Lux's Farewell

Chapter 175 [0172] The trial of the true

Chapter 175 [0172] The trial of the true
"It's me." According to Karya's guidance, Lux temporarily let go of her sword hilt and completely disconnected from Karya, "It was I who came to the temple of Nagakaporos and listened to the truth. teaching."

"A pink face, really rare." Illaoi moved her mouth, as if she was swallowing all the mango flesh, "Are you also here to accept the test of the snake mother?"

"If it is not necessary, don't increase the entity." Lak nodded without hesitation, "This is the main purpose of my trip."

Seeing Lux's answer without any hesitation, Illaoi's eyes brightened obviously.

The sea beast priest raised the statue in his hand without hesitation, and stretched it forward—with this movement, Lux felt a kind of pulling that seemed to be at the level of the soul.

According to Kalya's teaching, she did not resist the pull, but opened her arms, and greeted the trial from Illaoi under the astonished eyes of the other priests.

The next moment, with a brief blur of consciousness, Lux came to a world of blue.


This is very similar to Karya's desert world.

It's not that the azure ocean is similar to the golden desert, but that this wonderful space is similar to the Karya simulation training ground.

Shaking her head, Lacus tried her best not to think about these things - Kalya had specially told her not to think about or mention herself during the trial.

Taking two deep breaths, Lux walked on the endless ocean.

It looks like an ocean here, but it is actually completely different from the real ocean.

You can walk freely on the vast expanse of blue waves, but under the azure blue, there is a silence like the stagnation of time and space.

This is a silent world.

Lux looked around, but found no trace of activity, so she was somewhat curious.

Isn't it said that Nagakaporos is a god who advocates sports?

Why was the world so silent during Illaoi's trial?
In the absolute stillness, time and space seem to have lost their original concepts. Lacus walked on the sea, hoping to find some changes, but unfortunately, she didn't know how long she had been walking, and she didn't know how long she had been walking. How far away, but everything in front of me seems to have not changed at all, it is still the same as before.

For some reason, Lux felt sad, she began to sing loudly, and she began to change her posture—and the world seemed to respond to her, the sea no longer supported her feet, and Lux ​​finally changed from walking to became swimming.

As Lux began to slap the surface of the water, waves finally appeared on the originally mirror-like calm sea.

It seems that because Lux made a change, the world also changed accordingly.

This connection surprised Lacus, her thoughts began to become mixed, and the world also began to become chaotic. An indescribable longing began to grow deep in her heart, making Lacus unable to vomit.

Finally the wind picked up at sea.

In the wind and waves, Lux swims vigorously while searching for her desire.

Then, just when Lux was getting more and more tired, gradually unable to lift her arms and step on the sea water, a familiar and kind strength finally emerged.

The next moment, in front of Lux, a golden sandy beach quietly emerged.

Lux, who was struggling to swim in the waves, climbed onto the beach exhaustedly, and closed her eyes tiredly—and when she opened her eyes again, she had already returned to the temple, standing in front of Illaoi.

One moment the icy sea water and the howling storm seemed to be around me, but the next moment his nose smelled the smell of mangoes. Standing opposite Lux, Illaoi seemed to be getting impatient and peeled another mango. Mango, just about to be stuffed into your mouth.

"Hehe, are you awake?" Looking at Lux whose eyes gradually changed from dazed to firm, Illaoi showed an expression of interest, "It seems that your trial results are not bad... Do you want a mango?"


Lux didn't speak, just shook her head subconsciously.

"So, do you know what you should do?" Illaoi didn't care about Lux's indifference, and continued, "A foreign pink face can pass the test of Nagakaporos, this kind of thing I’ve never seen it—tell me, what is your purpose, since you have passed the test and found your destiny, the church will help you walk that path.”

"I don't need it anymore." Lux, who had completely recovered, grabbed the hilt of her sword, "Participating in the trial is my purpose."

This statement gave Illaoi a rare sense of awe, she stopped stuffing the mango into her mouth, looked up and down Lacus as if meeting her for the first time, and finally spoke in a rather surprised tone.

"Your understanding of the proverbs has already surpassed that of many incompetent guys. They only asked me why I accepted the pink face, but they never thought about it. In front of Nagakaporos, there was never a reason."

"Yeah, there's never a reason." Lux nodded, showing her trademark bright smile again, "I like this sentence very much, some things are just like this, and there's never a reason—thanks , Ms. Illaoi, I am very glad to meet you and get to know you. I don’t know if anyone has told you that you are a very attractive person.”

The corners of Illaoi's mouth rose slightly.

"...except when eating mangoes whole."

Illaoi's smile froze on her face - Lux's words were not covered up in any way, and many low-ranking priests around heard her complaints, and the inside and outside of the temple was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Then, when Illaoi came back to her senses and wanted to say something, Lux's figure had briskly left the temple, and disappeared behind the Baru sculpture outside the wall.

In the end, Illaoi just snorted, and simply put the peeled mango to her mouth—after a moment of hesitation, she finally didn't stuff the whole one in, but opened her mouth wide, and gnawed half of it in one bite.

"What are you looking at?" Illaoi chewed the fruit with satisfaction, and looked around. "Do you want to have a trial too?"


Although the priests are very pious, they dare not rashly undergo the trial of Nagakaporos brought by Illaoi, which is a real trial of the divine soul, and no matter how pious the soul is, If you are not tenacious and firm enough, you will still get lost in it.

Even knowing that Illaoi would not conduct the trial rashly, the priests all lowered their heads when her snake eyes swept over her.

After eating the remaining pulp in the second bite, Illaoi threw the mango core into the trash can beside her, picked up Shenzi with one hand, and finally turned back to the temple.

"If it's not necessary, don't multiply entities. The result of the trial is the trial itself—what an interesting pink-faced girl..."

 Carya's Little Classroom · Pink Face:

  Pink face is what the Baru people call people outside the Python Islands. It should be regarded as a neutral word, but it is often used with a bit of yin and yang.

  Add more 11/30, I have given up adjusting the biological clock, what do I like.

(End of this chapter)

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