Lux's Farewell

Chapter 176 [0173] Goodbye Sarah

Chapter 176 [0173] Goodbye Sarah
Lux was in an unprecedentedly good mood.

Although she cheated in the strict sense of passing the Nagakaporos trial—the last beach was clearly made by Karya—so she didn’t get much Nagakaboros The blessing of divine power, but her purpose of participating in the trial is not purely for divine power.

For Lux, more important than the divine power itself is how to control the divine power and how to face the gods.

This time, she finally had the answer.

"Hey, Karya, haven't you been thinking about this for a long time?" Playfully leaving a sentence "except when eating mangoes whole", Lax quickly left the snake mother's temple, pressing the hilt of her sword and Kalya said, "And, did you deliberately allow me to obtain part of Nagakaporos' divine power?"

"Our little Lacus is a lot smarter this time." Carya said in a relieved tone, "Before I decrypted it, I understood the second purpose."

"Is it for climbing Mount Targon?" Lux ignored Kalya's teasing, "You seem to be full of hostility towards them from the beginning..."

"This can't be considered hostility." Kalya said in a helpless tone, "at most it is hatred."


Hearing Kalya say the word "hate", even though the tone was still as calm as usual, Lux still felt something was wrong.

"You've told me a lot of stories." After pondering for a moment, Lux finally said, "But you seldom told me about giant gods."

"Because there is nothing to say." Kalya pondered for a moment, "It is obvious that mortals are struggling to survive, but the giant god sent an oracle to usurp the results, and won the worship of Shurima in exchange for divine power... The historical story itself is not What matters is the warnings and lessons it teaches us."

"So what's your lesson?"

"Power always has a price." Kalya thought for a while, and gave a rather vague answer, "A forced choice often means drinking poison to quench thirst."

These two painful lessons silenced Lux.

"Don't be sad, you see, I have seen it all." Kalya then chuckled, "To be honest, I have also suffered from past failures, but it has been a long time, as long as I don't stop thinking, these problems can always be figured out ——And, don’t you still have you now?”

"And I?"

"Yes." Kalya said with relief, "Although your magic level is the worst class I have ever taught...but you are doing pretty well in other areas."


"Well, it's about the choice of the road, the quality of will and so on." Kalya worked hard to organize the words, "Although he is sometimes stupid, he is always a good boy."

"Hahahaha, Karya, you don't know how to praise people at all!" Lacus smiled and rolled her eyes, then stretched her waist, "You won't be likable like this!"

"Darkborns never need to be liked." Kalya said indifferently, "Besides, even before I became a darkborn, I never cared about popularity—I'm not Miss Laxana, who everyone loves. ~"

"Ah, ah, shut up, don't use such strange names!"

"What's the matter, my dear Miss Laxana?"

"Call me Lux!"

"Okay, Laxana, no problem, Laxana!"




While talking and laughing, Lacus returned to Mouse Town and entered a tavern.

Playing and playing, after experiencing Illaoi's trial, Lux is really hungry now—maybe because the blessing of divine power is different from before, she feels that she can even eat at this time next cow.

Creating a shadow in front of her face again, Lux found a corner to sit down and ordered a set meal for two.

It's not enough for one person.

However, after the set meal was served, a familiar slim figure came uninvited and sat opposite to Lacus.

"Miss Shadow, how did you know I was coming?" Sarah Doom took the initiative to pick up the knife and fork like an old friend, "I even ordered one... But you may not know, I don't like sardines. "

"If you don't like it, just put it down." Lacus tore off a large piece of bread, dipped it in the thick soup, and then stuffed it into her mouth, "I prepared that for myself."

"It seems that our Miss Shadow is very hungry." Sarah heard the words and put down the tableware, snapped her fingers and called the waiter to serve herself another one, "Why, is the temple of the snake mother no longer caring for food? ?”

"Take care of the food?" Lux who was wolfing down was stunned for a moment, "Why do you take care of the food?"

"During the missionary day, anyone who is willing to listen to the teachings of the Snake Mother can have a full meal at the temple." Sarah leaned back on the back of the chair and crossed her legs. "Why, you don't know?"

"Anthracene, today is not a missionary day." Lux shook her head, "Besides, I have to leave quickly—slower, I'm afraid that Ms. Illaoi will make trouble for me."

"You messed with Illaoi?" Sarah was a little confused, "She... you dare to mess with her?"

"I'm just telling the truth, I told her that it's not pretty to eat mango whole." Lux continued to gobble up, "Since you pay so much attention to me, you should know that I met Planck before going to the temple. ?”

"I know." Sarah nodded, "That's why I came to you."

The last verbal confrontation failed, and Sarah later reflected on herself—although she still didn't know the identity of the shadow lady, what was certain was that the other party didn't seem to have any malice towards her.

So, when she saw Lacus again, she simply chose to speak directly without going around in circles at all.

"You went to Planck, but you didn't bring back the ship's mark."

"Yeah, the Golden Siren didn't spend it, and even made a fortune." Lux untied the bag from her waist and put it on the table, "Planke is so generous once in a while."

Planck being generous once?
Even though Sarah made many assumptions and preparations, she still found that she couldn't keep up with the other party's thinking and absurd reality.

"In short, you probably want to make trouble for Planck, right?" In Sarah's daze, Lux ate a large piece of bread again, "Then can you tell me about your follow-up plan?"

"Following plans?"

"It's the question of where Bilgewater should go without the Pirate King." Lux explained, "I don't mind replacing it, I'm more interested in the latter part—let me hear your plan."

" plan." Shaking her head, Sarah said frankly, "I'm just an avenger, hoping to see Planck sunk into hell, that's all."

 Carya's Little Classroom·Lovers:

  Planck and Illaoi used to be lovers, but Illaoi, who pursued divinity, dumped Planck later-according to her words, who can choose a stinky man between divinity and a man?
  But... that doesn't mean they don't have feelings for each other.

  There are updates at night, and the schedule is really hell to the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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