Lux's Farewell

Chapter 173 [0170] This is the operation of pirates

Chapter 173 [0170] This is the operation of pirates
Planck is serious about this Ionian trade issue.

Although he rejected Camille's solicitation and didn't plan to intervene in the Ionian trade, he didn't listen to what Camille said to him.

At least, Planck really listened to the prospects and benefits of the Ionian trade and its impact on Bilgewater.

Although he was unwilling to change his job to become the logistics security captain, Plank, who had thought about it carefully, agreed with Camille's argument.

That is to say, the trade in Ionia has unlimited potential. Once the foreign trade in Ionia is launched, Bilgewater will become a transit point for this trade due to its unique geographical location, and thus gain great benefits.

After thinking about it, Planck thought there was nothing wrong with this part.

The only problem is that it is impossible for me to let go of my identity as a pirate to participate in the trade—Plank knows better than anyone that there must be rules in doing business, and the old sea dog is bound by the rules, so he is a watchdog!
Plank just doesn't want to be a watchdog for an Ionian or Mrs. Piltover!

That's why he rejected Camille's suggestion without hesitation, even if he had a huge fleet, he would never participate in the trade.

Well, the problem is coming.

With Planck unwilling to be a dog, but envious of other benefits brought by the Ionian trade, how can he stand up and make money?
After thinking about it, Planck came up with a very good idea-subcontracting!
Wouldn't it be good to find someone who is willing to do trade, and just pump water in Bilgewater and collect the ship bid?

So, before Lux came to Bilgewater, Plank was actually looking for an old sea dog who could be kicked out to serve as watchdog for Ionia and Piltover.

From Planck's point of view, the Iron Hook Gang under his command is going to keep the place down, and the other few are fairly well-known forces, so he only needs to pick one and send out the mission!
And the crow and his crow gang are the group of people that Planck prefers.

The crow is cruel and ruthless, and in Lux's eyes, he is a pure beast—but in Planck's eyes, this guy has a somewhat "self-like" feeling, so he has always been very optimistic about the crow.

Then, just before Planck put the crow into the finals list, before he could find other people to compare, the crow was killed.

To be honest, when he received the news that the crow was killed, Plank was really angry—not because someone killed the crow, but because the crow was such a waste?

In fact, after Lux killed the crow, many of the crow's subordinates escaped and planned to surprise her later.

Then, they turned around and were picked up by the Hook Gang...

After Planck cleaned up the garbage, he quickly turned his attention to Lux, the person who killed the crow.

In the end, he was surprised to find that this Miss Shadow... is quite interesting.

How long has it been since Bilgewater had such a "task master" who accepts bounties and only looks at the price?

After knowing the whole story of Lux's appearance in Bilgewater, Plank really thought that this was the Irelia—as for why he came to Bilgewater to pick up the bounty, it should be to make money to buy it. boat?
I heard that the Ionians do not have a navy. Even if the Dalu Bay wins, the Noxians still have the advantage at sea. If the Ionians have the money to buy a few ships and hire a group of old sea dogs, then Noxus Sri Lankan people are completely dumped!

When he heard that Miss Shadow had found him, Plank thought that Irelia was very discerning, and planned to hire him to follow the Noxian way!

It turned out that Irelia didn't see it, but saw someone she had never heard of, a cunning light spellcaster disguised as a shadow assassin.

From Planck's point of view, Lacus was obviously a cunning and insidious guy, and from the fact that she readily accepted the offer of five hundred silver snake coins, it could be seen that she should be eager to start some trade.

Realizing this, Plank simply threw out the plan he had been planning before, and asked Lux ​​if he would lead the team to trade in Ionia.

"The price of the boat mark is easy to talk about." Plank put on a generous look, "If the principal is not enough, I will still operate the loan business. A loan with one cent interest is a charity price in Bilgewater!"


Lux lowered her head and held back for a long time before she could barely hold back her smile.

She really didn't expect that Ionia trade could also be subcontracted layer by layer?

You know, no matter what Camille told Plank, in fact, Piltover has no Ionian trade access at all, and needs to switch from Zaun.

Plank, on the other hand, took what Camille told him and transferred a trade from Zaun, and then tricked himself into participating, drawing more water and selling a ship mark...

However, under Kalya's reminder, Lacus soon stopped laughing.

"This is already a good illustration of the problem. The prospect of Ionian trade is beyond your imagination—and there are quite a few smart people who are eyeing it."

"Could the Noxus still have a hand in it?" Lux was stunned for a moment, "This trade, only Bilgewater and Twin Cities are the most planned?"

"Why can't the Noxians?" Karya asked rhetorically, "Don't forget, although the Ionians won, the Noxians have not been driven out-as long as they occupy the first place The corner of the soil, the trade gap is the state that has been opened!"


Hearing what Kalya said, Lux finally became serious, she blinked her eyes, and then finally raised her head.

"Mr. Plank, I am very interested in the Ionian trade you mentioned - compared to the Baru people who don't like consumption, maybe the Ionian people can give me a bigger surprise." According to the previous preparation Lux began to play freely, "But I don't have the principal and qualifications to buy and sell supplies from Ionia under the blockade of the Noxus."

"Are the Noxians a fart?" Hearing what Lux said, Plank curled his lips in disdain, then stood up and pointed to a boat moored on the pier, "See that? Leviathan No, what a nice name, it is the flagship of that Swain of Noxus, now it belongs to me!"

Lux showed a shocked expression at the right time.

"In this sea, I am guarding you. If the Noxians dare to show their teeth, go see the snake mother right away!" Plank slapped his chest loudly, "How about it, think about it? Bilgewater There are a lot of old sea dogs missing arms and legs, you can try to get a boat first!"

 Carya's Little Classroom Leviathan
  This is Swain's flagship, and it is also a super battleship built by the Noxus with a lot of money - it failed to fire a single shot, and was swaggeringly dragged away by Plank with an iron hook to help the pirates from the port of Longmen.

  Compared with the old sea dogs under Planck, although the Noxus navy is more loyal, its technical and tactical level is really not enough.

  There will be an update later in the night.

(End of this chapter)

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