Lux's Farewell

Chapter 181 [0178] Rats in the warehouse

Chapter 181 [0178] Rats in the warehouse
Lux is not a merchant, let alone shipping—but Carya knows some trade.

Through Karya's technical guidance, Lacus conducted a very professional interview in front of Planck.

Lacus couldn't be more familiar with the interview process of simultaneous interpretation. Even Planck, who had been observing carefully, didn't find any problems. No matter in terms of words or style, Lacus was no different from those businessmen he had seen.

And what Planck is best at handling is this kind of businessman.

Huck and Booya also did well.

Huck is very concerned about his image, he seems to be a down-and-out nobleman in Noxus; the Buya people don't talk too much. Although there is no actual combat test, the cocoon holding a sailor knife and pulling a cable is completely different.

In trade, both guys are obviously useful.

Looks like Miss Shadow might be a good match with Huck and Bua?
Plank, who made this judgment, obviously relaxed a lot, and then, just as he leaned back slightly, waiting for Lux to finish the interview, there was a knock on the door.

Plank frowned.

A member of the Hook gang opened the door and walked quickly to Planck, lowering his head as if he wanted to say something.

"There's no need to mutter." Plank waved his hand, "It's good to just say it, Miss Shadow is not an outsider."

"Two mice sneaked into our warehouse." The visitor was stunned for a moment, and looked at Lacus in surprise, "They wanted to steal your things, but because of internal strife, they started fighting—now we have It's stuck in the second warehouse."

"There are a lot of such bold people in Bilgewater." Plank grinned, showing a dismissive expression, "I think I have a little ability, so I covet my things... the mouse should be hanged What's there to report at the slaughter docks?"

"One of them is a bit special." The iron hook pirate continued, "He is very good at playing cards, and seems to be a spellcaster—not a priest of the snake mother, but a spellcaster who uses card magic like a juggler."

"Spellcaster, ha, it's really interesting." Plank seemed to be lamenting the unusual status of the mouse today, but his eyes turned to Lux on the opposite side, "It seems that I have to stay with you for a while, daughter of death The funeral object came to the door by itself."

"Please." Lux seemed not to notice Planck's pun at all, and said nonchalantly, "I just want to see the practical ability of the first mate and the second mate in the future. Their words are good, but I hope Once on board, we can still reach our current level."

"Anthracene? Looks like Miss Shadow is ready for the boat?"

"That's natural." Lux nodded, "Thanks to Mr. Plank for his investment, I have absolute confidence in the upcoming trade."


With two new followers, Lux left Butcher's Bridge.

She didn't say a word along the way, just walked quietly, which made Huck and Bua who followed her a little uneasy.

The two men who betrayed their captain and joined Planck's command knew very well that it was difficult for them to be reused by Planck-but they also knew very well that even so, they must remain loyal to Planck.

No one wants to be a bone carving material.

Although Planck gave them to Miss Shadow as his deputy, and it seemed that Planck also attached great importance to Miss Shadow, these two guys obviously wouldn't foolishly think that they should change their families.

At least for now, their identities are still the eyeliners of "Planck sent to monitor Miss Shadow's business".

Therefore, Huck and Bua's attitudes are very correct, and respect is enough for this Miss Shadow.

In silence, the three came to White Harbor in Bilgewater.

This is the earliest urban area in Bilgewater Bay. It is a natural reef full of seabirds and non-feces, which is why White Harbor got its name.

Different from the prosperous slaughtering wharf, White Harbor is basically a slum and a cemetery for Bilgewater. Givot, the dead are not buried in the ground, but returned to the sea, and the place where they are placed is the water tomb.

There are countless buoys floating on the abandoned pier in the Bai Harbor area, and each buoy hangs the dead body and a few relics.

Even people who can't survive will not make plans for these relics and remains, because they belong to the sea, and making plans for them is to offend the snake mother.

Seeing that Miss Shadow entered White Harbor, both Huck and Bua hesitated—they couldn't figure out the situation and why Miss Shadow came to White Harbor.

Is her ship in White Harbor?
"Come here." Looking at these two hesitant guys, Lux waved towards them, "Our capital is limited, and every copper herring must be spent where it should be used... Although White Harbor is dilapidated, but here The shipyard price is the lowest.”

Huck and Bua looked at each other.

This is true, the declining White Harbor has the cheapest shipyards—however, compared to shipbuilding, they usually produce more buoys.

"From Bilgewater to Ionia, you can't rely on these thin-skinned coffins." Huck tried to tell a joke, "I suggest getting a reliable ship, or renting it if it doesn't work..."

Just when Huck was trying to ease the atmosphere, a bell sounded from afar.

The bell on the bow of the Nether Abyss moored at the Slaughter Wharf was rung.

Then, all the bells in Bilgewater, big and small, jingled.

The bell was Planck's summons, the pirate king's order.

Just two days ago, Plank had just used a summoning order-that time, after the sound of the bell attracted the attention of everyone in Bilgewater, Captain Huck and Bua's captain were called out in full view. Hanging on the most eye-catching position of Butcher's Bridge.

Today, the bell rang again.

It appears that someone has messed with Planck again.

Or...Planck has already prepared the funeral objects for the daughter of the god of death.

Huck and Bu Yaru, who heard the bell, were struck by lightning. The two who were hesitant to enter White Harbor subconsciously quickened their pace and followed behind Lacus.

Even for these two traitors, the sound of the bell seemed to be a reminder, arousing the fear in their hearts.

While the bell was ringing, the two guys who betrayed their captains lowered their heads and rushed behind Lacus, and soon came to the pier.

When Lux stood still, the two traitors, still in shock from the sound of the bell, finally raised their heads.

Afterwards, they looked at each other, and there was something wrong in their eyes.

This is not a shipyard, but the largest water grave in White Harbor!
"The betrayer will always pay the price." The bell of the slaughter dock in the distance stopped, and Lux's voice clearly reached their ears, "White Harbor is the best place to solve this problem."

"You are betraying, are you going to betray Planck?" Huck's eyes widened, "You will be hung under the Butcher's Bridge, and seagulls will peck at your body—"

Huck was trying to attract Lux's attention, but beside him, Bua had already pulled out the scimitar from his waist, and slashed at Lux directly.

His saber skills are sophisticated, the saber is silent, fast and hateful, and ordinary people have no way to parry it.

But unfortunately, his opponent is not an ordinary person.

Almost as soon as he raised the scimitar, a lightsaber pierced his chest—before the knife was cut, Lux's saber turned into a stream of light, piercing the guy's chest body.

At the same time, the sound of rumbling cannons sounded in the distance.

Many ships moored in the maintenance yard and "under repair" launched a salvo on the Nether Abyss in the port without warning.

Planck convened everyone, such as Givort, to prove his cruelty and strength again, but in the end, he was bombed in front of everyone.

"I am willing to surrender!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Huck simply knelt down on the ground, "You are my captain—"

It's a pity that Lux doesn't have the habit of collecting junk.

With a flash of light, Huck also fell on the pier.

 Types of Carya's Small Classroom·Water Tomb:
  Like cemeteries, there are tiers of water graves—the wealthy are placed in expensive and elaborate underwater coffins and hung under luxurious buoy headstones, while the corpses of the poor are often gathered in piles tied to each other. On old anchors, hanging under leaky barrels.

(End of this chapter)

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