Lux's Farewell

Chapter 11 [0010] Mage Front Alliance

Chapter 11 [0010] Mage Front Alliance
"Hymn of Heroism in G Major" and all the nobles present witnessed the birth of a precious friendship.

When Lux and Sona left the auditorium arm in arm, most people spontaneously saluted - no one felt that there was any disrespect for such a "halfway" departure, they only envied these two The little girl's qin looks for a bosom friend.

Led by Sona, Lacus entered the interior of the Bouvier family for the first time. They left the auditorium, walked through the garden, walked through the corridor, and finally arrived at Sona's bedroom.

After putting Guqin Yuhua aside, Lacus and Sona finally sat opposite each other on both sides of the dressing table.

Two pairs of radiant eyes looked at each other, as clear and blue as mirrors.

This subtle feeling of another me in the world made the two little girls feel novel and pleasantly surprised.

There is no doubt that this is a real hit at first sight, a soul resonance caused by music.

"You also have the talent for magic, right?" Looking at each other for a long time, Lux took off her saber and put it aside, then took Sona's hand actively, and spoke first, "Your guqin—when the music starts When I was playing, I felt the rhythm of emotions like strings."

"You too." Although she didn't hold Kalya, Sona's voice still clearly appeared in Lux's mind, "Also, I heard another voice."

"That's Karya, it's mine... well, teacher."

Although Lacus really wanted to say that Kalya was a villain, after a moment of hesitation, she decided to give her teacher some necessary face - after all, this time, Kalya really did a good job.

"Is his name Karya?" Sona blinked, and there seemed to be a bit of reverence in her eyes, "He is really a master of music, Kui Hua usually doesn't cooperate with others, but just now he passed Kui Hua Let me hear his voice...and if I'm not mistaken, he also taught your music, right?"

"My music—that's sort of it." Lux waved her free left hand awkwardly, "He didn't teach me music theory and chords, he just numbered my fingers, he counted, and I played the piano .”

"Use numbers instead of musical notes!" Sona seemed a little excited when she heard this, "Yes, why didn't I expect that compared to special words or symbols, numbers are the most direct and intuitive way to express the sound level It's a genius idea!"

Lacus, who knew nothing about music or scores, obviously didn't understand what the other party was excited about—but she shook her head quickly, not thinking about music for the time being, but trying to put herself in the most serious and serious posture, Looking into Sona's eyes again.

"We can talk about the music later, the most important thing now is, Sona, you are a born mage!"

"...Maybe?" Sona said uncertainly, "Yuhua has been with me since I was a child. According to what you said, I should be regarded as a natural mage."

"However, in Demacia, magic is forbidden!" Although she had already guessed in her heart, Lux couldn't help but rubbed her forehead with her hand after getting the affirmative answer, "In Demacia, people who use magic will be banned." exile--"

"How could this happen?!" Sona finally couldn't keep her gentle smile, her eyes widened in disbelief, "You mean, I will be expelled and asked to leave Demacia? This... But I heard , the Noxians have blocked the coast, if I leave Demacia, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back to Ionia—"

"So, Sona, you can't show your magic talent, absolutely not!" Lux lowered her voice and squeezed Sona's hand tightly, "The teacher told me that magic is not necessarily evil, the real evil is those who use it. A person with a wicked mind when doing magic - I haven't figured out whether what he said is true, but at least for now, I believe you are not a bad person."


"However, I actually don't know if I can persevere." Speaking of this, Lux herself felt a little frustrated, "Kalya said that my talent is amazing, and that I am destined to become a great magician. Master, but sometimes I really doubt whether magic is not evil in nature as he said."


Sona didn't speak - she was a perfect listener who was aphasic since she was a child, even though she can communicate with Lux directly through her mind now, but seeing that the other party seemed to have a lot of thoughts, she quickly entered the role of a perfect listener .

"You know, Sona." Lux said in a low tone, looking very disappointed, "My uncle left me three months ago, it was a curse from a Noxus mage."


"It was on that day that I discovered my mage talent and met my teacher." Lacus had been holding back these words for a long time, "I have been working hard to learn according to the teacher's requirements and master the power of magic, but I I am also very afraid, afraid that one day I will fall into the dark abyss like those evil mages in the story."

"You won't." Sona shook her head with a smile, stretched out her hand to wrap up Lacus' blond hair that was drooping because of bowing her head, and said softly, "You believe that I am not an evil person, and I also believe in you !"

