Lux's Farewell

Chapter 177 【0174】

Chapter 177 【0174】

Lacus never expected that Sarah would be so frank; and what she never expected was that Sarah, you big-eyed, thick-eyed person, would kill you and leave him alone—killing Planck is easy, but what will happen to Bilgewater after that? ?
"I thought you had a plan." Lux picked up a corner of bread and dipped it in seafood soup. "If it's just for personal revenge... To be honest, I'm afraid I won't provide any help."


"If you're willing to think about Bilgewater's future after dealing with your personal issues, then maybe we can talk." Lux stuffed the bread into her mouth and mumbled, "If you really If you can't figure out what you want, I recommend you to talk to Illaoi, although she looks fierce, her trials are really effective."

Sarah looked at Lux with some doubts, and didn't know for a moment whether she was joking or serious—in Bilgewater, there will indeed be some desperate guys who go to Illaoi to accept the trial, but they The result is that they lose their souls, become a stone statue, and are thrown into the tide by the priests.

Lux's suggestion sounded like he was killing himself!

"Although it sounds dangerous." Lux ate happily, "but at least it can help you get out of hatred—hatred is the driving force, but it is also the claw of darkness that drags you into the abyss. Now that you have If you have a plan for revenge, then at least you have to think clearly about the future after the revenge."

What Kalya said and Lux ​​repeated, Sara fell into deep thought.

Recently, Sarah has been repeatedly confirming her revenge plan, but as Kalya said, she didn't actually think about doing something after her revenge.

Sail out to sea on the Siren?
Or become the new king of Bilgewater?

Or simply self-destruct when the fire starts?
Sarah suddenly had a headache.

Hate creates motivation.

But the hatred itself is also heavy.

No one knows this feeling better than Karya.

In the dignified atmosphere, Sarah's set meal also arrived.

But she obviously lost her appetite.

In line with the principle of not wasting food, after asking about it, Lux pulled her share to her in front of her—although it wasn't very palatable, it was still edible.

In addition to feasting, she also conveyed a few words to Karya from time to time, and every time Karya said a word, Sarah became silent.

When Lux settled the three set meals, Sarah finally raised her head.

"Did that priest also teach you these words?" She let out a long breath, like a drowning person trying to empty her lungs, "Is this also the will of the snake mother?"

"No, it's just sympathy for a fellow sufferer." Lux blinked and continued to play the role of an emotionless translation machine, "People who are also struggling in the vortex of hatred, when they go ashore, naturally they have to do what they can Give it a pull."

"Ha, in other words, am I being pitied?" Sarah forced a joking gesture, "Little sister, don't pretend to be an adult here..."

"Do you want me to remind you again?" Lacus changed her voice, "Appearance is not enough to judge, what you see may not be true."

"Your false voice skills are good, but there are still traces." Sarah shook her head, as if she would not be fooled a second time, "Let's stop going around in circles and tell me, what do you want me to do?" What—after Planck is done?"

"Please don't make it sound like I'm a big villain who planned everything." Lux sighed helplessly, "I just hope that, if possible, Bilgewater can go on the right path."

"The right way?" Sarah seemed to have heard a very funny joke, "This is Bilgewater, where there are only drunken and rotten pirates, as well as pheasants and ducks waiting to be completely spoiled."

"In this world, I'm afraid that no one is born a drunken pirate." Lux shook her head, "Bilgewater's geographical location is very good, and it is fully qualified to be a maritime trade transit point like Piltover. .”

"Piltover owns the canal." Sarah shook her head. "Bilgewater doesn't have that."

"But Bilgewater has a good and safe deep-water port." Lux threw two silver snake coins to the waiter, "Let's go, we may need to find a quiet place to talk."


Sarah didn't know what she was thinking, and she finally brought Lux to one of her secret strongholds.

"Do you have a map?" This time Lux showed a familiar look, "It's better to be a map of Runeterra or a big navigation map..."

"How about this one?" Sarah thought for a while, took out a nautical chart of the Overwatch Sea, and spread it out on the table, "Is it big enough?"

"Almost." Looking at the map, Lux nodded, "There are Ionia, Noxus, Blue Flame Islands, and Kumangu, that's enough - mind if I mark it?"

Sarah nodded and handed Lux ​​a charcoal pencil.

"The war in Ionia is coming to an end." Lux took the pen and pointed at Ionia, "The Noxians are finished. After the Battle of Presidium, their defeat has only A matter of time."

"I know." Sarah nodded, "The news has already spread."

"Ionia will not remain closed in the past." Lux continued, "And as we all know, the land of the first birth is full of gold."

"Planck once took advantage of the war to loot an Ionian temple. There are indeed many good things." Sarah nodded again, "You mean, they will fight back against Noxus?"

"This is not necessarily true, but what is certain is that the open Ionian market and Ionian products will have a huge impact on all commercial cities along the entire coast of the Watching Sea."

"Really?" Sarah clearly never thought about it, "but I've never heard of it before."

"That's because Ionia has been in a state of war before." Lux is extremely confident, "Now that the war is over, unless Ionia intends to completely return to the state of being slaughtered before the war, they must open the country .”

"Even so, what does this have to do with Bilgewater?"

"Except for the Noxians, who else can reach the Ionians along the entire Watch Sea?" Lux asked back, "The Ionians themselves have no ships and no navy. trade, who will do it?"

Sarah is no fool.

It's not that she doesn't understand this question, but that she has never thought about it.

After Lux made her words clear to this point, Sarah had already fully understood what she meant.

"For the most part, the Bilgewater people are known as water rats, old fur seals, and marauders largely because fishing and hunting sea monsters alone is not enough to fully feed all the people here." Ignored With Sarah's uncertain expression, Lux continued, "But now, as long as the Ionian War is over, a brand new opportunity will be presented to Bilgewater."


"Should I continue to be a sea mouse or a sea coachman?" Lux put a question mark on Bilgewater's place. "Now, this is the main question you have to think about."

"What about Planck?"

"If you figured it out, Planck wouldn't be a problem."

 Carya's Little Classroom Ionia's Navy:
  Before the Noxians came, the Ionians did not have the concept of a navy.

  And even after the Noxians came, the Ionians realized the significance of coastal defense, but they still didn't have a navy—they didn't have the technology to build warships at all.

  PS. I won’t add any updates tonight. I will update what I wrote later tomorrow, so that no matter how much I work and rest, the update time can be determined at [-]:[-] pm, which should be better.

(End of this chapter)

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