Lux's Farewell

Chapter 179 [0176]

Chapter 179 [0176]
The timely appearance of Lacus saved the Hook gang thugs who were in charge of following her from the fate of being reduced to living bone carvings.

Plank soon got the news that Lux appeared again and exchanged a bounty.

This explained Lux's whereabouts very well, but the suspicious Planck still felt a little uncomfortable.

If possible, he really didn't want an outsider with unknown details to become an agent of this trade.

But Planck really had no choice.

Camille wanted him to be in charge of transportation, so he explained the prospect of Ionian trade to him—but as Carya said, Planck was not only not moved, but felt a huge sense of crisis from it .

Joining this trade means becoming a vassal of Piltover; allowing other pirates and gangs to conduct this trade means giving the other party a chance to rise.

In this case, he will find someone who is not so strong and can be controlled to subcontract this trade.

The crow is a good choice, but compared to the crow, the insidious outsider Miss Shadow seems to be better-the crow has a bad relationship with other gangs because of its cruelty and eccentricity, and Plank is easier to control; and this newcomer Miss Shadow, there is no manpower at all. If you want to engage in trade and build a team, you can only go to those wandering old sea dogs.

In this case, she has better control than the crow.

Originally, Plank thought his plan was perfect, until his subordinates reported that Lux went to the temple of the snake mother.

Planck, who once had a relationship with Illaoi and experienced the trial of the snake mother, knows the greatness of Nagakaporos better than anyone else.

It is no exaggeration to say that Planck was able to get to where he is today, of course because he is cunning and ruthless enough, but the help given to him in that trial was also extremely amazing.

If Miss Shadow passes Illaoi's test...

That would suck.

Planck needs a businessman who is under his control and who can draw the ship's money at will, not a guy who is powerful and may even challenge himself.

In fact, if it wasn't for the man's self-esteem, he would have already taken the initiative to visit the door when he was reported by his subordinates that Miss Shadow had gone to the Temple of the Snake Mother!
At this moment, Plank finally realized that he did not have enough control over this Miss Shadow.

Fortunately, he at least has a lot of control over Bilgewater—considering that with the start of Ionian trade, this port may usher in some changes, Plank feels that he should also strengthen Bilgewater. Walter's cognition.

Blood and death are always a good warning to those who are about to move.

Thinking of this, Plank finally relaxed. He took out an orange again. This time, he didn't stuff it into his mouth with the skin. Instead, he took a small knife from his waist and began to peel it slowly.

Even that wasn't enough, after peeling, he peeled off the tangerine tangerine petal by petal, as if the delicate white tangerine tangerines were some kind of deadly poison.

In the eyes of the Bilgewater people, Planck represented strength and tyranny.

This makes many people subconsciously forget that this is also a cunning guy who likes to use his brain.

In Planck's hands, an orange was quickly peeled clean. He nodded with satisfaction, and then stuffed a piece of orange into his mouth.

The sweet and delicious orange juice burst in his mouth, and the slightly sour taste made Plank squint his eyes. He stood up and looked at the fishing boats moored at the slaughtering pier, and finally his heart moved slightly.

Planck had a great idea.


It is impossible to see Illaoi. As the person who was dumped, Plank has his own dignity and will never take the initiative to find Illaoi.

However, Plank was still very concerned about the fact that Miss Shadow went to the temple—plus he wanted to frighten the guy who might have thoughts that he shouldn't have in the future, and a vicious plan was quickly brewed .

The next day, an unbelievable rumor circulated in Bilgewater.

On Planck's flagship Nether Abyss, the largest main gun "Death's Daughter" is about to be decommissioned. Three days later, this decommissioned main gun will be dedicated to the snake mother—and when it sank into the sea At that time, Planck will choose a fleet to "see off" for it.

Even the pirates have never heard of such a thing as burying a main gun with a fleet. While the various pirate gangs were tremblingly discussing countermeasures, the Iron Hook gang under Planck sent out commissioners and began to investigate the situation of the ships in each fleet. .

It seemed that Planck was really planning to stage a monstrous sacrifice, sending some hapless fleet to meet the Mother Snake.

The atmosphere in Bilgewater soon became tense.

Even if he is the "King of Pirates" recognized by the pirates, Planck's behavior has caused dissatisfaction among many people-they are afraid of Planck's power, and they dare not do anything on the surface, but secretly However, many people started their own calculations.

Although it is not feasible for pirates to say that they get more help than others, but such unbridled power as Planck will still cause strong backlash. The fleet is the lifeblood of pirates. Wang, doing so has indeed crossed the line.

Did Planck know?

Planck knew it better than anyone.

Although a pirate, Plank was also good at fishing.

In the face of rumors, the cunning old seals can still hold their breath, but there are always young people who are too aggressive and stand out.

As a result, the two guys who were running around the night before, contacting against Planck, were betrayed by their companions the next morning, and their bodies were hung on the Butcher's Bridge.

Planck chose a perfect angle for them, ensuring that anyone who entered Bilgewater could see the bodies of the two "betrayers" as long as they looked up.

And their ship will be distributed to their deputy as a reward—Planck's undisguised promotion almost directly declares who is the real betrayer.

Then, no one mentioned the matter of being buried in a boat. At this stage, anyone with a brain would have realized that Planck was fishing.

In any normal regime, this kind of behavior of finding trouble for nothing is a toss that will only lead to disunity.

But to the pirates, Planck's actions only made people feel cunning and cruel.

After this incident, the apparent obedience of the pirates has increased a lot, and it is much more difficult to trust each other and work together to do something.

For this result, Planck is very satisfied.

The next day, Lacus received an invitation, and Planck invited her to discuss the manpower issue for the Ionian trade. The letter mentioned that he had prepared two available people for the Ionian trade.

If nothing else, these two "available people" should be the two real betrayers.

And together with this invitation, Lux received a note from Sarah.

The message on the note was simple: "The tide is rising."

 Carya's Little Classroom: Daughter of Death:

  The main gun of the Nether Abyss was a [-]-inch super naval gun—but now it has passed its useful life and should be scrapped.

(End of this chapter)

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