Lux's Farewell

182 [0179] For whom the bell tolls

182 [0179] For whom the bell tolls
In the confusion, Graves floated up from the bottom of the sea.

He held Drizzt tightly with one hand, and paddled vigorously with the other.

Even for this daring lunatic, everything he experienced just now was a bit too exciting.

First, he heard about his former partner, Drizzt, and then he had a fight with Drizzt in the No. Funeral object of the cannon.

After falling into the sea, facing the threat of death, Graves finally forgave that bastard Drizzt, and sent Drizzt away from the sea with a handful of secretly hidden cards.

As a result, Drizzt didn't just run away like last time, but returned and managed to save Graves—then, just when they thought they were about to face the endless pursuit of the Hook Gang, a burst of astonishing artillery fire struck.

The deck of the Nether Abyss was washed by solid shells, and the whole ship began to sink crookedly.

Standing on the deck, Planck, who was planning a funeral for his beloved artillery one moment ago, disappeared into a sea of ​​flames the next moment.

Under such a shocking change, the whole Bilgewater boiled up. Planck summoned everyone to strengthen his authority, but in the end he let everyone know that the Abyss was over.

Graves couldn't think about it, so he could only pick up Drizzt who was drowning, and paddled hard to the shore.

"It's ironic." He was paddling sullenly, while muttering in his heart, "The wandering people in the big river can't swim at all...Damn it, how can you be so heavy?!"

Years passed, and Graves finally found his chance and poked his head above the water.

The bitter and salty seawater was coughed up, and he tried his best to pant, but he still found it difficult to breathe—the sea was filled with choking smoke, which made people unable to open their eyes.

Graves hadn't seen fires before.

But he could swear to his shotgun, he had never seen a fire burn like this, it looked as if someone threw the whole world into a fire pit-the Hades was completely over, and all that was left was all over the place. The wreckage in the bay is still smoking.

Splashing flames ignited everything, and the wooden houses on the pier crackled in the sea of ​​flames, and then collapsed one by one.

As Graves caught his breath, a flaming sail floated down, nearly dragging him and Drizzt back under the water.

When the spray from the mast died down, Graves finally found a broken plank, lifted Drizzt up, and dragged him to the shore.

Thankfully, the bastards of the Hook Gang no longer have the time and energy to trouble them. Facing the breathless Drizzt, Graves raised his fist and hit him dozens of times on the chest—— Before his chest cavity was completely smashed, Drizzt finally emptied the seawater in his lungs, and opened his eyes in confusion.

"It's really unlucky." Drizzt said in a daze, "I can see you even when I die."

"You're still alive and well!" Graves grinned, showing a smile uglier than crying, "And you owe me a life."

"That's what you owed me first." Drizzt snorted, and then coughed violently again, "Sure enough, if you are involved, nothing good will happen!"


Sarah stood on the deck of the Siren, looking out at the Slaughter Dock.

The flames in the distance danced in her eyes, and the wailing in the distance echoed in her ears.

The wreckage of the Abyss is burning, and Planck's men were either blown to death on the spot, or fell into the sea and drowned - considering that many tentacles have just rolled over in the waves, some people may have become a feast for sea monsters .

As expected, Miss Shadow did not cause any disturbance, and Sarah's plan was a success.

Three days earlier, Sarah had hired Drizzt to steal the dagger.

Then, she passed the message to Graves.

Through a little intelligence exchange, Miss Fortune managed to get the two enemies to fight under Planck's nose - and then Planck, as she expected, chose to execute the two guys in public.

Plank showed Drizzt and Graves in front of everyone like cattle, trying to remind everyone of their majesty and inviolability.

And this is the key that Sarah can use.

Planck is a cautious guy, he does not allow ships with artillery to appear near the slaughter dock, and does not allow the Butcher's Bridge to be included in the range of any cannon, but unfortunately, he overlooked a very crucial point—— shipyard.

The pirates of the Hook Gang supervised the fire doors of the cannons on every incoming ship, but they didn't realize that the broken copper and iron that were parked in the shipyard for repairs were also very dangerous.

Thinking of this, Sarah's sexy lips were slightly pursed, and the corners of her mouth were raised, provoking a charming smile.

At this moment, facing the raging fire, an indescribable pleasure still made Sarah feel comfortable all over.

Planck killed her parents 15 years ago.

After that, Sarah spent five years learning to survive, and ten years preparing for revenge, and finally today, she successfully destroyed everything about Planck.

While feeling refreshed, an indescribable emptiness flooded my heart.

Even though Lux had reminded her, Sarah still felt a little bit confused after her revenge was avenged.

"It's all over." Raven, the first mate of the Siren, appeared beside Sarah at some point, "Planck is finished."

"It's not over yet." Sarah narrowed her eyes slightly, "The Hook Gang must be liquidated, and the taverns, bars, warehouses, and fishing boats that were once sheltered by him must also accept a new order... This is just the beginning !"

Raven looked at his captain with some surprise, and then nodded firmly—after Planck was finished, the Siren under Sarah might not be the strongest, but it was already the most well-prepared.

With such full preparations, he believes that Bilgewater's future will be very different.

The fire at the slaughter dock was still burning.

In the chaos, the Siren slowly sailed into the pier as a victor.

Sarah didn't even know herself that the public execution she had planned had accidentally wiped out Planck's divine power—he was no longer feared by the Bilgewater people, and belonged to the divine power of the Bilgewater God. The moment he fell into the water, there was nothing left in the end.

The tinkling bells still echo through the streets of Bilgewater.

But this time, it no longer represents the authority of Plague of the Sea, but serves as his death knell, marking the end of a pirate king's exit.

 Karya's Small Classroom: The Wave of Flame:

  For the detailed story of Drizzt and Graves, please refer to the official novel "Tide of Fire". This story is very interesting and worth reading, so I won't repeat the word count here.

  Plus more 12/30.

(End of this chapter)

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