Lux's Farewell

Chapter 174 [0171] Make money

Chapter 174 [0171] Make money

When Lux left Butcher's Bridge, she and Kalya were silent.

When she came, she brought more than 70 golden sirens (more than 700 silver snake coins), and enchanted these gold coins, intending to catch a fish, find out where Planck's treasure house is, and when Planck is finished , to execute a just reckoning.

But what I didn't expect was that Plank was thinking of meddling in the Ionia trade, and he didn't accept her ship bid money at all, but loaned her a sum of money...

Therefore, the more than 70 golden sirens in Lux's hand could not be spent-even when leaving the Butcher's Bridge, the more than 70 golden sirens directly became more than 200 golden sirens.

According to Planck, the Ionian trade Lux can just let it go!

But the problem is... Lux isn't here for trade at all!
She went to see Planck, just hoping to get to know the disaster of the ocean face to face.

It turned out that they saw it, and even saw the divine power in the other party through a brief confrontation-but judging from the results, this kind of meeting was obviously not the kind planned by Lacus and Kalya.

"What should we do next?" Lux whispered, "Planck saw it, but this seems to be completely different from what we planned."

"Yeah, it's completely different." Carya was also stunned by the other party's pirate-like operation strategy, "To be honest, I thought I would see a cruel and ruthless sea hero, but who would have thought that this Mr. Captain actually has such a side... cunning, really cunning."

"That's right, cunning." Lacus nodded, agreeing with Kalya's statement, "He has a beautiful idea, just sit and collect money, but in this case, Ionia trade needs to pay him the ship mark money all the time, It is estimated that it will not really flourish.”

"This is the chaos and reaction of the pirates themselves." Carya couldn't help but sighed, "You can also feel his divine power, right? How about it, isn't it amazing?"

"It's amazing. It's completely different from the power I obtained in Zaun." Speaking of this topic, Lux couldn't help shaking her head, "I always feel that something is wrong."

"Of course something is wrong." Carya smiled, "Let's go, I have met Planck, and I have confirmed that he does have divine influence on him, we should go to see the next target."

"Go back to Sarah?"

"No, I'm going to meet the priest of the master of divine power." Kalya said in a tone full of expectation, "That's a true god—even a person like me who doesn't like gods will appreciate it." He has that kind of respect."

"It's so rare that you actually have respect for the gods." Lux, who knew Kalya's attitude towards the gods well, couldn't help complaining, "The god you're talking about, shouldn't it be the snake mother?"

"The answer is correct, but there is no reward." Kalya said in a cheerful tone, "Compared to popular names such as Snake Mother or Bearded Lady, I prefer to call him by his divine name—Nagaka Boros."

"Nagaka Boros, what a mouthful name." Lux blinked, "Does this god name have any special meaning?"

"The endless monsters that drive the sky and the sea." Kalya explained, "Different from the gods that people usually recognize, the existence of the Snake Mother is not a real entity, but a special... concept."

"Concept?" Lux was a little confused by such an abstract explanation, "What does this mean?"

"The motto of Nagakaporos itself has an obvious philosophical meaning. According to my personal conclusion, it is roughly...all existences in the universe have their own desires and are chasing their own desires, and the universe is also Moving forward in this pursuit.”

"It sounds reasonable." Lux was quite surprised. "To be honest, I always thought that the worship of the snake mother was just a primitive and powerful worship..."

"This is the greatness of Nagakaporos. He has never been limited to form. People who believe in this concept and philosophical method are his most devout believers." Karya said inexplicably, "For divine power and For gods, Nagakaporos is a good reference."

"Reference?" Lacus quickly realized the meaning behind Kalya's words, "You mean, I want to develop in this direction?"

"That's right, separate the theory from you." Kalya finally explained his purpose of coming, "Recognize yourself, reject personality worship, the gods of Runeterra exist objectively, then let your ideal become that god."

"...I probably understand a little bit, but it's still too abstract." Lux rubbed her temples with a headache, "So, shall we go to the temple next?"

"That's right." Carya eagerly said, "Let's go, let's listen to Nagakaporos's true meaning!"


Although it is located in Bilgewater, where the sewage is flowing, the temple of Nagakaporos is surprisingly clean and tidy.

Low-ranking priests came and went, some were sweeping the courtyard, and some were calling for the holy snake. At first glance, they seemed to be no different from other religious organizations.

Lux entered the temple generously.

The appearance of a new face surprised the priests present - although the pirates in Bilgewater must call her the Snake Mother, the priests actually knew that this kind of verbal respect was actually mostly fear.

The most direct point is that in their spare time, almost no one would come to the temple to listen to the priests explain the true meaning of the snake mother.

"Outsiders, do you want to listen to the teachings of Nagakaporos?" A priest put down the bucket and rag in his hand and greeted him. "Today is not a missionary day. Listen to the true meaning in the side hall."

"Forever and ever, we are the movers." Lacus replied in a low voice according to Kalya's words, "I'm here to find Ms. Illaoi."

Hearing that Lacus was looking for Illaoi, the other party was obviously a little surprised. The priest looked Lacus up and down to confirm that he had not seen him.

He is obviously a strange outsider, but he just opened his mouth and said one of the twenty mottos of Nagakaporos, "Forever and ever, we are the ones who move"...

After thinking for a moment, the other party finally nodded, indicating that he understood, and then turned and entered the temple hall.

After a while, the door of the main hall was opened, and a tall figure walked out from it.

This is a typical Baru, she has green eyes like sea snakes and quite exaggerated muscles and figure - it is no exaggeration to say that she is the tallest person Lux has ever seen.

She is obviously a woman, but Illaoi is even half a head taller than Lux's father Pete and Vander!
In terms of her attire, she seemed to be not much different from the other priests, but for some reason, when she appeared, Lux's eyes were firmly attracted to her.

She is not good-looking, or does not conform to the world's aesthetics.

But an indescribable charm filled her whole body, making people unable to take their eyes off her.

When walking out of the temple, Illaoi was holding a stone statue with flowing divine power in her right hand, and she was stuffing a fully ripe, peeled mango into her mouth with her left hand.

Then, while chewing on the mango, she scanned the entire courtyard with her majestic gaze, and finally locked on to Lux who was wearing a cloak.

"I am Illaoi."

She carried the stone statue on her shoulder, and spat out the mango core in her mouth—the flat core swirled in the air, drew an arc, and fell into the trash can.

"Is that what you're looking for me?"

 Carya's Small Classroom Illaoi's Mango:

  Like Planck's love of oranges, Illaoi's love of mangoes.

  However, she is much better than Plank when it comes to eating fruit—at least she likes to peel it.

  Plus update 10/30, there should be another update!
(End of this chapter)

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