Lux's Farewell

Chapter 10 [0009] Hymn of Valor in G major

Chapter 10 [0009] Hymn of Valor in G major

The thought that he might have to stand here for a whole day made the Lux go numb.

Fortunately... Kalya's ancient wisdom is really useful. After thinking for a while, he proposed a new method.

"Why don't you go and talk to Sona about playing the piano? I still know a little about the way of playing the Ionian ancient piano."

"What's the use of you knowing!" Lux looked confused, "I don't know how to play the guqin—"

"It's okay, I will be equal to you." Kalya quickly made a complete plan, "This Guqin is a magic item, others can't play it, but you can play it."

"Magic item?" Lux never expected, "It can also talk?"

"Please don't use me as a general criterion for judging [magic items]." Kalya said helplessly, "I am a darkborn—although you may not know what this means, but in a word, normal magic items are not like this. "

"Even if I can control magic items, I don't know how to play music!" Lux said helplessly, "Although I have heard concerts, I haven't learned these..."

"Relax, as long as you know how to hook your fingers, it's fine." Carya was obviously prepared, "Take it as a music game, which finger I'm talking about, and which finger you hook corresponds to the string, I won't cheat you!"

"How to do it specifically?" Lux was dubious, "Which finger you say, I will move which finger?"

"That's right." Carya replied affirmatively, "Ionia's Guqin has ten strings, which correspond to each finger. If I say to pluck that finger, you can pluck which string!"

"But—don't you need to press the strings?" Lux still felt unsure, "I've seen harps, when you pluck the strings, you also need to press the strings, and there are requirements for the time and technique of plucking the strings... "

"You don't know this, as long as you lean me on the Huahua, I will take care of this part." Kalya took care of it, "Don't worry, I can still play things like the Ionian Guqin One shot!"

"Then I'll borrow Sona's violin? Isn't that impolite?" Lux blinked, "She cares about that violin..."

"It's not that you borrowed the piano sheet, but you invited Sona to play together!" Kalya corrected, "Ensemble, play a piano... Just play "Hymn of Heroism in G Major" together, I just wrote down the score after reading it before. Now, all you have to do is tell Sona to play the chords for you."

"A chord? What is that?" Lux became more confused, "Is it a certain string?"

"The chords are not the strings..." Kalya subconsciously wanted to explain, but when she thought that this could not be easily explained, she simply skipped the topic, "You haven't studied music theory, so you can't explain it clearly, but it's not important. Sona must know, if you tell her."

"Wait, you mean, I play with Sona?" Lux finally realized what Kalya meant, "How is this possible, the Guqin is not an organ, how can two people play together? We will interfere with each other !"

"I can solve this problem. Anyway, the people present don't understand the fingering of the guqin. At most, they think that Sona is pressing the strings for you, and you are responsible for picking the strings!" Kalya gave a solution, "There is no time, now From the little finger of your left hand is one, the ring finger of your left hand is two, and so on, until the little finger of your right hand is ten, remember?"


"Try now, three three six four five, one seven two six three!"

According to Karya, Lacus moved his fingers expressionlessly.

"Very well, that's it, two more syllables—"



In this way, without anyone knowing, before Sona came to Lax with her adoptive parents, Lax and Kalya had a fire rehearsal together.

Lacus doesn't know what a music game is, and she doesn't know that Kalya's "fool-style teaching" actually ignores many important parts, and she doesn't even understand music theory, whether it's fingering or chords.

But out of trust in Karya, she decided to give it a try.


Soon, Sona followed her adoptive parents to Lux's side, and the wives and ladies of various families were surrounding them to greet them - Sona just kept smiling because she couldn't speak.

And Lux ​​took a breath silently, and after going through the lines again, she finally took the initiative to speak.

"Uncle Bouvier - Congratulations to the Bouvier family for another musician!"

Hearing Lacus's words, Barrett Bouvier showed a smile on his face. Although he is the top nobleman in Demacia, and he is also the best friend and confidential advisor of Jarvan III, personally, he prefers to Known as an artist.

Nobility is work, music is life.

Lacus's compliment hit Barrett's itch with incomparable precision, so he showed a hearty smile while humbly saying, "I'm a fancier at best, and my little Sona has been playing the piano since she was three years old." , she will definitely go farther than me on the road of music in the future!"

"Then, the future master of playing." Lux immediately climbed up the pole and stretched out his arms to Sona, "Sister Sona, may I have the honor to play a piece with you?"

Lux's sudden attack caught Sona by surprise. She hesitated for a moment holding her guqin, as if looking for a way to refuse according to etiquette. At that moment, Sona finally couldn't help but widen her eyes.

The next moment, when all the nobles around were thinking about why the polite and polite little princess would make such a rash suggestion, and thinking about how to get out of the siege before the atmosphere became embarrassing, Sona clicked nod.

She said yes!

Although the surrounding nobles were extremely surprised, they quickly moved out of the area, and Barrett, who was both surprised and happy, simply moved the piano stand and two chairs himself—although from the perspective of etiquette, he is very respectful to Lark. A little dissatisfied with Si's presumptuousness, but seeing Sona agreeing and even taking the initiative to hold Lax, this dissatisfaction turned into great joy in an instant.

Barrett is very clear that if Sona can really play a song with Lacus here, or even become friends, it will be of great help to her integration into the noble circle of Demacia in the future!

This is the little princess of the Crown Guard family, and her presence and testimony today represents the Crown Guard family!

