Lux's Farewell

Chapter 5 [0004] Feel the charm of magic

Chapter 5 [0004] Feel the charm of magic
Facts have proved that evening self-study is still very effective.

In the early morning of the next day, when Lux woke up from the bed and saw the sunlight passing through the curtains, her first reaction was actually "sunlight is not elemental magic, this is a knowledge point that is easily confused".

It is true that learning is confused.

Shaking her head, Lacus felt that she was really crazy at this moment. She looked towards the head of the bed, where Kalya was lying quietly in the warm morning light.

Glancing at the hilt of the sword, Lax seemed to be still not quite relieved, she thought for a while, and jumped onto the bed without any ladylike demeanor, then raised her legs and raised her white little feet.

The villain!

I step on -

However, when she was about to step on it, Lux hesitated.

Is this... not very good?
After all, he was teaching himself knowledge, and promised to help him save his uncle who was trapped in the shadow world.

Although Lux didn't know what the knowledge was useful for, and she didn't know if she could save her uncle in the end, Kalya was her mentor after all.

Putting down her legs resentfully, Lacus put on a long skirt, put on a headband, washed her face in the bathroom next to the bedroom, and finally picked up the saber and put it on her belt.

"Hey, are you awake?" When Lux's magic power began to flow again, Kalya's greeting came as expected, "Your magic power seems to be unstable, it seems that you must have been exhausted yesterday—then today's Self-study will be waived."


Although I was very happy not to have to do morning self-study and face Karya who was aggressive when asking questions, but when I thought that this was just "don't do it yet", this joy disappeared completely.

"I'm going to eat." With a curl of her lips, Lacus put on her little boots, "Remember to remind me of etiquette—mother looked very happy yesterday, and today I want to make my father happy too!"

"It's really the caring little padded jacket of the Crown Guard family!" Kalya was in a good mood, "However, in my opinion, if you really want to make him happy, the best way is to talk to your mother yesterday. As promised, just keep an eye on your ignorant brother."

"Brother is not ignorant!" Lux puffed up her face and retorted angrily, "He's just a little impulsive!"

"A 12-year-old kid wants to join the army, and when the atmosphere is tense and a war may break out, this is not something that can be described as impulsive." Carya made a tut-tsk sound, "Brave and reckless There is only a thin line between them, so I really don’t know which one he is.”

"It's bravery!" Even though Galen dismantled his beloved wind-up music box and couldn't put it back, Lux was still working hard to protect his brother at this time, "He must also know that joining the army at this time is dangerous, But he still will not hesitate, because this is in line with noble virtues!"

"Oh? Noble virtue?"

"That's right, virtue." Lux blinked her eyes, trying to find evidence to support herself, "Take responsibility, charge forward, how do you say that sentence...'We accept the support, we defend the homeland', that's it !"

"So, you are very proud of him?" Kalya said as if chatting, "Because his choice is dangerous, but it conforms to the definition of aristocratic spirit in the first volume of "Encyclopedia of Etiquette", right?"

"That's right!" Lux raised her chin proudly, with a proud smile on her face, "That's it!"

However, she never expected that after presenting the evidence, what she got was not Karya's approval, but a burst of irrelevant "praise".

"Our Miss Lacus is really amazing! She studied hard for the whole afternoon yesterday. Although she forgot [-]% of it by the evening, she still has the energy to pay attention to the open decoration on the table. , and memorized those meaningless words... This is really a talent!"

Lux, who was originally full of pride, was dumbfounded after hearing this undisguised irony.

For the little princess of the crown guard family, this kind of accusation is a bit too harsh, and she has never been criticized in a sarcastic tone, and Kalya's words stuck in her chest, making her even a little angry for a while. Breathless.

Obviously I was just defending my brother, why did the topic get brought back to my not listening carefully yesterday?
But thinking of the test last night, I really couldn't answer it. Although I was very upset, I couldn't find a reason to refute it...

