Lux's Farewell

Chapter 185 [0182] Unexpected harvest

Chapter 185 [0182] Unexpected harvest
Planck was overwhelmed by Karya.

In fact, Karya asked Lax to participate in the trial of Nagakaporos before. In addition to what he told Lax "to let her understand the meaning of the concept of God" and "to prepare for climbing Mount Targon", there is also An unspoken purpose.

That is the person who, if possible, will cheat and then conduct the trial.

In the flame wave without Karya, Planck finally escaped with his life, passed the trial of Nagakaporos, and was qualified to come back.

Kalya didn't want this guy to survive—so, if possible, it would be better to wipe him out completely.

Therefore, while rescuing Lax in the trial, Kalya also left something of her own for Shenxin.

After all, judging from the situation of Lux's participation in the trial, the world of this trial is indeed based on the mighty power of Nagakaporos, but the direct creator is Illaoi—with Kalya's ability, without telling Illaoi, quietly leave a little mark on her trial world through Shenxin... It's still possible.

And this move is now working.

At the most critical moment, Planck was photographed on the beach.

Trial failed!


Maybe it was because Planck was tough enough, or Illaoi chose to take shelter when she had no more feelings left. Although the trial failed, Planck barely survived in the end.

The priest of Nagakaporos bandaged him briefly, and then threw him out of the temple.

Half of his body was soaked in the icy sea water, and the stinging pain from the wound made Planck, whose consciousness was somewhat fuzzy, wake up again.

Iron Hook didn't help, and the snake mother also abandoned herself.

There was darkness in front of Planck.

Just when he was about to fall into despair, a deep voice appeared beside his ear.

"Look who this is, it's Planck! But why is the mighty Planck soaking in the sea miserably?"

"Who are you?" Plank tried to raise his head, trying to see the face of the man who laughed at himself, "Let me see, which little crab is laughing at the stranded baitfish—"

"Oh, it's terrible, I heard Planck's threat, this is the threat of the disaster of the sea!" What appeared in front of Planck was not a face of a villain, but a long, sticky tongue, "La la la la, I'm so scared; la la la la, I'm scared to death!"

A funny little short hand grabbed the end of this tongue and pulled it into a string, while the other short hand of the owner of the tongue was like playing a piano, plucking the string rhythmically .

Not only that, but the guy played and sang, drooling and gleeful—as if there wasn't any schadenfreude, just pure, unadulterated joy.

Plank narrowed his eyes.

Big mouth, long tongue, fat body, bulging belly, round head...

Putting these wonderful combinations together, together with an ill-fitting dress and a ridiculous-looking top hat, Plank quickly remembered some stories that he regarded as fantasy.

"Tam Kenzie," said a moan in Ocean's Plague's throat, "too bad you've got the wrong man—I'm not a stupid gambler."

"You were not in the past." Tam retracted his tongue. "In the past, you were the mother snake's favorite, the disaster of the sea, the master of this port...but unfortunately, you are not now."


Plank didn't speak.

"So, if you want to get everything back, you can only choose to gamble!" Tam seemed satisfied with Planck's reaction, and patted his big belly happily, "Come on, chat with the devil, Luckily for you, Tam wasn't very hungry today, and you had plenty of time before I wanted to start eating—"

Plank wanted nothing to do with this demon from the bottom of his heart.

But reason told him that this might be his only option.

"What are you talking about?" Planck barely sat up, "Bone carving?"

"Gourmet food." Tam stretched out his hand, and the noodles appeared in his hand at some point overnight, "Would you like to try Tam's cooking?"




Thanks to the chaos in Bilgewater, the disappearance of a few gamblers in a game of big fish eating small fish didn't cause any waves.

When the situation gradually stabilized and Sarah began to talk to everyone about the Ionian trade, the two commercial streets in Rat Town changed their speakers, and no one noticed.

The guy with the mask and one bandaged right hand had a hoarse, low voice, and said "yes" for the entire meeting, and then said nothing.

Many people even secretly wondered if this guy named Tucker fell asleep.

But that's it.

Although theoretically speaking, everyone here is a competitor if they want to become the next ocean disaster, but Tucker's territory and manpower are pitifully small, so he is not taken seriously by most of them.

No one knew that when everyone was bragging to each other about his "great contribution in the fight to bring down the Hook Gang", he was almost on the verge of making a fuss.

Obviously, this Mr. Tucker is none other than Planck.

In other words, Planck who accepted the power of the devil.

Planck, who lost his right arm, was shaped by the power of the devil, and has a slightly short, but very useful right arm-this new arm is strong and powerful, and it is covered with a layer of scales. In Tom's words, this is a "meeting ceremony".

Plank didn't know why Tamm was helping him.

Demons are no fun, and in Bilgewater stories, Tam has always been a greedy and cunning guy who has nothing to do with kindness.

Planck was ready to pay the price.

But before paying the price, he must send those who plot against others to hell first!

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that Miss Shadow might also be involved in this conspiracy and that she could not carry weapons during the negotiation, I am afraid that when Sarah appeared and proposed to carry out the Ionian trade, Planck would The case has already been filed.

"Anger is the most useless emotion." Tamm's voice made Plank barely calm down, "Anger is not even enough to give birth to a demon... Tsk tsk tsk, put away your anger, it makes me feel sick. "

"When will we start?" Plank completely ignored the yin and yang in Tam's words, "Kill them, I'll give you whatever you want!"

"Don't worry, we still have a lot of time!" Tam's tone was extremely cheerful, "Let's take our time..."

 Carya's Little Classroom Planck's original fate:

  If there is no Karya, then Planck will pass Illaoi's second trial, get some of her support, and quickly make a comeback - but unfortunately, this time he was deceived by Karya, the trial failed, and in the end only Can be with Tamm.

(End of this chapter)

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