Lux's Farewell

Chapter 7 [0006] Family Brotherhood

Chapter 7 [0006] Family Brotherhood
Maybe it was because I was tired from talking all day, maybe because I was not in a very calm mood, Karya at the dinner party was quite silent.

And because Pete didn't come back for dinner, Lacus didn't need to show her ladylike side, so she didn't care too much, but focused on her brother.

Unlike the lively appearance when he woke up in the morning, Galen now can be said to be quite sluggish.

The short dark blonde hair is messy, lying on his head like weeds. Although he seems to have taken a bath, he still gives people a dirty feeling.

Now, Galen didn't say anything about joining the army anymore, just gobbled it up—obviously starving!

Under Lux's astonished gaze, Galen ate a whole five ribs, and then leaned back, completely collapsed on the seat.

The originally flat belly is now bulging out visible to the naked eye. Galen, who is full, is hiccupping, looking like "he's finally alive", while Augusta, who usually sees him the most unmannered, just smiles Watching him, and every now and then he would stick a piece of salad into his mouth with a fork.

Obviously, Galen was really exhausted.

"It seems that my brother's not bad?" Lux said with a subtle expression, "It's just a little too tired?"

"I feel like I'm about to die." Galen rolled his eyes, "Lax, my dear sister, you haven't experienced such a thing, you can't even imagine it!"

"Okay, you still have the energy to complain, it seems that today's training is not too heavy." Augsa interrupted Galen, "Now, you'd better go for a walk in the garden, and then go to your own Take a good bath in the bathroom, and go back to bed early to rest - this is just the beginning of becoming a qualified soldier!"

"Okay, Mom." Galen frowned at his sister, "No problem, I'll go around now, take a bath and sleep, don't worry, this level of training is not a problem!"

As he spoke, he stood up neatly, picked up his saber from nowhere, and held it high together with the scabbard.

"Come on, for Demacia!"

Seeing this scene, Lux blinked her eyes - if it was before, she might think that her brother is cool, and she would be very envious.

But at this moment, for some reason, Lux just felt very...well, ashamed.

Lacus herself didn't even realize that, in fact, after only two days of contact with Kalya, some of her perceptions had already been changed.

In other words, this kind of change is part of growing up, isn't it?


Maybe it was because I saw the magic with my own eyes today, or maybe the story I heard before was a little too exciting. After returning to the bedroom, Lux tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

In the stories she had heard, the princess was often the character to be rescued, but Setaka was different from those vase-like heroines, she was a truly brave warrior.

The last time Lux heard a similar story was the legend of the Flying Wing Sisters—in that story, the Flying Wing Sisters inspired the first generation of Demacia's ancestors to establish this great country.

Since then, Lux has longed to become a hero of Demacia just like the Winged sisters.

But today, she heard another story. The story of Setaka seemed to open a door for her. She was not a winged sister soaring in the air, but a warrior who was poor and had nothing. But even so, she still He defeated his enemies with his fists and teeth, sticks and stones. When thinking of these stories, Lux couldn't help being fascinated, and as a result, he couldn't sleep more and more.

In desperation, she could only stick her hand out of the quilt, and then held her saber again.

"Kalya, tell me another story about Setaka."

In the state of low power consumption, Kalya, who was seriously preparing lessons, never expected that it was almost midnight, and Lux ​​suddenly wanted to listen to a story.

You are nine years old, not three!

Although he was very happy to tell the little girl about the valiant and heroic appearance of the eldest sister back then, but considering that Lux would have to attend class tomorrow and his own lesson plan was still a bit short, he still rejected Lax's request.

"If you want to listen to the story, then listen to the class carefully tomorrow, pass the test during the evening self-study, and I will tell you the story slowly during the review time."

"But I can't sleep." Lux pursed her lips, "It's all your fault—I close my eyes now, and all I can see is the yellow desert sea, and the endless Harissa..."

"But Harise?" Kalya hesitated, "I don't seem to have told you about this place."

"Maybe I saw this place name in some travel book." Lux yawned, "Well, I really want to see the desert with my own eyes—see the place where Setaka fought... "

"There will be a chance." Carya paused for a moment, then seemed to have figured something out, and his tone gradually softened, "Okay, little girl, the story is gone, I will sing you a song... just sing Taka's favorite Shurima ditty."

"Shurima Minor? I haven't heard it." Lux lay flat on the bed, buried her head deeply in the pillow, "I've only heard Demacia's music - hymns, concertos, symphonies, etc. , what is Shurima Minor?"

"A folk song in the desert."

Folk songs in the desert?
The next moment, Lacus closed her eyes, and Kalya's deep singing voice appeared in her ears.

The Shurima River flows quietly towards the oasis

Shuriman walk barefoot on the shore at night
The city of Shurima is not far away, the sand is sparkling in the distance, and the night is boundless

I raised my head and looked downstream to look at the lights and candles in my dream

I leaned down and sipped the fragrance of breast milk


Shurima flows silently high above the stars

The people of Shurima took up the spears and spears to guard the safety of their homes

The high walls of Shurima The walls are the arms of Shurima

I fought every line of the epic before her chest
In her arms I sleep forever in the oasis of golden wheat waves



Lux couldn't understand Shurima, but she could hear an incomparably vast expanse from Kalya's singing.

With her eyes closed, Lux seemed to be in the desert and under the stars, as if she was walking on the banks of the Shurima River following in the footsteps of the Shurima people.

Kalya's low voice was like the never-ending river, carrying Lacus's thoughts, and finally fell asleep.


The extremely gentle flow of magic power proved that Lux had finally fallen asleep.

The little girl seemed to be very insecure, even when she was asleep, she still held on to Kalya tightly.

