Lux's Farewell

Chapter 172 [0169] Pirates always think differently

Chapter 172 [0169] Pirates always think differently
Lux couldn't keep up with Planck's train of thought—the face of the disaster of the ocean is really the weather in Bilgewater, where it's sunny and rainy.

One moment he was still raising the price of the boat, and the next second he drew the knife.

Fortunately, although Lux didn't know what this guy was going to do, at least she was prepared.

When Planck's sailor's scimitar slashed towards him, Lux also drew his sword out of its sheath, and the broken blade flowed brightly, blocking the sudden blow.

When the swords collided, Lux could hardly grasp the force from the hilt of the sword—Planck's strength was amazing, and it was like a sea tide. Even if Lacus blocked it perfectly, the whole person Still being knocked out.

Quite embarrassing.

"Kalya, there's something wrong with him!" After landing on the ground, Lux said inwardly, "This guy's strength... is very abnormal!"

"Have you felt the divine power?" Kalya saw it clearly, "Planck was able to become a disaster of the ocean not only because of his cruelty, now, fight with all your strength, and remember the feeling of the surging tide and impacting everything Bar!"

Lux pursed her lips, and finally stopped talking - because Planck had already stepped forward, and the scimitar slashed diagonally again!

As Carya said, facing Planck, she needs to deal with it with all her strength!

The second time swords meet.

Different from being hacked away last time, this time Lux adjusted the magic power structure of her lightsaber. After the block was successful, although the elemental lightsaber was fragmented, Lux herself stood firmly in place and was not directly attacked. Fly out.

Planck's left hand was already holding the pistol.

After confirming the power gap between the two sides, he originally planned to wait for Lux to be sent flying, and shoot a moving target in the air.

What he didn't expect was that Lux forcibly resisted the wave-like blow, and launched a counterattack while raising her gun!

The lightsaber stabbed fiercely and ruthlessly. Planck had no choice but to take back his forward steps abruptly, turned to dodge aside, and at the same time fired the musket in his left hand hastily.

With a roar, Lux's momentum of counterattack was directly interrupted.

The musket in Planck's hand has obviously undergone a special modification, and the caliber can already be called a "hand cannon". Even though Lux has prepared a spell shield for herself in advance, she really dare not resist this kind of attack.

Seeing that Lux was forced to retreat, Plank raised the scimitar again - this time, instead of continuing to attack, he hung the musket back to his waist, and by the way, he took out an orange from his pocket and stuffed it into the mouth.

"Little girl is pretty good at it." Plank munched on the citrus while squinting his eyes in satisfaction, "Do you want a boat mark? I have a better deal for you!"

Lux blinked her eyes, her expression was calm, as if everything was expected.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Bilgewater is really getting more and more lively recently." Plank, who quickly finished eating an orange, sucked his teeth, "Okay, you have passed...Miss Shadow, this is really exciting. A sinister title."


Lacus continued to remain silent on the surface, but she was secretly asking Kalya—she had no idea what Planck was trying to do with his convulsive performance.

"Probably a test." Kalya's tone was not very sure, "It is well known that pirates always think differently, and neuroticism may be one of the characteristics of pirates... Since he wants to talk to you, Then talk about it, I really want to know what he wants to do."

"This is different from what you said before." Lux sat down calmly, and at the same time secretly complained, "You said that Planck at least behaved when he was selling ship bids."

"Perhaps the pirates have also learned to keep pace with the times?" Kalya said noncommittally, "I am not omniscient."


With the knife sheathed, Planck completely lost the murderous look he had before.

The scourge of the sea seemed to fully approve of Lux's strength, and even took out a glass, poured two glasses of rum - and then took out two oranges.

"Would you like some orange juice?"

Lux watched in astonishment as Planck put on a gesture of squeezing the juice with his hands, and then shook his head subconsciously.

Even though Lux has accepted Bilgewater's rough diet to a certain extent, this behavior of squeezing juice with bare hands is still beyond her cognitive limit.

Seeing this, Plank shook his head in disappointment, then muttered something in a low voice, and then put a glass of rum in front of Lacus.

"To the bearded lady!"

Lacus blinked, and finally picked up the wine glass: "To the snake mother."

After two glasses of wine, the tense atmosphere between Lux and Plank finally disappeared.

Planck sat on his hanging chair in a dignified manner, with a pair of boots laid carelessly on the table, and finally explained his purpose.

"So, Miss Shadow, are you interested in doing a big deal?"

"I've always been very interested in business." Lux's persona on this trip is a powerful businessman, so she replied immediately, "For the business that Mr. Ocean Disaster thinks is a 'big business', naturally more interested."

"Very good, very good, I'm starting to like you firewood girl." Plank laughed as if he had heard some funny joke, "Unfortunately, you don't seem to have much capital."

"There will always be money." Lux put on a look of indifference, "Bilgewater has a lot of bounties, and Runeterra has even more bounties."

"Bounty hunters can't get on the stage." Plank curled his lips, and took out a small knife and a piece of white bone from nowhere. "The big business I'm talking about is not as simple as a bounty hunter."

"Appreciate further details."

"The landlubbers of Noxus messed up in Ionia, and their heads all had one arm removed." Plank was carving this bone while looking at Lux, "Io The little girl in Nia is not very big, I heard her name is... Irelia? Ha, I thought it was you!"

"Me? Irelia?" Lux was really stunned this time, "How is this possible?"

"There are a lot of guys in Ionia who like to play with shadows. I've seen them in the Snake Knife Temple. That Irelia is probably a master of the game. You just got the nickname of Miss Shadow... Hehe." Plank smiled even more happily, as if he was not the one who guessed the wrong person, "How interesting!"


Lux was silent.

Karya didn't know what to say.

"However, it doesn't matter if it's not Irelia." Plank picked up the bone and blew on the bone powder. "Irelia is not necessary for this big business, Miss Shadow is also fine."

"So, it's Ionia's business?"

"That's right." Plank glanced at the bone carving he carved appreciatively, and nodded, "The Ionian war is over, and I still have some connections in Piltover, since you are a businessman , are you interested in doing some big business? From Ionia to Piltover?"

Hearing what Plank said, Lux touched her chin, scratched her forehead, and finally lowered her head.

From Planck's point of view, Lux seemed to be thinking about her proposal.

But in fact, Lux, who seemed to be lowering her head in deep thought...

In fact, he was trying his best to suppress himself, trying not to laugh out loud.

 Carya's Small Classroom Planck's Divine Power:

  As the Pirate King of Bilgewater, Plank also has divine power—however, his divine power does not seem to come simply from the approval and fear of the pirates, but is mixed with many subtle, tidal waves like power.

  There will be an update at night, there is an epidemic nearby, and nucleic acid needs to be done.

(End of this chapter)

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