Even if the status of the Bouvier family is not inferior to that of the Crown Guard family, this friendship witnessed by all the nobles present is also precious!

Soon, a simple performance stage was set up. In the entire hall, no matter what they were thinking, all the nobles closed their mouths tacitly. As a top nobleman, no one will be in trouble at this time.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lacus was actually a little nervous, but with Kalya's encouragement, she still smiled and said in a proper voice: "Sister Sona, I heard that you have just arrived in Demacia. I must not be very familiar with the music here, so I will play the main melody, how about you help me press the strings and play the chords?"


Sona didn't speak, but her slender fingers were dexterously across the strings, leaving a string of beautiful notes, and she nodded at the same time.

"Then... let's play "Hymn of Heroism in G Major"!" Seeing that everything was going according to Kalya's script, Lux finally breathed a sigh of relief, "My performance is not very good, Sister Sona Need a lot of help!"

As she said that, Lacus took a deep breath, and almost simultaneously with Sona, she straightened her long hair into a high ponytail that would not delay the performance, then stretched out her arm, and put her fingers on it in a natural but not standard way. on the strings.

Hymn of Valor in G major, start playing!

"Hymn of Valor in G Major" is a tune familiar to Demacians.

This song, born out of the battle song, is the most classic song of the Demacian composer Dobe. As early as 1000 years ago, the ancestors of the Demacians were humming the tune of this song, and they came to this land through overcoming obstacles. The land protected by the enchanted tree.

After that, generations of Demacians fought against enemies from various regions inspired by this song-Demacia has no concept of a national anthem. For Demacians, this heroic hymn is Not too different from the national anthem.

And now, in the Great Hall of the Bouvier Family Auditorium, this impassioned and striving piece is being played by two nine-year-old girls on the Ionian violin.

Different from the version played by the band in the golden hall, this version has a relatively simple score and no other instruments to cooperate with it—even Lux’s performance level is quite anxious, her fingers are quite stiff, if it is not for the Guqin Yuhua is a magic item , Now the strings are broken eight times.

The wrong place, the wrong people, the wrong instrument, but it popped out to amazing effect.

It is precisely because of the stiffness when Lux plucks the strings that this version of the heroic hymn has an indescribable power.

It is precisely because the hall of the auditorium is not as large as the concert hall, the sound of the guqin can be heard in everyone's ears like a soul singing.

If the symphonic version of the Hymn of Valor is inspiration, this version of the Hymn of Valor is more like a ode to courage!

Lux clattered her fingers with a sound of gold and iron. The main melody she played was as golden as her hair color, and it was the golden fearlessness of the Demacians.

Sona plays the piano, moves the clouds and water according to the strings, and cooperates seamlessly with Lux. The chords she plays are also the same as her hair color, which is as good as water, moistening things silently.

Lux's main theme music is the fearless warriors on the battlefield, they are united in strength, strong and persistent, and advance and retreat together.

Sona's chord is the countless logistics teams who are also fighting for Demacia even though they are not physically on the battlefield.

These people may be peasants who supply food and grass, blacksmiths who forge weapons, herdsmen who manage livestock, and more likely wives and mothers waiting for their husbands or sons to return.

The heart-pounding power of Guqin Yuhua was fully stimulated by Carya, making the music appeal to a higher level.

And among the nobles present...which family doesn't have a few soldiers who died for Demacia?
While the beating strings aroused their emotions, they also brought back their memories!
Yes, the heroic hymns I usually hear are all about those warriors on the battlefield. How many people know that the family members behind the battlefield are also worried about it?

Demacia has countless heroes.

And behind these heroes, there are countless hero mothers and hero wives!
Poor Wuding Riverside Bone, still a spring boudoir dream!

When the repertoire reached its climax, many ladies and ladies present couldn't help their eyes flushed and even burst into tears. It wasn't until they wiped away their tears that they suddenly realized that the two people who were playing the heroic hymn in front of them, one An uncle who had just lost his own not so long ago, and another who was about to lose his country... the voice of the heart, right?

Until the end of the song, the whole auditorium hall was full of weeping. Many ladies couldn't help but lower their heads, or covered their faces with folding fans, or wiped the corners of their eyes with handkerchiefs.

It wasn't until a long while later that the applause was led by Barrett, and then it gradually sounded, and finally converged into a thunderstorm.

This is the most beautiful Hymn of Valor in G Major they have ever heard!
Amidst the thunderous applause, Lacus finally came back to her senses—she blinked, and saw Sona's azure blue eyes, which were the same color as her own, seemed to be filled with worry.

Then, just as Lux was about to get up, she "heard" Sona's voice.

"are you OK?"

Sona can talk?

Do not!
It is I who can hear Sona's inner voice, just like I can hear Karya's words!
Wait, Karya said that he can communicate with himself because of the flow of magic power.

Then I can hear Sona's voice, doesn't it mean that Sona is also a natural mage? !

The amount of information was so huge that Lacus couldn't react. Fortunately, she had just completed an amazing ensemble with Sona. Seeing her motionless, the nobles would only think that she was immersed in the music.

After a long time, when Lux finally figured everything out, she took Sona's hand again, raised her head slightly, and met Sona's gentle eyes with firm eyes.

Lux didn't speak.

But Sona also heard Lux's voice: "I want to talk to you."

"Okay." Sona replied without hesitation, "Right now, we can go to my bedroom!"

The next moment, as if the soul resonated tacitly, the two pairs of blue eyes narrowed at the same time, and the two little girls joined hands, hugging the guqin together, and left the auditorium hall.


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I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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