Lux's Farewell

Chapter 9 [0008] Other people's children

Chapter 9 [0008] Other people's children
She promised very well in front of Augsa, but when she returned to her room, looking at the gorgeous girl's dress, Lux could no longer maintain her smile.

Thinking of her mother's exhortation just now, the little princess of the Mianwei family finally couldn't help wrinkling her little face--banquet, communication, etiquette!

There is no doubt that Lacus is a kind and well-behaved child, so she is very happy to make parents who are tired every day show a gratifying smile through her politeness and obedience.

However, this does not mean that she is a well-behaved and polite little girl herself.

In fact, Karya has now discovered that Lux's nature is actually quite lively and extremely energetic, which has nothing to do with being quiet. Only this kind of person can awaken in Demacia, a place where magic is suppressed. Amazing light magic talent.

And for such a child to maintain a noble style and wear a mask to communicate with others, for Lacus, all this can only be described as torture.

Moreover, this kind of aristocratic style has to be carried out under the reminder of Kalya, and Lacus has to be distracted...

Tsk tsk tsk, it's pitiful to think about it.

So, even though he knew that this was bad, a certain villain still couldn't help laughing hehehe, laughing so much that Lacus took off the pain mask, and then directly clenched his fists.

"Ca! Er! Ya! Don't laugh!" Lux said through gritted teeth, "Help me think about what I should do tomorrow—ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. , maintaining a noble posture for a whole day, I feel my face and legs are already numb!"

"This is the duty of nobles, Lacus, you know." Even though Lacus was almost going crazy, Kalya's tone was still full of undisguised banter, "Our little princess must dress up like a real princess. She behaves like a real princess—you should be thankful that a nine and a half year old girl doesn’t need to wear high heels, otherwise the pain will be doubled!”

"Wait, Karya, how do you know that wearing high heels is painful?" Lux finally found a point to fight back, "Could it be wear them?!"

"That's what Setaka said." Kalya said innocently, "Even Ascended Martial Empress can't stand it, what do you think?"

Kalya's words made Lacus a little discouraged - Lacus had participated in noble banquets and activities before, but she always sat at the children's table, and it didn't matter if she made trouble.

But this time my mother said that she will participate in social activities as a noble lady for the first time.

"Carya, help me!"

The ridicule is the ridicule, after Kalya laughed enough, she still gave Lux a very effective solution.

"If you really feel that maintaining noble etiquette is too troublesome, I suggest that you better chat with the little girl adopted by the Bouvier family tomorrow-I still know a little about Ionia, if you can talk to her If you have a good relationship, then even if you don’t always adhere to etiquette, it’s still a perfect performance.”

"Is this okay?" Lux blinked her eyes, and after thinking for a moment, she finally turned from worry to joy, "That's right...then tell me quickly, what kind of country is Ionia? I asked Uncle Xin Zhao before, but he didn't tell me anything!"

"Ionia, that is a country older than Shurima, it is the birthplace of Runeterra and the source of magic power...Look at your look full of anticipation, if you also If you can be so serious, maybe you can start learning to cast spells now—today’s evening self-study is temporarily canceled, and I will briefly tell you about Ionia!"

"Haha, I know Teacher Kalya loves me the most!"

"But tomorrow's evening self-study will continue. After the banquet, I will assess the knowledge I taught you today. I hope that in two days, you will not forget too much—"

"Ahhhhhh, Karya is a big bastard! Smelly villain!"



The next morning, Lux, who got up early, seemed to be in good spirits.

After Carya's "surprise review", it is no exaggeration to say that now Lux is one of the people who know Ionia best in the entire Demacia Xiongdu.

Although Karya didn't speak much due to time, and most of the information was very outdated, but compared to other nobles who only knew one name about Ionia, Lux could already be regarded as an "Ionian expert" up.

The ceremony of entering the family was carried out in the morning. After a brief movement of the body and a little food, Lacus took a shower and changed clothes, and arrived at the Bouvier Manor in a carriage decorated with the emblem of the Crown Guard family.

After handing over the invitation, under the guidance of the servant, she entered this luxurious manor with an astonishing area.

Along the way, the wives and ladies of various families took the initiative to greet Lacus, and Lacus, under the guidance of Kalya, responded to everyone with a perfect posture-this posture was not like the first time she was a lady. Mengxin who participates in communication is more calm than the boss.

Therefore, even before the ceremony officially started, many people have silently compared Lacus with their own children as a control sample.

And the conclusion is... my own children are no match.

