Lux's Farewell

Chapter 183 【0180】

Chapter 183 【0180】
If there is no prompt from Lux, it may take Sarah a lot of time to wake up from the joy of successful revenge.

However, after Lux vaccinated her, when the emptiness of successful revenge hit, Sarah immediately found a new target for herself.

Organize the Ionian trade.

Sarah agrees with Lux very much. For Bilgewater, the Ionian trade is a good opportunity.

Although Sarah, who grew up in Bilgewater, was familiar with pirates, she had never engaged in robbery herself—in her opinion, being an armed merchant was a pretty good idea, both in terms of safety and profit. Better than being a pirate.

However, when she began to seriously think about trade-related matters, a growing chaos broke out and quickly swept across Bilgewater.

Planck is finished, but Sarah, as the instigator, underestimated the impact of "Planck finished in front of everyone", even if she reacted immediately, the situation in Bilgewater was still disturbed. It got worse.

People who have seen Planck end can be roughly divided into two types.

The first type fell into panic and couldn’t extricate themselves. Their thinking was that "Planck is so powerful that he would die if he said it"; the second type was ignited by Planck’s death and fell into madness. Come "Planck has ruled Bilgewater for so long, and that's all it seems to be".

Either way, it will be the source of chaos in Bilgewater in the future.

Therefore, when Sarah wanted to invite several powerful social groups to negotiate, hoping that everyone could sit down and chat, no one responded to her.

Everyone is busy playing the game of big fish eating small fish - they all hope to be the next Planck.

Under such circumstances, Sarah simply and neatly gave up Plan [-], which was a peaceful solution to the problem, and switched to Plan [-]—the Siren under her command quickly went into martial law, and the sailors under her command occupied the slaughter dock for repairs. factories and shipyards, while beginning to expand their influence.

As Sarah officially ended, the whole Bilgewater was in chaos.


Lux, who was in Bilgewater, saw the war head-on for the first time in her life.

Although the pirates and gangsters in Bilgewater cannot be banned like the regular army, this does not prevent them from robbing various "strategic locations" like the regular army.

And this kind of competition undoubtedly brought huge troubles to Bilgewater.

When fishing boats go out to sea, in addition to the basic tithe, they also need to pay protection fees to many people-the Iron Hook Gang was quickly wiped out under the tacit understanding of all forces, and then all participating forces have obtained the "inheritance" Defender” claim, and began to take the initiative to collect protection fees.

And the slaughtering pier is a popular place, and there are four or five gangs, big and small, staring at it. The boss, who was annoyed by the protection fee, simply closed down. They no longer buy the harvest of fishing boats, sea monsters and sea fish that cannot be sold. It was piled up on the pier, making the already bad-smelling slaughter pier even more stinky.

For these wealthy bosses, this choice is understandable.

But in Bilgewater, people with savings are really rare,

Without these sea fish and sea monsters, Bilgewater fell into a strange famine—the fishermen stopped fishing because they were exploited too severely, and the sea monster butchers stopped working, and the fish that everyone eats every day is now gone up.

For the first time, Lux, who was in it, truly experienced the ignorant and chaotic state of Shurima before Shurima was established in the stories of Kalya.

Planck is a complete jerk.

But this bastard... is, in a sense, a symbol of order in Bilgewater.

No matter how the order of garbage is, it is order.

Without this order, the king's banner can only be changed at the top of the city.

Amidst the chaos, Lux simply took out Planck's investment in herself and built a small shelter in White Harbor to provide protection for the helpless Bilgewater fishermen and dock workers.

During the period, some people naturally wanted to wipe some oil and water.

As for this kind of bastard who reached out to civilians, Lux didn't have the slightest scruples. After eliminating two waves of guys with short eyes in a row, this place finally became a rare safe haven.

"Kalya, is this war?" In the dead of night, looking at the quiet shelter, Lux couldn't fall asleep, "When I was young, Demacia was also fighting, but I have never seen this kind of formation." battle……"

"Because the flames of war have not reached the capital of Demacia, and the order of Demacia is still there." Carya said softly, "Why, I feel a little unacceptable?"

"I always feel a little guilty." Lux scratched her wet long blond hair, "Maybe things don't have to come to this point."

"No, as long as Planck is finished, things will definitely come to this point." Kalya saw clearly, "The main reason is that you subconsciously substituted Bilgewater with the situation in other places you have seen. So there was a little misjudgment."

"Wrong judgment?" Lux was a little puzzled, "What wrong judgment?"

"Bilgewater is different from other places. The social structure here is very primitive and unstable." Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kalya began to teach Lacus, "As a city of pirates, the only rules here are Planck's will, so with Planck gone, it's bound to be a mess."

"But in Zaun, the only law used to be what the Alchemy Baron said..." Lux blinked, still a little confused, "But after the Alchemy Baron was eliminated, Zaun did not appear in this chaos .”

"There are two main reasons for the stability of Zaun." Kalya explained, "The first is that organizations representing the interests of Zaun workers have been established before the alchemy baron is finished; the second reason is that Zaun The bottom line of Bilgewater is much higher than that of Bilgewater, and there is a complete social organization, most people have a detailed social orientation, and there are old and young people in the middle-aged."


Lacus thought for a while, and found that the facts were indeed as Carya said.

"In Zaun, workers have to work in factories, and miners also need to dig in mines. Most people are producers." Carya continued, "In Bilgewater, apart from fishermen, sea monster butchers And operators, most of them are not producers—if the Alchemy Baron is just an exploiter, then these thugs can only be regarded as predators."


"Yeah, arresting and looting in a disorderly and unruly manner." Kalya snorted, with a little more disgust in his tone, "In Zaun, we eliminated those exploiters; but in Givot, for example, , the predators are still alive and well, everyone depends on their ability, the big fish eats the small fish, how can Bilgewater not be chaotic?"

Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. The chaos in Bilgewater taught Lux an extremely vivid lesson.

 Carya's Little Classroom: Sea Monster Butcher:
  Guys who specialize in cutting up sea monster carcasses, they are not only skilled with knives, but also able to distinguish the usable parts and unusable parts of different sea monsters, which is an important part of Bilgewater's fishing industry.

  PS. Today’s chapter—I realized that there are so many people in the community I live in after I started the inspection and accounting of all employees...

(End of this chapter)

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