Lux's Farewell

Chapter 178 [0175]

Chapter 178 [0175]

For Sarah, the topic of her conversation with Lacus was completely off the mark.

She originally wanted to talk to Lux about Planck, and try to win Miss Shadow to her side.

But under the leadership of Lux, the two chatted and chatted, and they talked about the war that was about to end, and the future of Bilgewater...

Sarah, however, did not resent this digression.

As one of the few "intelligent players" in Bilgewater, Sarah is a person who likes to make plans and execute them step by step.

For example, this revenge.

In order for Planck to sink into the abyss with his rule, Sarah made a plan that was not huge but detailed enough - Planck was very strong, and his fleet was even stronger, but Sarah did not intend to fight with him. Head to head.

Although not completely sure, even if the plan fails, Planck will not be able to find Sarah.

As an Avenger, Sarah has planned and prepared for ten years. She doesn't want anyone or anything to disturb her.

But what Sarah never expected was that this digression made her feel a kind of sincere enjoyment-the sweetness of planning to get a share of a great trade is probably second only to Prang When Ke's body appeared in front of him.

Lux's narration continued.

"There are sailors in Bilgewater who have nothing to do. As long as there is a ship, they can run from Ionia to Longmen, to Mud Town, and to Piltover, and those unique to Ionia. As long as you roll around in the Watching Sea, the price will increase countless times."

"That's a good point, but no one wants to do business with pirates." Sarah fully entered the role, "Except when buying a ship's mark."

"The Ionians have no choice." Lux shook her head, "They can't do business with the Noxians, can they?"

"The purchase channel may be opened up, but what about the shipment?" Sarah unconsciously twirled her long fiery red hair with her fingers, "To be honest, I'm not a professional businessman, but I know very well that I want to sell the goods. Going out doesn't seem to be an easy task."

"Zuan is very happy to be a secondary distributor." Lux finally brought up the crux of the problem, "I promise."

Sarah raised her eyebrows, and instead of foolishly asking Lux what kind of guarantee she used, she asked a more realistic question: "There is no port in Zaun, so will the goods go to Piltover?"

"There is no port in Zaun for the time being." Lux corrected, "If you pay enough attention to the situation in Zaun, you will find that there are more and more calls for Zaun to open a port by itself recently."

"Then I might as well cooperate with Mrs. Piltover." Sarah smiled, "Although the Piltovers are not likable, their port wharf makes me envious."

"If you plan to be kicked away by Piltover, then you can cooperate with them." Lark didn't care about Sarah's "threat" at all, and pointed to the Piltover sign on the map with his pen Jinhex on board, "Zuun and Ionia have no ships and no navy, so everyone can cooperate; but it's not that Mrs. Piltover doesn't have ships, they just don't have routes and no navy."

"Why, you want to say that if I cooperate with the Picheng guys, they will turn their backs on customers?"

"You know that very well."

"So, you represent Zaun?" Sarah hugged her shoulders, "Can you even guarantee that Zaun will build a port for the trade that has not yet started?"

"Naturally." Lurk nodded without hesitation, "Finding a reliable partner is also the main purpose of my coming to Bilgewater."

"So, you went to see Planck." Sarah was thoughtful, "It seems that this disaster of the sea did not leave a good impression on you."

"In terms of attitude alone, Planck's performance is not bad." Lux pointed to the purse at her waist, "But it's a pity, after all, it's not the same way."

"Understood." Sarah nodded, "He is more greedy and cruel than anyone else, and he will definitely not do business honestly..."

"So he gave me some money and wanted me to do the business."

"Wait, is that money he gave you?" Sarah's eyes widened. "Ask you to be in charge of building a caravan and conducting trade?"

"It can't be regarded as giving." Lacus corrected, "It's a loan, and you have to pay interest."

"Then wouldn't he send someone to follow you?" Sarah immediately became nervous, "In other words, his subordinates have already followed here?"

"No, it's been thrown away." Lux shook her head, "I went to the temple of Nagakaporos, and Planck's men don't have the courage to stare at the temple yet."

"But you came out."

"When I came out, those stalkers had already left." Lak didn't care at all, "You can rest assured that I won't come to your secret stronghold with a tail... well, stop talking nonsense , now, tell me your resolution!"

"Do I have any other choice?" Sarah raised her face slightly, and snorted dissatisfiedly, "You have found my secret base and proved that Planck is very optimistic about this trade... No matter where From the point of view, I have no reason to reject your proposal, right?"

"I just found out about one of your secret bases." According to Kalya's prompt, Lux corrected, "Also, I didn't ask about your revenge plan, please don't use such a misleading description...I didn't Any coercion, it's just a normal trade exchange."

"Normal trade exchanges... really interesting." Sarah couldn't help shaking her head, who couldn't take advantage of it verbally, "I heard that Zaun has changed a lot in the past few years, and now it seems that I have found something. reasons for the change."

"Thank you for the compliment." Lux nodded, and put down the pen in her hand, "It's almost time, I'm afraid I'm going to go out for a walk—if I don't show up again, Plank may be really anxious."

"Go!" Sarah waved her hand, "Oh, it's already been planned, and now I need to add an appendix...Miss Shadow, you really brought me a lot of trouble!"

"If you can bring me the same trouble of happiness, I will be very happy instead." Lux stood up, turned and left, "Then, I will wait for your big move!"

"Do you need a VIP viewing ticket?"

"No need, it should be available on Planck's side."

"...Then you have to be careful, if you are accidentally injured by me, I will not be responsible for anything."

"No, don't worry!"

A moment later, Lux appeared at the bounty exchange point in Rat Town.

And after she finished exchanging the bounty (the material was kindly sponsored by Sarah) and left the exchange point, several sneaky figures who had been wandering around before finally approached.

Both the stalker and the stalked were slightly relieved at this time.

 Karya's Little Classroom Sarah's Hate:
  Both Sarah's parents died at the hands of Plank, and there was a real blood feud between her and Plank.

(End of this chapter)

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