Lux's Farewell

Chapter 171 [0168] The disaster of the sea

Chapter 171 [0168] The disaster of the sea
"What do you think of this Sarah?" After leaving the tavern, Kalya asked with great interest, "In your opinion, what kind of person is she?"

"Should be a person with his own ideas." Lux thought for a while, and replied, "How should I put it... She makes me feel like Camille, but it's different—what do you think? "

"Remember her well." Kalya didn't answer, but changed the topic, "Next, we're going to meet that ocean disaster."

"When I think about the hard-earned Silver Snake Coin and Golden Siren, I will be replaced by a useless ship mark. I am really not reconciled." Although Lacus doesn't care about money, when she thinks about how she will be A large sum of money is going to be wasted, and I feel somewhat uncomfortable, "Are we really going to buy a boat mark?"

"Of course." Carya affirmed, "If you don't buy the ship mark, how can you meet Planck? How do you know where his treasure house is?"

"Wait, treasure house? What treasure house?" Lux blinked, "Did I miss something?"

"Didn't I tell you?" Carya pretended to be stupid, "These gold siren and silver snake coins will definitely flow into Planck's treasury, as long as we mark them, when he is finished, the money will return to the original owner of!"

"What kind of mark do you want?" Hearing what Kalya said, Lux immediately regained his energy, "But, I don't know how to make magic marks?"

"It's simple." Kalya had already prepared, "Just leave your exclusive magic mark, and I'll teach you this..."

Under Kalya's teaching, Lux's magic power quickly flowed through the bag in her hand. When she opened the bag again, the gold and silver coins in the bag became shiny—the old gold coins seemed to be refurbished After polishing, the new gold coins are even more shiny and dazzling.

"Isn't this too obvious?" Lux looked at these obviously different gold coins, and said with some hesitation, "Will Planck really not notice?"

"It will be fine after a while. It's too shiny because you poured too much magic power." Karya explained helplessly, "Lax, your magic control has dropped significantly, this is not acceptable!"

Kalya's words made Lacus freeze in place, she blinked her eyes, as if she wanted to find an excuse to fool her - in the morning and evening self-study, Kalya's criticism always means strengthening practice, and this is always Lux's most troublesome course.

Even though it has been three years since she had attended a formal class, when Kalya spoke in such a tone, Lux would still subconsciously feel stiff and nervous.

However, this time Karya obviously didn't intend to continue to embarrass Lacus. He just mentioned a sentence and changed the topic to other places.

"I'm going to see Planck next, anyway, I hope you can contain your anger."

"Suppressing anger, it's very simple!" Lux waved her hands, showing no problem, "Can you still not trust my acting skills?"

"Remember your promise now." Carya said in a serious tone, "Even if Planck deserves death, you don't need to do it now, understand?"



Bilgewater is an interesting port city.

In the beginning, it was just a small bay area, and it was the only area open to outsiders by the Baru people of the Python Archipelago.

The Baru people have their own civilization, and they don't care about the power of the outside world, so Bilgewater has been a sanctuary for outlaws since its birth.

However, as more and more exiles came to Bilgewater, a small reef was obviously not enough to meet their needs.

Bilgewater needs to expand.

But the Baru people are really not easy to mess with. It is obviously impossible for these desperadoes to occupy the nearby islands. The buildings on the land pile up higher and higher.

Due to the lack of natural building materials, the Bilgewater people used whatever they could, statues, stones, and abandoned ships.

After hundreds of years of accumulation, Bilgewater has transformed from a bay into a huge, three-dimensional port.

White Harbor, Rat Town, Slaughter Wharf, Butcher's Bridge, Bone Coast...these places were all built by the Bilgewater people with various strange materials.

Plank and his Hook gang occupied Rat Town and Butcher's Bridge. The former is the most prosperous place in Bilgewater, with the richest oil and water; the latter is the commanding height of Bilgewater, standing on it can Overlooks the entire port.

After explaining that she wanted to buy the ship mark, Lux met Planck on the Butcher's Bridge—when she was brought to the famous ocean disaster, the other party was eating an orange.

The way Planck eats oranges is very special. Instead of peeling them, he holds them in his hands and chews them raw. A whole orange is bitten open by him, and the splash of juice flows on his messy beard.

Planck didn't care about that. For him, as long as he wiped his hands on his waist, he was done. As for the beard... who cares?
After all this was done, the Calamity of the Ocean finally raised his head and looked at Lux.

"You want to buy a boat mark?"

"That's right, I'm going to buy a ship mark—by the way, let's see what kind of person is able to snatch a giant ship from that Swain's men."

"You're pretty good at talking, little girl?" Plank's wrinkled face showed a hint of complacency, "How about it, now you see it?"

"I see, he's an eclectic pirate." Lux nodded, "Your men said that you need to handle the ship's mark by yourself, so what's the price?"

"The price is easy to talk about." Planck pulled out a handle from nowhere and said with a smile, he picked it between his teeth deftly, then stuck out his tongue and rolled a strand of orange into his mouth, "Your words, Five hundred silver snake coins, one boat, one month."

"...I can't afford this price." Planck's quotation surprised Lux ​​a little. "I only have more than 500 Silver Snake Coins. I'm afraid it's unacceptable to buy only one ship."

"Are you negotiating the price with me?" Plank put away his knife and pride, and said in a dangerous tone, "Of course I know how much money you have, Miss Shadow—the mark allowing you to buy a boat has been It depends on your kindness in speaking."

"That's good." Lux thought for a moment, "First come a ship, a month's mark, and I will come to you next month."


Lux's decisiveness surprised Planck a little.

Under normal circumstances, [-] Silver Snake Coins are enough for a merchant ship's one-year markup—if it's a fishing boat, it can be covered for three years. He never expected that Lux would agree so simply .

"Very good, then seven hundred." Plank overturned his previous quotation neatly, "It seems that you have received more rewards than I know."

Lux didn't speak.

But her hand rested quietly on the hilt of the sword.

"What the hell is this guy thinking?" She asked Kalya, "Even if he is a pirate, he wouldn't raise the price like this?"

"Then just refuse." Kalya didn't care much about Planck's words, "He obviously has his own purpose, and he is waiting for us to refuse."

Hearing what Kalya said, Lacus simply shook her head and rejected the offer: "I can't accept it, seven hundred silver snake coins, I can't afford this price."

"That's great." Plank laughed. "So, the generous Plague of the Sea can give you another way—how about working for me?"

"Seven hundred silver snake coins are not enough for me to work hard for you."

"Then how about adding your own life?" Planck pulled out the scimitar neatly, "Miss Shadow... I've wanted to meet you for a long time—earn money from my territory to buy a ship mark , this is the first time I have seen a person with such courage!"

 Carya's Little Classroom · Butcher's Bridge:

  This bridge made of various strange stone materials connects the two main islands of Bilgewater Bay and is the highest point of the entire Bilgewater. Most of the ships entering and leaving Bilgewater come from Butcher Pass under the bridge.

  Plus more 9/30, the second half of the month is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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