Lux's Farewell

Chapter 8 [0007] Killing chickens to warn monkeys and hiding from the sky

Chapter 8 [0007] Killing chickens to warn monkeys and hiding from the sky
The entire Crown Guard family seemed to be a big clock that was wound up. Everyone kept running according to their own rhythm, racing against the clock and without stopping.

Patriarch Pete Crownguard went to the Fortress of Dawn almost every day, staying from morning to night, to consult with Jarvan III about Noxus matters.

Judging from the current situation, a direct war between the two countries should not be possible. Although Darkwell has a tough attitude, he has no intention of gathering troops to the border.

Moreover, the Green Tooth Peak-Gate of Sorrow defense line has just been repaired. If the Noxians choose to attack at this time, they can only kick on the iron plate.

So, after some discussion, Demacia confirmed the idea of ​​killing chickens and monkeys.

In layman's terms, it is to put a little pressure on those small countries sandwiched between Demacia and Noxus as a buffer between the two countries, and sweep up the unlucky ones standing on Noxus' side to demonstrate.

The fearless vanguard has already mobilized, and the elite team can rush out of the Green Fang Peak Stronghold at any time, rush through the Gate of Sorrow, and give a "necessary warning" to the surrounding small countries that are closer to Noxus.

And as one of the commanders of the Fearless Vanguard, Tiana Crownguard has now returned to the barracks—although she has only been married for less than a year, and she can barely be considered a newlywed, but following the king's order, she is still temporarily Bid farewell to her husband who served in the magic seeker army, and set foot on the battlefield.

As early as the second day after handing the magical rod to Lux, Tiana, who had a quick glance at her brother's funeral, led the elite of the Fearless Vanguard and left the capital of Demacia.

As for Augesa... As the mistress of the family, she has to work hard to face the vacancy of power after the family loses important members. From the perspective of outsiders, Augesa is a very disciplined and responsible She is a noble lady, she is exquisite and popular, but she never interferes in family affairs.

But in fact, Augsa is the one who speaks within the family. About the family's communication and management, she almost always decides with one word. When I was an expert, I often could only be submissive to my wife when I returned home.

In the next generation, Galen, together with Jarvan IV, received training from the Debang Supervisor every day—although this man from Ionia, who was usually taciturn in his hometown, was better at using long spears, while Gaelen Lun himself prefers big swords, but as a former Noxus ace gladiator, Xin Zhao is not under any pressure to be a mentor to Galen in swordsmanship enlightenment.

Anyway, one sheep is herding, and two sheep are herding. This is not only teaching, but also finding a companion for Jarvan IV.

As for the youngest princess Lacus in the entire family, in the eyes of others, she should be the most leisurely and carefree one in the family.

But in fact, she is probably the busiest person in the entire defending family.

When she gets up in the morning, she will conduct endurance long-distance running and step-climbing training under the supervision of Karya. After running, she will have a simple shower before she can have breakfast. After taking a walk in the garden, she will go to the reading room to read.

Of course, reading is just for show. In the reading room, her main task is to listen to the lectures and remember everything Kalya told her—from the principle of magic to the control of magic power; It seems to be a vast ocean, and Lux ​​is driving a small boat, wandering in the ocean of knowledge points.

There are four classes in the morning, and two more classes at noon after a short lunch break. After completing the study of six classes, Lacus will carry out sword training step by step under the guidance of Karya.

Starting from the most basic sword swing, build a solid foundation step by step.

This regular life naturally caught the attention of Augatha. She was very happy to see Lux studying hard and using the etiquette of the nobles flexibly, but she was full of worries about Lux's behavior of "wielding swords indiscriminately".

Although this decorative saber is mainly used to cover up the stick and has no edge at all, it is still a bit dangerous for a nine-year-old girl to wield a sword.

Therefore, Augesa simply proposed to hire a private tutor for Lacus to exercise her body.

In Augusta’s view, the family no longer needs a general—now Pete and Tiana are both trusted by the king and almost control the entire Fearless Vanguard, while Galen and Jarvan IV are best friends with a bright future Bright, so in terms of military, there is no need for the Crownguard family to go any further.

Putting power into the army at this time will only lead to trouble.

On the contrary, in terms of business and clerical duties, the family's manpower is somewhat stretched.

