Lux's Farewell

Chapter 184 【0181】

Chapter 184 【0181】
Because of the simple social structure, Bilgewater was chaotic and recovered quickly.

In just five days, in the game of big fish eating small fish among the various "vibrant social groups", a new order was born in this port city from nothing.

The order is very simple, and it's almost just that the areas controlled by each group conduct their own affairs, but such a drastic change still brought Lux a lot of understanding.

Unlike Zaun, the astonishing changes that have taken place in Bilgewater are clearly "apolitical."

Here, there are no political transactions and interest exchanges, and there are no centipedes that are dead but not stiff.

In the cruel Bilgewater, there is only one whale and all living beings—after the Hook Gang lost its dominance, it was swarmed by other small groups and completely destroyed. Anyone who bears the brand of the Hook Gang will face liquidation.

Almost when the Hook Gang Whale Fall was completely digested, the small fish in this game were also almost cleaned up.

The remaining few decent groups, Partition occupied the various docks, warehouses and markets of Bilgewater.

As the most powerful one among them, Sarah took the initiative to convey the negotiation signal.

Under the leadership of Sarah, these "big fish" finally began to tentatively send people to communicate. If everything goes well, the result of their communication will become the main order of Bilgewater in the future.

Now, although a new order has not yet been established, compared to the slump a few days ago, Bilgewater has finally recovered a bit of livelihood.

Without the unacceptable multiple charges, the captains of the fishing boats finally set sail after throwing a golden siren into the sea.

The taverns that had been closed for many days were open for business, and those who were engaged in the flesh and blood business began to receive a large number of customers. Bilgewater seemed to have changed a lot, but it seemed that it hadn't changed at all—but whether it changed or not, I heard that various gangs and pirates When the group was going to sit down and talk, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Except Planck.


That's right, the guy Planck is not dead.

Sarah's plan destroyed his "pirate god" power, but the power provided by the Nagakaporos Trials he participated in as a young man ultimately saved Planck's life.

When the gunfire tore the deck and the Hades really sank into the Hades, he was engulfed by the sinking vortex of the hull and sank to the bottom of the sea—but under the protection of that part of Nagakaporos' divine power, he Finally crawled back to shore.

However, his right hand sank forever on the slaughter dock, becoming the food of an unknown animal.

Planck, who returned to the shore, didn't know who the traitor was, nor did he know what happened, but he at least maintained the most basic sense.

After this big somersault, he didn't gather his troops immediately, but came out of the temple of Nagakaporos alone.

For Plank, at this time, the subordinates of the Hook Gang are no longer reliable - after this incident, the people of Bilgewater are no longer afraid of themselves, even if the Hook Gang is unscathed, it is difficult for him to continue to rule The city of pirates!

Under the huge blow, Planck crawled out of the Nagakaporos Temple like a walking dead.

He didn't know why he came here—or rather, whether it was emotion or reason, it was urging him to come here, urging him to meet Illaoi.

Emotionally, it was his old love, or the only love.

Intellectually, it may be Planck's only chance to convince Illaoi to make a comeback.

"Where is Illaoi?" Lying outside the temple gate, he yelled loudly, "Tell her to come see me——Illaoi!"

"I'm here, Plank," Illaoi said, leaning her mind on her shoulders, "Plank, shut your mouth—it makes you look like a piece of shit."

"My ship, it's gone." Seeing Illaoi, Plank seemed like a child who had lost everything, "It's all gone."

"I don't care about your boat." Illaoi shook her head. "That's why I dumped you."

"What you said back then was that I want to move on and go back to sea." Plank clearly remembered every word Illaoi said at that time, "but to go to sea, I need a boat."

"I remember what you said." Illaoi looked down at the distressed old love in front of her, "You only need a canoe to go to sea."

"I used to have the Nether Abyss!" Stimulated by this look, Plank couldn't help but screamed, "Bilgewater is also my territory—"

"But now, you are just a lost dog." Illaoi bent down, "You have nothing but the pride of being a disaster of the sea."

"As long as someone supports me..." Plank gritted his teeth, "Give me a chance, I'm still the king of Bilgewater—"

"If it is not necessary, don't increase the entity." Illaoi did not continue. In her snake-like eyes, the brilliance representing humanity finally faded away, "Since you think you can turn the tables, then Come on!"

The next moment, Illaoi stretched out her arm.

Through the psychic, she stretched out her spirit, calling on the energy of Nagakaporos.

A glowing mist poured out from the mouth of the statue, and a blue-green energy vortex surrounded the statue of the sea monster.

These energies gradually materialized and turned into tentacles—against the golden idol, these tentacles were as beautiful as the sunrise on the sea, and at the same time as terrifying as the darkest abomination on the bottom of the sea.

In Planck's field of vision, the number of tentacles protruding from the statue grew at an astonishing rate, and they stretched out completely, pulling Planck's soul tightly.


Like the last groan of a drowning person, Plank quickly lost consciousness.

"Facing Nagakaporos!" Illaoi held up the gods, and even Planck's body was dragged up like a dead dog in the water, "Prove yourself!"

Like Lux before him, Planck was brought into the trial.

Unlike Lux, Plank has no protection from Kalya, and the trials he faces are even more terrifying.

In this world, countless huge tentacles kept hitting the already scarred captain.

Plank staggered and rolled in the waves, trying to stay as low as possible to avoid the attack.

But with each dodge, more tentacles appear.

As the tentacles attacked him, they pushed him down, farther and farther away from his own soul—closer and closer to annihilation.

The pain of soul stripping and annihilation soon surpassed the pain of physical mutilation, and Planck soon reached the limit of the trial.

And in this extreme situation, he finally ushered in a breakthrough.

In the dark, Plank felt that this might be the last attack of the tentacles. He stepped up on the waves, and finally did not continue to dodge, but took the initiative to meet the endless tentacles—the will to live was strong enough, this This is the only way to pass the Nagakaporos Trial.

Even if this moment will be caught in the sea by the tentacles, as long as you make it through, the trial will be considered a success!

With this in mind, Plank puffed out his chest.

The next moment, the tentacle slammed down heavily.

The pain of being crushed caused Planck's soul to wail uncontrollably, but in addition to the pain, Planck's heart also burst into joy—that's it, after taking this blow, through the snake mother Trials, a comeback...

However, just when everything was moving in the direction Planck expected and he was about to pass the trial and start a comeback, in the world of the trial, the waves under Planck suddenly dissipated, replaced by a small Small, golden sandy beach.

With a snap, Planck was photographed on the beach.

 Carya's Small Classroom·Golden Beach:

  The golden beach is not only a cheating tool to help Lux pass the trial, but also a small "dark imprint" left by Kalya to the gods.

(End of this chapter)

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