Under normal circumstances, a nine-year-old child—even a precocious little girl—would not be able to perfectly deal with everyone with different etiquette, titles, and actions like Lacus, let alone recognize all of them with a single word. The family emblem and coat of arms, this way of dealing with people is not only "precocious" can be described.

Therefore, after seeing Lacus, many people all sighed in low voices: "You are indeed the princess of the Crown Guard family!"

These half-intentional, half-heartfelt compliments were heard by Lux, making the little girl's face slightly flushed—she knew very well that it was all thanks to Kalya.

Lacus, who debuted perfectly for the first time, became someone else's child in this way.

Then, just when she wanted to thank Kalya, she heard the other party's scolding.

"Don't try to show a silly smile, that will ruin your previous efforts! Now, turn left [-] degrees, and the envoy of the Light Shield family is here. Although Jarvan III was not there himself, he also took out the royal family mark, So you need to salute!"

The gratitude that had just been born disappeared in an instant with the merciless scolding. Lux still kept a perfect smile on her face, but she snorted angrily in her heart: "You can do it!"

The next moment, Lux, who maintained her perfect etiquette, took a step forward and walked in the direction of the light shield messenger.


The envoy of the Lightshield family with the seal of the royal family obviously calculated the time and was the last to appear.

After he had received the greetings from the various noble families, it was time for the ceremony.

As the bell rang, the entire auditorium was silent.

On the terrace on the second floor, the curtain of the arched door was lifted, and the Bouviers came out smiling. Behind them was their daughter Kashina—and behind Kashina, a timid little girl Holding her hand, she walked out.

She has long ice-blue hair and a long sky-blue dress. She looks gentle and lovely.

The little girl was held by Kashina in one hand, and was tightly holding a huge piano in the other hand. After walking out of the curtain and seeing the dense crowd of nobles outside, her face turned red ——But even so, she still saluted everyone in accordance with Demacia's etiquette.

There was thunderous applause in the banquet hall.

And Mr. Bouvier, who was walking in the front with a happy face, waited until the applause was over, cleared his throat, and loudly introduced this new member of his family.

From Mr. Bouvier's introduction, Lax knew that this lovely little sister was named Sona, and she was a few months younger than herself. She came from an orphanage in Ionian Galen Province. She was a very gentle and lovely girl. little girl.

However, it is a pity that she was born unable to speak - she could understand other people's words, but could not speak.

As for the qin that she has been holding in her arms, it was discovered by the orphanage together with her. According to Mr. Bouvier, it was the qin that she depended on for life, so she kept holding it.

Regarding this statement, the nobles present all expressed that they could understand it.

Although it is said that during the clan entry ceremony, the clan entrants should hold the ritual vessels of the clan, considering that the little girl is from Ionia, holding a guqin... it is barely reasonable!
After Mr. Bouvier finished his introduction, a highly respected bishop from the Illuminati came to the slow platform on the second floor.

The bishop personally baptized Sona, and then, under the witness of all the nobles, asked in a clear voice:

"The patriarch of the Bouvier family, Mr. Barrett Bouvier, are you willing to accept Miss Sona into the Bouvier family and give her the treatment of her family and the glory of Bouvier?"

"I am willing!"

"Miss Sona from Ionia, are you willing to join the Bouvier family, become a member of the family, and maintain the glory of Bouvier?"

Sona nodded.

With the affirmation of both parties, the bishop picked up the seal engraved with Sona's name with one hand, and then raised the parchment that recorded the genealogy of the Bouvier family with the other hand, and put Sona's name on it. Printed under Barrett Bouvier.

In this way, under the witness of everyone, Sona had a surname for the first time - Bouvier.

From now on, she was Sona Bouvier!
The applause sounded again, and Sona blushed, and went down the spiral staircase to the first floor, accepting greetings from everyone in the hall.

She looked very shy, and wanted to lower her head several times, but in the end she still smiled and responded to everyone who sent her blessings with jerky but standard etiquette.

At this time, Lux finally realized an extremely embarrassing question.

Sona can't speak, how can I build a good relationship with her?

If he couldn't complete the task in this way, would he have to persevere until the end and finish this banquet that was destined to be extremely lengthy?

At this moment, Lux finally froze in place, and when she thought that she would stay in such a rigid environment until evening, she felt phantom pain in her legs.

In desperation, Lux could only maintain a smile on her face while shaking people wildly.

"Kalya, Kalya! The plan won't work, now use your invincible ancient wisdom to find a way!"


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