Lux's Farewell

Chapter 180 [0177] The curtain opens

Chapter 180 [0177] The curtain opens
"Tell me, how is Sarah going to complete her revenge?" Lux sent the note to the flames, and while watching it turn into ashes, she asked curiously, "Planck is not a good one to deal with." guy."

"It's hard to say, but in general, it should be closer to a sneak attack, right?" Kalya said uncertainly, "If I have to say it, do you still remember Singed and the gas bomb he prepared?"

"You mean, find a way to hold Planck down, and then use naval guns to resolve the battle?" Lux blinked, "Well, this method may be successful, but the question is, who can hold Planck down? What about Ke? Isn't she planning to drag me into the water?"

"Probably not." Carya pondered for a moment, "You are just preliminary partners—remember when Sarah took the initiative to find you? She seemed to be ready at that time, and she found you to take the initiative to give advice, probably not Hope you have some influence on her plans."

"If you think about it now, I'm afraid that's true." Lux thought for a while, and finally nodded, "If you say that, I'm even more curious. What does Sarah want to use to hold Planck back? That guy is not easy to deal with. .”

"This is Sarah's own way." Kalya didn't bother with this issue, "Anyway, we can always see it—we are the audience in this performance, and after this scene is over, it will be time for us to appear on the stage Woolen cloth!"

"That's right." Lux blinked, and then smiled, "Well, compared to Sarah's plan, maybe I should pay more attention to the two 'deputies' that Planck prepared for me. , You said that these two lieutenants, could they be the two who betrayed their captain before and were reported by Planck?"

"I guess so." Carya smacked her lips. "Although if you really want to engage in trade, you need experienced captains and sailors, but I don't think Plank has that kindness."

"This guy is really cunning." Lux couldn't help shaking her head when she heard the words, "If my purpose is to do business with him, I'm afraid I will really be disgusted."

"So Planck didn't just rely on power to rule Bilgewater." Kalya seemed to think of something, and his tone was a bit intriguing, "He doesn't have any ideals to speak of, and his behavior is extremely despicable, but this It doesn't prevent him from being clever enough—well, the time for chatting is over, and it's time for us to go to the appointment."

"Let's go then." Lux stood up, and wiped her left hand in front of her face, the shadow covered her face again, "Let's meet those two traitors."


The location of this meeting is still the Butcher's Bridge.

When Lux arrived, Planck was lowering his head, like a doctor, concentrating all his attention on the stretcher in front of him.

His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and his entire forearm was soaked in blood. The strong smell of blood made Lacus frowned.

"Captain, Miss Shadow is here."

The movement of Planck's hands obviously paused, but he didn't raise his head immediately, but his shoulders shook rapidly, and the speed was obviously accelerated—just when Lux couldn't help frowning, he suddenly picked up the He picked up the wine bottle on the table and bit off the cork.

With a painful wail, most of the bottle of rum was poured on the stretcher, and the guy on the stretcher, stimulated by the pain, finally let out hoarse prayers.


"Your voice is really ugly." Plank threw away the knife in his hand impatiently, waved his hand and called a few thugs from the Hook Gang, "This material is not up to standard."

The thugs of the Hook gang nodded one after another, and then reached out to lift the stretcher—at this moment, Lux finally saw clearly everything that was previously blocked by Planck's large body.

On that stretcher, a pale man was tied up. The skin on his thigh was cut open, the muscles were completely peeled off, and a large number of complex lines were carved out of the white bones with a knife.

The blood seemed to be a natural colorant, staining the cross-section of the sculpture, and in a flash, Lux clearly saw the bright red waves, sails and tentacles.

"You're here?" Planck watched the stretcher leave the room with dissatisfaction, and then poured the remaining rum in the bottle into his hand. "It's a pity that I didn't let you see the finished product."

"...the finished product?"

"The finished bone carving." Like an artist, Planck wiped the blood and wine from his hands on his coat. "Nowadays, few people are as patient as me."

When the word bone carving was mentioned, the surrounding members of the Hook Gang were obviously a little scared.

But for Lux, such a cruel and heinous behavior would only make her extremely angry—if it wasn't very clear that Sarah was already laying out a plan to kill Planck completely, if it wasn't for Karya's efforts to guide her , she might have drawn her sword out of its sheath!

"There are very few living bone carving materials." Lacus gritted her teeth and repeated the lines given by Kalya, "It's a pity that I don't know art."

"That's really a pity." Plank didn't seem to care about Lacus's stiff tone at all, "Actually, Bilgewater's art is easy to understand, there is no absolute garbage here, even if it is a bastard who owes money and doesn't pay back , at least the femur is also smooth and straight..."

Lux didn't speak.

She was sure that Planck's bone carving and the sentence just now were threats to herself!
"Since you're here, come and meet the two lieutenants I've found for you!" Planck seemed satisfied with Lacus' silence, and after wiping his hands clean, he pulled the hanging chair over happily. He sat on it calmly, "Huck, Bua, come and show your face and meet your future captain."

Two people stood up.

"This is Huck. He used to work for Scarlet Blade." Plank introduced the identities of these two people to Lacus as if he was an enthusiastic introducer. "This is Buya, silent and reliable."

Lux nodded, but the expression on the face under the shadow could not be seen clearly.

Neither Huck nor Bua paid attention to her. They stood beside Planck on the left and right, with their shoulders raised high and their necks slightly lowered, as if they were two loyal hunting dogs. .

"Huck and Bua." Lacus nodded, "The names are easy to remember."

"Maybe you can check them briefly." Plank smiled, "There must always be an order between the first mate and the second mate."

However, although Planck said that he wanted Lux ​​to inspect them, he didn't mean to get up at all—obviously, he planned to participate in the entire inspection.

 Carya's Little Classroom Betrayer:
  In Bilgewater, betrayers are very contemptible—especially those who are in the same boat. Here, betrayal is an absolute mortal enemy, the kind that cannot be reconciled.

  Even Planck looked down on traitors.

(End of this chapter)

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