Kalya, who had stopped singing, didn't care about this. In comparison, he cared more about a small detail in the conversation between Lacus and himself before.

He remembered correctly, Lux mentioned Kehalise.

Although Lux said that she might have seen the place name in some book, Kalya didn't think any travel book would record the story of Kehalise.

Because Kehalisei is a vast desert located in the southeast of Shurima, and it is a real restricted area of ​​life, because it is close to Icacia, where a large number of void creatures are still active today.

Karya didn't know the specific situation of Keharise, but he dared to say that no one - not even an explorer - would choose where to go, and all of them had to come back in full and leave a travel journal.

Therefore, Lacus definitely did not see this place name in any travel book.

As for whether Kalya mentioned Keharise when telling the story... that's even more impossible.

But Harise was the place where Setaka fell, and it was also Kalya's sad place. Even the strong Kalya would not mention his never-healed wound for no reason.

Therefore, he wouldn't tell Lux about that place—not to mention that most of the stories about Setaka didn't happen in Kehalise, even if they happened there, Kalya wouldn't tell.

So, here comes the question, why did Lux ​​know and subconsciously mention Kehalise?
It's a question that makes Kalya's hair stand cold, because in Runeterra, seeing things you haven't seen, hearing things you haven't heard is a bad sign.

In Icacia, a group of people also saw a world they had never seen before, and the name of that world was [Land of the Void].

In the Freljord, someone also heard the voice of a powerful will she had never heard before, and the master of this will was named "Void Watcher".

Of course, Lux’s situation shouldn’t be so bad. In Kalya’s view, this situation is most likely due to her own reasons—including Lax’s mental stress and fatigue today, as well as this kind of memory rubbing. It all stems from my morning demonstration.

Even if he didn't use Lux's magic power, even if he only borrowed her body temporarily, his influence would inevitably remain on her body.

In short, whether it was Void's gaze that focused on Lax, or his own memory affected the poor little girl, in order to avoid this situation from happening again, he probably could no longer control Lax's body to perform any spell-casting operations.

And this also means that Kalya needs to change part of her teaching plan, making her plan more cautious and careful, so as not to let Lacus get out of control in any way.

Once her spells get out of control, Kalya will have to take over control of her body and then forcibly terminate the spells, which may cause unnecessary danger.

Even more troublesome than the spell out of control itself.

Geez, that sucks.

Kalya smacked her lips mockingly—it seemed that she had become a stick-shaped source of pollution. It was fine for Lux to recharge herself and share part of her senses with herself, but as long as she did something to Lux, she would be unlucky .

This feeling of being able to only accept data and energy unilaterally is really uncomfortable!

When she woke up the next morning, Lacus, who was in an excellent state of mind, heard two pieces of news.

A good news and a bad news.

The good news is that the intensity of the "cramming teaching" she has to accept will be reduced. Carya has refined the teaching plan and plans to arrange six hours of study for her every day in the form of three quarters of an hour of study and a quarter of an hour of rest. .

The bad news is that, in addition to the original "cramming teaching", Karya has advanced her physical training courses in order to allow Lux to study more safely.

That is to say, besides the regular study of six class hours, the review of evening self-study, and the sorting out of wrong questions in early self-study, Lux also needs to do physical exercise - four class hours.

"After all, I am a sword." Faced with Lux's question, Kalya explained, "If you don't know any sword skills, wouldn't it be strange to wear a sword all the time?"

"But... I can learn swordsmanship from my aunt Tiana!" Lux didn't look down on Kalya, but in her perception, her aunt is a better training instructor, "She is a fearless pioneer The first female commander in chief!"

"Perhaps this is a very remarkable achievement, but, believe me, the level of one's own sword skills and the level of teaching others have never been positively correlated."

"Really?" Lux was still skeptical, "If the level of swordsmanship is not good enough, how can it be possible to teach others well?"

"That's because people who are strong enough in swordsmanship often use their own talent to judge others." Kalya sighed, "This kind of person cannot be a good teacher at all."

Speaking of this, Kalya remembered the days when Aatrox was a substitute teacher at Shurima University.

Aatrox is a rare swordsmanship genius in Shurima.

But the teaching method of this guy has always been "raise the sword first, then move the center of gravity, move with the sword, and strike at the weak point of the enemy's defense-this is it".

Then, this swordsmanship genius led that class of students to fail all the epee courses-they followed Aatrox's method of practice honestly, but the result of the practice was a mess.

The thinking of geniuses is something ordinary people can't keep up with, so asking geniuses to teach people with ordinary talents often doesn't turn out to be very good. Their talents are their learning methods, and this method is often irreproducible.

In Karya's view, Lacus's swordsmanship talent should not be too genius, so instead of letting her learn from the more professional Tiana, it's better to do it by herself.

After all, when it comes to teaching students, I am the only professional!

In the end, Kalya succeeded in persuading Lax—and his method of convincing Lax was also very simple. He assured Lax that although Galen was tired like a dog every day, but after three years, he was more powerful in swordsmanship. Absolutely not your opponent!
Hearing that she was able to beat her own brother, Lacus finally had no worries and accepted Kalya's teaching with pleasure.

Lux was very happy when she got the promise. Even at the breakfast table, when Lux looked at Galen, she always had a smile on her face.

It's a pity that this kind of smile seemed to Galen to be his sister's encouragement to him—so, after eating three beef ribs in one go, he raised his saber again.

"Come on! For the sake of Demacia—don't worry, Lacus, I will not lose to His Royal Highness, your brother is the best!"

Tut tut...

Poor Galen hasn't realized that his brother's family status is likely to become "family younger brother"!

That's it, the Crownguards... rolled up!

(ヮ) Recommendation Ticket
(ヮ) monthly pass

I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
 There is a recommendation for the weekend, excited!

(End of this chapter)

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