"Then, promise me, Sona." Lux took a deep breath, "Promise me, if one day, I really become a bastard who fell into the abyss, a heinous fallen person, help me, end my sin."


Sona was stunned by Lux's words, she never imagined that Lux would actually make such a request!

"This is the only way I can think of. Teacher Kalya should not be a bad person, but he has no body after all, so, Sona, learn magic with me, master magic, and then supervise each other—promise me, okay? "

Sona's brain has shut down.

On the one hand, she is grateful and yearns for Lux's trust and cherishes the present life; on the other hand, she also feels at a loss for the request made by Lux.

Supervising each other and ending each other's crimes in case of corruption, this is really too exciting for a little girl who is good at music!
Fortunately, Lacus didn't get the answer, she just looked at Sona quietly, waiting for the other party to give her a thoughtful response.

In this way, under Lux's firm gaze, Sona fell into deep thought.

Sona thought a lot.

She thought of the time when she was in the orphanage, the extra candy that the nanny would leave for her each time, the wandering singer who helped her enlighten her music, and the friends in the orphanage who confide in themselves when they were depressed. little secret.

She thought of the night she fled from Ionia, the strange uncle who carried her to the port on horseback, the foreign soldiers who escorted her all the way to Demacia, the parents who really loved her and the sister of the weird elf .

Sona can't speak, but she is very good at listening. She can naturally distinguish the truth from the hypocrisy, the falsehood from the sincerity in words—and in Lux's plea just now, she heard a determination, just like that After hugging himself and riding a horse to the port, he turned around and rushed again to the monk uncle who had been hit by the night, as if he had already prepared everything.

Sona's thoughts were messed up as if they were entangled musical notes, which kept cutting and unreasoning.

But even so, she was brave enough to make her own choice.

Under Lux's expectant gaze, Sona pursed her lips, nodded, and then stretched out her little finger.

Lux blinked her eyes, then understood what Sona meant, and also stretched out her little finger.

Two little hands, the little fingers hooked together and the thumbs pressed together.

The two little girls living in the forbidden kingdom also made a vow to walk side by side.

There is no magic contract, no swearing to the sky, just a sincere promise between two people who can hear each other's voices.


Lux and Sona talked a lot about themselves, about Kalya, about Demacia.

When she picked up her saber again, Kalya was shocked to learn that she had an extra disciple inexplicably.

"Haha, how is it? I managed to convince Sona to study with you!" Lux said in a smug tone, without the slightest hint of entanglement and determination before, "Sona admires you very much. Didn't you say that you are very good at learning? Music? Don't show your timidity in front of her!"

"Oh? Is that so?" Kalya felt something was wrong, "However, I always feel that you seem to be hiding something from me—the act of untiing your sword on your own initiative is somewhat self-deprecating. It seems that our Miss Crown Guard You have your own little secret!"

"This is a girl's privacy!" Lacus raised her face proudly, "Kalya, you won't understand—in short, Sona will be my little junior sister from today on!"

"But I didn't agree to accept her as a student." Kalya pretended to be reserved, "I don't accept everyone, and you are not counted as a substitute teacher!"

"...Don't you like being a teacher the most?" Lacus was stunned, she had no idea that Kalya would dislike Sona's magical talent, "Sona... how could Sona—no, you We must accept her!"

Feeling Lux's anxiety, Kalya finally couldn't help laughing out loud, and after hearing Kalya's nasty, undisguised laughter again, Lax realized that she seemed to be cheated by him again.

"If I don't want to accept her as a student, will I still do so many Kung Fu surprise lessons and teach you how to play the piano?" After laughing enough, Carya directly pointed out the crux of the problem, "I don't care about the relationship between you two." Little secret, that is a matter between you, but, to be my student, it is impossible not to work hard—"

"I'm not afraid!" Sona said firmly, "I will work hard!"

"Then let me wait and see." Kalya laughed happily again, "I hope you can support each other on the road of magic and forge ahead... Well, cherish your free time together, tomorrow In the morning, the lecture will officially begin!"

Kalya's words suddenly made Sona a little nervous—although she also decided to take her fate into her own hands, but for some reason, hearing what Kalya said, she inexplicably had an ominous premonition.

Hmm...Master Carya is a skilled music master, he should not be a guy with a bad personality, the bad things Lacus said just now must be because he is usually too strict!
Yes, it is like that!


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I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
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