You must know that the Crown Guard family is not a small family. Apart from the main line that lives in the capital of Demacia, the family also has many branches in Miril City.

But although there are many people, in Augusta's view, the members of those branches can only be said to be diligent and down-to-earth, and there are really not many bright minds.

In her opinion, the best choice for Lacus is to exercise her communication and business skills and help her take care of the family affairs together.

And Pete, who always loves his little daughter, and Galen, who loves his younger sister, don't want Lax to become a female warrior, so in the Crownguard family, it is almost everyone's consensus to let Lax run the family, even if Lax is only nine years old. Pete was already thinking about which family could be worthy of his favorite.

This is not "marriage and love are not free", but the most basic obligation of a Demacian nobleman - what Pete can do is to choose as much as possible one who is good for Lacus from the eligible families.

Therefore, regarding things like Lux's sword dance, Augsa has always believed that "it's good to exercise your body like this, and you don't have to work too hard."

It is also for this reason that after Lux said that "I am only practicing and moving my body after studying, I don't need a teacher, and I won't do dangerous things", Augsa felt relieved.

After telling the housekeeper to pay more attention, Augesa just let it go.

It's a good thing to exercise your body - anyway, there is no mentor to teach, as long as Lux doesn't hurt herself, then let her go.

The shrewd and capable Augusta obviously didn't know that Lux's sword training was completely different from what she thought.

In her eyes, Lux just dances her sword alone in the garden from afternoon to evening every day. No matter how much she dances with her light decorative saber, it is impossible to train a master swordsman.

But it's a pity that Lux has a mentor, and she is a mentor who specializes in education. Although it seems that Lax just chooses a posture every day and continuously swings the sword, in fact, these stabbing swords, picking swords, chopping swords, Various postures such as wiping the sword, holding the sword, and lifting the sword are Karya's well-designed basic swordsmanship teaching.

Moreover, by changing the way of her own weight, Karya also integrated strength training and skill training. In this seemingly random swing of the sword, Lux laid a solid foundation for her own martial arts.


Finally, after the fearless vanguard completed the assembly, the mopping code-named [Operation Clearance] was officially launched on the Valoran Plain east of the Green Tooth Peak.

Demacia, who had lost the general of the Rangers, forcibly swept away a large number of city-states close to Noxus on the grounds of searching for Noxus spies, and "solved many bandits entrenched on the business road along the way", "a huge Upholding Valoran's freedom of trade".

Facing the strength of Demacia, a group of small countries naturally dare not speak out - compared to Noxus who finds an excuse to bite you a piece of land, the Demacia people are already easy to talk, they are dead General Rangers, then let them make a fuss.

Anyway...they have no interest in the land outside the realm of the Tabernacle Stone, so they will suffer a little bit if they suffer a little.

The big deal is to increase taxes, and the people under the rule will be over when the Demacians are all angry.

They were pawns.

In this way, [Operation Clearance] was a great success. The Fearless Vanguard personally dispatched many smugglers and mercenaries who worked for the Noxians. They also uncovered many spies and turned many small countries to Demacia--more importantly, during the period, the Noxians tried to reach out to stop them several times, but they were all stopped by the coordinated ranger team. In this regional confrontation, Demacia can be said to be Big win!
Commander Darkwill, he really is just a paper tiger with a vicious attitude and a soft heart!

Then, before the Demacians could compose an anthem for this victory, an astonishing news reached the capital of Demacia.

Just as the Demacians were accumulating strength and carrying out the [clearance operation], Noxus sent his Sea of ​​Watch Fleet, together with more than twenty legions, eastward to Ionia.

Noxus is not being aggressive, but they have already set their sights on Ionia!
All the toughness before was nothing but strategic deception by the Noxians, and the so-called "several interventions without success" were actually just bluffs, and the troops assembled at Longmen even turned around, went directly to the ship, and then Straight towards Ionia.

In this way, while the Demacians were showing off their might in Valoran, while Noxus dispatched troops, the western theater also took advantage of the opportunity to reinforce the Trewell Line and the Dalmo Line, waiting for Demacia's possible The offense that emerged.

Demacia is here to make an example.

The Noxians simply cheated.

Hearing this news, Jarvan III seemed to have been severely hammered on the head with a hammer.

Demacia's bragging rights before now seem like a complete joke.

The cunning Noxians took advantage of their own pride and set off a bigger war!