At this moment, Lux suddenly wanted to throw the saber viciously—to the corner, outside the city, and into the moat.

Then, before she could say anything else, the figure of Mrs. Augatha appeared in front of the corridor.

"Baby, you're awake!" Mrs. Augsa, who was wearing a fitted dress, stepped forward quickly and stroked Lacus's fluffy blond hair. I can only come back tonight."

Hearing what Augusta said, Lacus temporarily gave up the idea of ​​throwing away the saber. She nodded, then took a deep breath, and followed Karya's reminder to enter the "noble lady" mode.

Scoundrel - you wait!

When I learn your knowledge, sooner or later I will use your words to refute you speechless!


A breakfast was passed in peace.

It's a pity that Pete seems to be very concerned about the battle situation on the front line, and he is not in the mood to care about Lacus's ladylike state at this time - the tall patriarch of the Crown Guard family frowned the whole time, and from time to time he still lowered his head in thought What, apart from glaring at Galen when he was clamoring to join the army, he didn't say a word.

After breakfast, Lux was somewhat disappointed.

The little girl thought that her etiquette could be recognized by her father and make him feel better, but it is a pity that Pete is not in the mood to observe his family now. His mind is full of disputes with Noxus. Lux's good performance became useless.

Although Augusta praised Lux ​​again during the post-dinner walk, the feeling still made her uncomfortable.

Lax knew that her uncle was not dead, but she couldn't tell about her cooperation with Kalya—she hoped to use her own methods to make her family happy, but unfortunately, except for the delicate Augsa, no matter who The stressed father and the stubborn elder brother couldn't understand what Lacus was thinking.

Even after the meal, that bastard Galen said something like "Lax, why do you look like you are carrying it now" which made the little girl dissatisfied.

Then he was carried away by his mother by the ear.

"Since you want to join the army...then get trained first!" Augesa seemed to have found a way, "Your father has already asked the chief executive, he will give you some necessary training while training the prince !"

Obviously, this is also one of Augsa's methods to deal with Galen's joining the army.

Want to join the military?
Let's go to training first!
When you are exhausted from training, you have no time to run away from home.

In this way, the father went to the Dawn Fortress early, and the mother left with her brother, leaving Lux alone in the garden.

"Should we still go to study?" Lux was visibly disappointed, "Continue to lecture?"

"Before that, we need to consolidate a little bit." Kalya didn't answer directly, "Come on, go to the lace fence, let's review and consolidate yesterday's knowledge."

To the garden wall?

Lacus blinked her eyes in some doubts, but followed Karya's request and found an empty corner.

"Very good, it's not bad here." Kalya seemed satisfied, "Now, lean against the wall and let me feel it."

against the wall?

Although she didn't know what she was doing, Lux still turned around and pressed her back against the fence. The next moment, an astonishing magic power poured into her hand from behind, and then poured into the sword in her hand. on the hilt.

This scorching feeling was fleeting, but after the scorching heat disappeared, she could still feel a lot of magic power in her body compared to yesterday.

"I think, you must be very strange, even very unconvinced, why do I want you to memorize those knowledge by rote." Just when Lacus was shocked, Kalya's voice sounded again, "I want to tell you, it is magic The foundation of everything is the foundation of everything, and it is also the core mystery of this world, now, look at your own palm!"

Lux lowered her head and saw a ball of light dancing in her palm like an elf without any rules.

It was like the day before yesterday when she just awakened her magical talent.

The wind that gradually warmed up in the morning blows, and the light seems to start dancing.

"I have removed the protection from the forbidden magic for you. This is the original form of your magic." Carya explained, "Now, let's see the advanced changes of the original magic."

While speaking, Kalya took over the control of Lux's body.

"Let's take a look at your wrong question last night... First of all, it is the form of the seventh middle school that resonates with elemental magic. The weather is really nice, so let's take light and wind as an example."

