Lux's Farewell

Chapter 6 [0005] Listen to Karya talk about the past

Chapter 6 [0005] Listen to Karya talk about the past

After Karya became a Darkborn, she also woke up several times back and forth.

But it is a pity that the result of the awakening is either that the holder is too weak to support the consumption of his sobriety, or the holder has evil intentions and wants to take advantage of him, a poor lonely old man.

For the former, Karya simply accumulated a little bit of energy, pretending to be a stick that can restrain magic; and for the latter, Karya was never polite, decisively seized it, and then took advantage of her body before being darkened, and went around Take a walk around.

This intermittent sobriety makes Carya a "ghost wandering outside history", even if he tries his best to find books every time, the erosion of the void is too serious, once he seizes the owner's The body has only been awake for ten days and a half months at most, so he knows very little about history.

Therefore, he hopes to chat with Lux and learn about Runeterra in this era.

On the other hand, Lacus is actually a little curious about Kalya.

Curiosity is a human instinct, let alone a girl like Lux who is lively by nature.

For Lacus, Kalya is a complete mystery. She doesn't know Kalya's past, and she doesn't understand what Kalya's self-introduction means. Since Kalya is willing to chat with her, she should take the opportunity to listen to Kalya. The story should be a good choice.

So, after sitting down, Lux spoke first, expressing that she wanted to hear Kalya's story: "Just tell me your story! Is there any story about defeating the evil wizard and saving the princess?"

As an elder who has lived in Shurima for countless years, Kalya has many stories.

Since Lux wanted to hear, besides some real secrets, Kalya was also happy to tell.

So where does the story begin?

"When I was your age, there was no Demacia." Carya thought for a while, and decided to tell a story that has not been recorded in history, "So, there were no evil witches at that time, let alone anything Princess."

"There is no Demacia? You are lying!" When Carya told her story, Lacus couldn't hold back, and began to respond proactively, "I heard my mother tell the legend of the flying wing sisters, the birth of Demacia Going back nearly 1000 years!"

"Has Demacia been born for 1000 years? Then I have really been asleep for a long time." Kalya said calmly, as if thousands of years were not worth mentioning to him, "The poor man who avoided the Rune Wars, Now I have created a strong country with my own hands, which is great."

"What poor man? That's the great Thirteen Family..."

"Pause, we won't talk about Demacia today." Kalya stopped Lacus from describing the thirteen noble families in Demacia. Blowing, there is no nutrition, "Let's just talk about each other, your story, my story."

"...Okay." Lux puffed her face, then sat down quietly, "Speak, grandpa!"

Lax's accent on "Grandpa" did not offend Kalya, but rather kindly—in Shurima, many people called him that, and even later, there were quite a few people who called him Grandfather directly.

Although in Lux's view, this kind of address is out-and-out "calling people old" and a small revenge for Kalya's nonsense, but in Kalya's view, there is actually no problem with it.

"At that time, Shurima was not an empire, but a barren land." Kalya continued his description, "There is no holy spring, no oasis, deserts everywhere, barren land that cannot be cultivated, and everyone is It’s hard to get a full meal.”


"Yeah, hungry." Kalya's tone remained calm, as if it wasn't some terrible past, but a common memory, "Lax, have you ever been to the beach?"

"Beach? Been there!" Lux nodded, "It's in Dornhold, not far from Xiong, where there is the most famous golden beach in the country... Well, originally uncle said he would bring me and brother We went together..."

"Okay, but don't be sad, you will have a chance to go again sooner or later." Carya comforted in a low voice, and then continued her story, "It is different from the sand on the beach, the sand in the desert is dry, Without a little water, even if there is a heavy rain, it only takes half a day for the ground to become dry again."

"That's really unimaginable." Such a novelty made Lux's eyes widen in surprise, "After a rain, it only takes half a day to dry..."

"At that time, the desert was called 'Sai', which originally meant boundless and boundless." Carya hesitated a little, and made an analogy as common as possible, "The desert and the sea are actually very similar. It's just that one is a dry golden yellow, and the other is a turbulent blue."

"Say?" Lacus imitated Kalya's appearance, trying to make this flicking sound, "What a strange pronunciation... I've never heard of this language."

"That's the ancient Shurima language, a primitive language, simple and poetic." Kalya didn't elaborate on this aspect, but continued his own story, "In the dry desert, it is impossible to plant For food, the only way to survive is to find an oasis."

"What is an oasis?"

"The oasis is a rare fertile land with water in the desert, and plants grow on it." Carya explained, "Unfortunately, I can't share these memories with you now, but I saw a book on the shelf. Travels in Shurima, there should be records about these."

Hearing what Kalya said, Lacus got up in surprise, and then found the book at the place Kalya had mentioned. After flipping through it a bit, she discovered in disbelief that there were deserts, oasis.

What's more, there are illustrations on this travel book!
"Is this the desert and oasis you mentioned?" Lux asked, pointing to the illustrations in the book, "It looks like... a large garden with a pond and no walls!"

"Hahaha, interesting metaphor." If Kalya had a hand, she would definitely not be able to help applauding Lacus at this time, "But you are right, the oasis is indeed like a big garden with a pond but no walls , so in order to compete for this big garden, every family has to fight every day."

"Fight? Why fight?" Lux obviously couldn't react, "To compete for this garden? But... fighting is a bad thing. Fighting will cause injury or even death!"

Obviously, Lux does not lack common sense, nor does she lack compassion and empathy, but in a favorable environment, she will always subconsciously beautify the parts that are not in the story.

"Because if you don't fight or occupy the oasis, you will die of starvation and thirst." Carya gave a cruel reason, "When I was your age, I lost my tribe, Losing my family, in order to survive, I joined a family where everyone was like me, alone, and I fought with them to occupy an oasis where I could survive."

