose you, a smelly and hard guy!"

"Hey hey." Pete rubbed his wife's hand, stopped talking, just smiled, and after a long time, he looked at his son, "However, Galen, your mother is right, you kid is really Some are too rash—be more careful in the future!"

Galen, who had finally crawled out from under the table, was suddenly called on again. The bewildered middle-school boy obviously couldn't understand the love between his parents, an old couple, and just instinctively developed a kind of support and love. Feeling greasy, and somewhat aggrieved.

In desperation, he could only nod his head and stand up: "I'm going to exercise and digest!"

As for Lux—by the time Augtha started talking about politics, she had slipped away.

Seeing that his children had stopped eating, Pete cleared his throat: "I'll go and see Galen, he seems to have trained too much recently, it won't be good if he hurts himself..."

"What's so much? He's full of energy right now, so you don't need to worry about it!" Augesa snorted, emphasizing the high energy, "Now, go take a shower!"

"I had a day's meeting at Dawn Fortress today, and I'm a little tired..." Pete sensed the problem, and quickly let go of his wife, "For today... let's not wash... right?"

"I need to wash when I'm tired." Augusta turned against the guest and grabbed her husband, "Come, follow me into the house!"


Lux, who returned to her room, obviously didn't know about the little game between her parents. She changed into her pajamas and lay on the soft bed, looking a little depressed and troubled.

"Kalya." Lux rubbed her sword hilt unconsciously with her small hand, and a pair of azure blue eyes looked out at the bright starry sky through the window, "Tell me, what exactly is politics?"

"Politics? How did you bring up the subject?"

"I'm just a little puzzled." Lux sighed, "Sona and I are really friends, we can hear each other's voices, but even mom thinks it's a political activity—a lot of people are praising They are looking forward to the friendship of our Qinmi bosom friend, but according to Sona, their emotions are not praise and envy, but mostly jealousy..."

"This is politics!" Carya organized the language, "Politics is the sum of social activities and social relations, and it is a game that has been played between people since birth and has been played forever."

"...It sounds really complicated." Lux seemed a little lost, "I used to think that as long as I knew the etiquette, I would be able to understand this."

"Etiquette is just a rule, just like the basic rules of this game." Carya continued to explain, "But this game has never stipulated what victory is, and there is no permanent winner-many people live for a lifetime or several lifetimes. Didn't even figure it out."

"Have you figured it out?"


"That's really bad." Lux shook her head, "It seems that I can't figure it out."

"It's best not to understand." Kalya suddenly laughed, and then said in a chant-like tone, "The thing that Lux hates the most in her life is the strife between nobles in Demacia, especially Fenghua. Young people in Zhengmao—they could have enjoyed all the joy frankly, but they always put on a straight face and ruined all the good times."

"'re saying some weird things again." Lux snorted, "It's really boring."

"Okay, then I won't talk about this topic, let's talk about your brother, haven't you always defended him?" Kalya's tone became playful again, "Why are you so sarcastic about him today? "

"...That's because my stupid brother really doesn't like to use his brain."

"I said the same thing about him last time, and then you said I was talking nonsense, that it was courage."


"However, I always feel familiar with your sarcasm in his tone, as if I was criticizing you."


"I'm really touched, Lacus—you have been earnestly learning from your respected teacher, and you can flexibly apply what you have learned from your brother, for fear that he will not be able to keep up with you because of laziness."


"Besides, you are very aware of your brother's characteristics. Instead of persuading him directly, you said all this in a sarcastic tone to motivate your inconspicuous brother, because you found that this is how you were motivated."


"What a kind and caring sister, you really have a heart of gold that shines like your talent!"

Under Karya's undisguised ridicule, the shy and angry Lacus finally couldn't take it anymore, she raised her saber high, and threw it out of the window with the sheath on—because she The effect of the recent exercise is a bit good, Karya directly jumped over the low wall and was thrown directly into the garden.

Then, when Lux realized her mistake and hurriedly changed her pajamas to go to the garden to retrieve her sword, someone knocked on the door.

"Lax, your saber fell into the garden!" Opening the door, Lax saw Galen's smug face, "Hahaha, there were times when you were so sloppy—"

"Thank you!" Lux couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief: "Uh, and I'm sorry, I was eating..."

"You told me before that you can't tell about the bed-wetting incident. I've already given you the candy." However, Galen didn't listen carefully to Lacus's words, but thought he had caught his sister's trick, "So, if you want to get your saber back, you have to say 'Brother Galen is the best for me'—"

Then, while Galen was waiting for the compliment from his sister, Lux's face darkened.

The next moment, she grabbed and twisted the saber and snatched it back from Galen's hand, and then closed the door with a bang, leaving only the bewildered Galen staring at the bedroom door, stunned.

Lux's strength... isn't it a bit too much?

"I think what you said is right." Lux, who returned to the bed, held the hilt of the sword again, and said through gritted teeth, "That guy Galen is a complete idiot!"

"No." This time, it was Kalya's turn to speak inexplicably, "He's not an idiot—trust me, he's just a tough guy."


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I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
 [The thing Lux hates the most in her life is the strife among the nobles of Demacia, especially the young people who are in their prime - they could enjoy all the joy frankly, but they always put on a straight face and ruin everything wonderful time. 】This paragraph is the preface of this volume, from "The Sorrows of Young Werther".

  Lux, who has just awakened her magical talent and obtained a magic rod, is similar to the troubled Werther in some respects, but unlike Werther, she will eventually find her own path under the guidance of Kalya. .

(End of this chapter)

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