Fortunately, Jarvan III was a master of the city after all.

After realizing that he had been slapped hard by the Noxians, His Majesty the King suppressed his anger.

Even at this moment, he really wanted to teach the Noxians a heavy lesson, but many previous wars have proved that it is unwise to fortify the fortress with strong frontal defenses and a line of defense with mutual horns.

Moreover, it is not in the national interest of Demacia to fight against the Noxus outside the country - Demacia has fertile land and rich products, but in fact there is not much desire for land. Go to war and Demacia will get nothing.

Even if Demacia has always flaunted justice, it is impossible for them to fight for the Ionians and Noxus after all.

Of course, this does not mean that Jarvan III will sit here and watch the war sweep across Ionia. If he can, he is naturally willing to cause some trouble for the Noxus.

Therefore, in the next noble meeting, Xin Zhao rarely stood in front of the stage, and the main content of his speech was about Ionia.

Xin Zhao is not optimistic about the situation in Ionia.

In Zhao Xin's view, there are many strong people in Ionia, but they are all scattered—after coming to Demacia, he has realized the power of unity, but the whole of Ionia is not so much a country , it is better to say that it is a large-scale martial arts, and all regions are under the autonomy of the homologous culture.

If Demacia is a typical feudal kingdom with distinct nobles and commoners, then Ionia can be said to be a primitive society. There are few strong ones, but in front of the vast army of Noxians, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist...

It was precisely because Xin Zhao had lived in Ionia, Noxus, and Demacia that he knew very well that it would be difficult for Ionia to compete with the Noxus on the frontal battlefield.

Therefore, from his point of view, his suggestion is to send a small number of troops to go by sea, and transport as many Ionians as possible before the Noxus navy blocks Ionia.

This is not because Xin Zhao betrayed Ionia, but because when he was in Ionia, he was just a fisherman who had studied with the school in the village for a period of time, and he himself did not know about Ionia. How big is it.

Moreover, Xin Zhao at that time had no access to the hidden existences of Ionia, so in his opinion, Ionia might have no chance of victory in this war. Without the protection of the ocean, Ionia would Difficult to fight.

Xin Zhao's statement was affirmed by the noble council.

The nobles of Demacia would not be desperate for the Ionians, so it was unlikely that they would attack Noxian's western defenses directly - especially when the Noxians were obviously ready to fight.

However, they are very willing to see the Noxians causing trouble by accepting refugees.

In this way, the Demacians sent a small fleet across the Valoran Strait, before the Noxus Admiral Dugor completely blocked Ionia, from Kuilin Island, Galen Island and Zhi Several batches of Ionian refugees were taken out on Cloud Island.

And Lux, who has been practicing all the time... knows nothing about it.

Augesa originally wanted to hide Galen from doing impulsive things because of his overflowing sense of justice, and hiding it from Lacus was just a matter of passing.

It wasn't until the return of the Ionian refugee ship that Augatha handed over an invitation and a dress to Lux.

"Baby, come to a dinner party with me tomorrow night." Augesa looked at the dignified daughter in front of her, with a smile on her face, "The Bouvier family adopted a little girl, and tomorrow will be her family entry ceremony .”

"The Bouvier family?" Reminded by Carya, Lacus quickly showed a clear look, "That is to say, Miss Kashina will have a sister or younger sister? This is really a beautiful piece." Thing... But why did M. and Ms. Bouvier adopt a little girl?"

"It was an Ionian... The evil Noxians invaded their homeland, and our gracious Majesty the King sent a fleet to take in some orphans who had nowhere to go - so that they could live a better life." Integrating into Demacia, the Bouvier family will set an example and adopt one of the little girls."

"That's right..." Lux nodded, "People from Ionia, I remember Manager Xin Zhao seems to be the same?"

"That's right." Augusta also nodded, "But he is unmarried after all, so it's not easy to adopt a child... In short, my baby must behave well tomorrow. This is the first time you are a noble lady instead of a child. Appearing at the Demacia banquet—take it easy!"

"Don't worry!" Lacus puffed up her chest with a smile on her face, "Leave everything to me!"


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I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
In addition, although it seems that one chapter is updated every day, it is a big chapter of about [-] words each time-the author is trying to get used to writing big chapters, so two chapters a day is [-] words, hahaha!
(End of this chapter)

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