"I kind of get it."

Lacus thought for a while, then raised her head and looked out of the window - today she chose a seat by the window, through the open window, she could see the garden outside, the pond, rockery and shrubs in the garden.

Although Lux still couldn't imagine someone fighting for a garden instead of honor or justice, the reason "to survive" still made her feel an indescribable heaviness.

"And then?" Lux blinked, throwing away the heaviness, "And then you fought with others? With fists? With spears? Or with shields and long swords?"

"Use everything, from stones to sticks." Kalya paused, then continued, "To deal with those who use long swords, halberds or magic."

"Magic—you use stones and sticks to fight against evil wizards!" Lux opened her mouth in surprise, "This is simply amazing!"

"Pay attention to your words, Lacus." Kalya said helplessly, "You are also a wizard now."

"I—" Lux stuttered in embarrassment, "This is different, I don't know how to fight with magic!"

"But what if there are monsters in the Shadow Realm that want to devour your uncle's soul?" Kalya asked, "There, ordinary swords will not be effective."

"...This is different." Lux was still instinctively rejecting what Kalya said, "There may not be any monsters in the shadow world, you must be scaring me!"

"Just think I'm scaring you." Kalya didn't continue on this topic, but continued to tell her own story, "There is no princess in my family, but there is a sister, her name is Setaka, of course , we all call her Big Sister."

"Big sister, so cool!" Lux was excited again, "A lady who is respected by everyone!"

"That's right, whether it's an enemy or a family member." Karya chose to follow Lacus's words this time, "She doesn't need any excellent weapons, and she can approach the enemy with flexible steps, and then easily fight Win, even if the enemy is a cunning spellcaster, she can find a way."

"But... Uncle told me that if there is no excellent weapon, there is almost no way to deal with a prepared spellcaster." Lux was a little puzzled, "How can the big sister you mentioned use a wooden stick and a spellcaster?" What about stones against wizards?"

"Use wisdom and strength." Kalya's tone was rarely reminiscent, "Of course, there is also fearless courage, and a little bit of luck—for example, once we were fighting for a small When she was in the oasis, she cleverly used the power of the mountains..."

Next, Kalya told Lux ​​the story of how Setaka became famous in the first battle.

That battle took place in today's Nerima Jie. In order to deal with the wizards in the oasis, Setaka first disguised himself as a passing businessman, led the team into the oasis, and drew the map under his camel felt mat. on shaved skin.

Then, she took her family and set up a rolling stone trap in the dead of night in the desert.

Including Karya, the whole family worked together to arrange large stones on the hillside to the west of Narimaja Oasis with a simple block of pulleys.

Then, on the second day, they lured the wizard here by bluffing and setting the trap.

Facing the rolling stones, the wizard calmly summoned the sand barrier to stop the stones.

As a result, just when he thought he was sure of winning, several warriors who had been lurking for a long time emerged from the sand barrier he summoned. Time to strike the fatal blow.

The wizard, who was born to manipulate sand, obviously didn't expect that there would be someone who could withstand the terrifying squeeze of the sand when it was shaped, and was caught off guard and defeated directly.

Lux obviously has never heard of such twists and turns, and it is completely different from the popular Demacia story of "a knight of justice scolds the evil with righteous words, and then kills the evil with a sharp sword." superior.

Compared with the knight novels of Demacia, Carya's story is more tense, more thrilling, and makes Lux feel more exciting-obviously, although the little girl of the defending family has always wanted to be a good girl, but Deep down, she also has her own desire for adventure and battle.

Not only that, in order to give Lacus a more direct impression, Karya also directed her to find many illustrations that were somewhat similar to the situation at that time from the travel notes on the bookshelf.

This "combination of pictures and texts" made Lacus so addicted that she completely forgot about Kalya's identity, and even took the initiative to recommend the excellent works she had read.

It wasn't until the sun was setting and Mrs. Augesa brought Galen back to the mansion that a servant knocked on the door to remind her that she was about to eat, and Lacus reluctantly ended her conversation with Kalya.

Here in Kalya, she not only heard the story of "double trap cleverly defeating the wizard", but also a series of "fake quicksand to escape the enemy", "borrowing the wrath of the dragon", "toward the direction of the stars" and a series of seta Card history.

These stories are little known even in the history of Shurima - in order to maintain the greatness of the empire, Setaka, of all accounts, had to be a perfect god, born with a great purpose.

Only Kalya, who once fought side by side with her, knew that she, like countless ascenders, was once just a mortal.

How can there be a man born from heaven or a woman born from heaven?
It's just a group of mortals who forged ahead and finally reached the end.

Of course, Karya didn’t tell Lacus about these things. Lacus is still too young, and she doesn’t know much about the real side of the world. A less cruel childhood for this little girl.

Therefore, he didn't tell Lux that only one-fifth of the people who lurked in the sand in advance survived and participated in the final assault, and the rest [-]% either died of hypothermia at night, or were killed when the sand barrier was formed. Crushed raw.

It also didn't say that many people died when they bluffed, and many people even took the initiative to die. On the one hand, it was to act more realistically, and on the other hand, it was also to cover up the bloody smell that might appear in the sand.

The brutal dirge to survival is adapted by Karya as a heroic epic with abridged versions for children.

But... the story of Setaka is actually pretty good if you listen to it as a heroic epic!
Thinking of this, Karya finally couldn't help but clicked his tongue: It's a pity, at this stage, I really don't have enough roles.


(ヮ) Recommendation Ticket
(ヮ) monthly pass

I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
 I didn't expect it, Jiageng!

  Readers please don’t ask questions about whether there are heroines and how many there are, these can’t be spoiled.

(End of this chapter)

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