The light cluster began to become blurred, misty and unstable——"This is resonance."

The light group made a whining sound like a strong wind blowing—"This is Harmony."

The brightness of the light cluster increased to the point where it was a bit dazzling-"This is filling."

After the light group dimmed, the palm felt chilly—"This is harmony."

The light cluster turned into a half-light, half-wind elemental spirit—"This is concrete."

The light group drifting with the wind lit up the corners of the wall—"This is diffusion."

In the end, the ball of light quickly transformed into a bright emblem in the palm of Lacus, and Lacus recognized that emblem, which was the emblem of the Crownguard family - "This is crystallization."

"Observe carefully, look at the details of the emblem, radial, this is the basic form after light magic crystallization! If you don't remember this, you can't even create a family crest!"

Seeing the radial lines on the crystallized emblem with her own eyes, Lacus subconsciously wanted to nod, but when her body was taken over, she couldn't do it at all, and could only watch Kalya continue to perform.

"The following is the difference between sunlight and light elements..."



In this way, in Lux's sluggishness, Kalya showed her many exquisite magic tricks with the help of the energy stored in the magic stone of the Crownguard family.

These tricks have almost no destructive power, but they have high requirements for mana control. Through these tricks, Kalya corrected the mistakes that Lux made in the evening self-study last night one by one, and proved the theory he narrated with facts. Authenticity and correctness.

When Lux regained control of her body, even though she still didn't believe in magic, she couldn't help but marvel at the subtlety of magic.

Although the little girl was a little tired, her mental state was obviously much better, and she seemed to be full of energy again, and Karya, who felt all this, finally let out a long breath.

It seems that after the trilogy of cramming, review, and practice, Lux finally has a little initiative in learning magic.

The little chives are finally starting to sprout!


Education is not an easy thing.

In fact, if Karya controls Lacus as soon as she comes up, and then finds the magic stone to extract mana to do this kind of magic trick, no matter how exquisite the trick is, it will never arouse Lacus' interest, but will make her fearful. Even simply report Carya.

Even a child with a big heart can hardly accept that his body is not under control.

On the contrary, it is the behavior of first teaching you some theory, strengthening your memory, and then showing you the facts, which can make the little girl accept magic as quickly as possible.

After all, fear often comes from the unknown. After Lux learned the teaching of magic theory, even if it was just a cramming teaching, where she only knew what she knew but didn't know why, she could have the idea that "magic is controllable".

And once you realize that magic is regular and controllable, the fear will be dispelled.

Although Lux still doesn't know much about magic at this time, her enthusiasm for learning magic has obviously increased a lot. The combination of illusory theories and spells visible to the naked eye is the true meaning of magic, and the unity of knowledge and action is also in During the Shurima period, Karya has always insisted on the theory!

However, although Lux looked very excited, Kalya's teaching had to stop today.

Karya is a darkin after all.

Even if he didn't have the idea of ​​controlling or seizing Sherax, even if he used part of the magic power in the forbidden magic stone wall as the source of magic power, and avoided directly controlling the magic power of Lux as much as possible, the series of magic skills just now The two have reached the limit of Lux.

The nine-year-old girl has little resistance to the erosion of the power of the void, and the excitement is just an appearance. In fact, Lux's spirit has reached its limit.

In this case, no matter whether it was exercising spells or narrating theories, Lux couldn't hold on. As a result of her mental slack, she couldn't listen to anything, and her mind was in a mess.

Instead, you should chat and relax.

So, when Lux returned to the reading room, opened the pretend tome, and was about to start today's study, Karya told her that there would be no class today.

"I think we need to know more about each other." Carya said, "At the same time, I also need to know more about this era and this country, which will be of great help to teaching."


"So, lovely Miss Lacus, would you like to chat with me, an old fellow?" Kalya's voice softened rarely, "It's just... a good balance between work and rest."


(ヮ) Recommendation Ticket
(ヮ) monthly pass

I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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